21 research outputs found

    The GUINEVERE Project for Accelerator Driven System Physics

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    paper 9414International audienceThe GUINEVERE project is part of the EUROTRANS Integrated Project of the 6th EURATOM Framework Programme. It is mainly devoted to ADS on-line reactivity monitoring validation, sub-criticality determination and operational procedures (loading, start-up, shut-down, ...) as a follow-up of the MUSE experiments. The project consists in coupling a fast lead core, set-up in the VENUS reactor at SCK*CEN Mol (B), with a GENEPI neutron source under construction by CNRS. To accommodate the accelerator in a vertical coupling configuration, the VENUS building is being heightened. The fast core will be loaded with enriched Uranium and will be moderated and reflected with solid lead (zero power experiment). For the purpose of the experimental programme, the neutron source has to be operated not only in pulsed mode but also in continuous mode to investigate the current-to-flux reactivity indicator in representative conditions of a powerful ADS. In this latter mode it is also required to make short beam interruptions to have access to the neutron population decrease as a function of time: from this spectrum it will be possible to apply different analysis techniques such as "prompt decay" fitting techniques and "source jerk" techniques. Beam interruptions will be repeated at a programmable frequency to improve time spectra statistics. Different sub-criticality levels (keff=0.99, 0.97, 0.95, ...) will be investigated in order to obtain a full set of data points for the final overall validation of the methodology. This paper describes the status of the experimental facility assembling, and the foreseen experimental programme to be started

    The GUINEVERE project at the VENUS facility

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    Proc. on CD Rom log315International audienceThe GUINEVERE project is an international project in the framework of IP-EUROTRANS, the FP6 program which aims at addressing the main issues for ADS development in the framework of partitioning and transmutation for nuclear waste volume and radiotoxicity reduction. The GUINEVERE project is carried out in the context of domain 2 of IP-EUROTRANS, ECATS, devoted to specific experiments for the coupling of an accelerator, a target and a subcritical core. These experiments should provide an answer to the questions of online reactivity monitoring, sub-criticality determination and operational procedures (loading, start-up, shutdown, …) in an ADS by 2009-2010. The project has the objective to couple a fast lead core, within the VENUS building operated by the SCK•CEN, with a neutron generator able to work in three different modes: pulsed, continuous and continuous with beam interruptions at the millisecond scale. In order to achieve this goal, the VENUS facility has to be adapted and a modified GENEPI-3C accelerator has to be designed and constructed. The paper describes the main modifications to the reactor core and facility and to the accelerator, which will be executed during the years 2008 and 2009, and the experimental programme which will start in 2009

    Des réacteurs sous-critiques pilotés par accélérateur dédiés à la transmutation des déchets ?

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    ADS reactivity measurements from MUSE to TRADE (and where do we Go from here?)

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    International audienceThis paper provides a link between the MUSE (MUltiplication avec SourceExterne) program performed at CEA-Cadarache in France, and the TRADE(TRiga Accelerator Driven Experiment) program performed at ENEA-Casacciain Italy. In both programs, extensive measurements were made to determinethe best methods for sub-criticality measurements in an accelerator-driven system.A very serious attempt was made to quantify the uncertainties associatedwith such measurements. While both MUSE and TRADE studied the methodsof sub-criticality determination, in fact the two systems are very different.MUSE was a fast system with MOX fuel (generation time around 0.5 μs), andTRADE was performed in a TRIGA reactor (generation time around 50 μs).This paper will summarize the important results of these two experiments,with the main purpose being to tie them together to attempt to draw genericconclusions that can be applied in the future to a real ADS.In addition, this paper will briefly discuss the next series of experiments thatwill continue this work in the U.S. (RACE, Reactor Accelerator Coupled Experiments),Belarus (YALINA), Belgium (GUINEVERE), and Russia (SAD,Sub-critical Assembly Dubna). MUSE and TRADE have contributed greatlyto our understanding of the uncertainties associated with sub-critical measurements,but there are still some gaps that must be covered. This paper willdescribe the gaps that exist, and demonstrate how the above future programswill fill in the missing information needed for the design of an actual ADSsystem in the future