55 research outputs found

    ADC mapping of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced by carotid artery stenosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Carotid artery stenosis is associated with the occurrence of acute and chronic ischemic lesions that increase with age in the elderly population. Diffusion Imaging and ADC mapping may be an appropriate method to investigate patients with chronic hypoperfusion consecutive to carotid stenosis. This non-invasive technique allows to investigate brain integrity and structure, in particular hypoperfusion induced by carotid stenosis diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a carotid stenosis on the parenchyma using ADC mapping. METHODS: Fifty-nine patients with symptomatic (33) and asymptomatic (26) carotid stenosis were recruited from our multidisciplinary consultation. Both groups demonstrated a similar degree of stenosis. All patients underwent MRI of the brain including diffusion-weighted MR imaging with ADC mapping. Regions of interest were defined in the anterior and posterior paraventricular regions both ipsilateral and contralateral to the stenosis (anterior circulation). The same analysis was performed for the thalamic and occipital regions (posterior circulation). RESULTS: ADC values of the affected vascular territory were significantly higher on the side of the stenosis in the periventricular anterior (P<0.001) and posterior (P<0.01) area. There was no difference between ipsilateral and contralateral ADC values in the thalamic and occipital regions. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that carotid stenosis is associated with significantly higher ADC values in the anterior circulation, probably reflecting an impact of chronic hypoperfusion on the brain parenchyma in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. This is consistent with previous data in the literature

    ADC mapping of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced by carotid artery stenosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Carotid artery stenosis is associated with the occurrence of acute and chronic ischemic lesions that increase with age in the elderly population. Diffusion Imaging and ADC mapping may be an appropriate method to investigate patients with chronic hypoperfusion consecutive to carotid stenosis. This non-invasive technique allows to investigate brain integrity and structure, in particular hypoperfusion induced by carotid stenosis diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a carotid stenosis on the parenchyma using ADC mapping. METHODS: Fifty-nine patients with symptomatic (33) and asymptomatic (26) carotid stenosis were recruited from our multidisciplinary consultation. Both groups demonstrated a similar degree of stenosis. All patients underwent MRI of the brain including diffusion-weighted MR imaging with ADC mapping. Regions of interest were defined in the anterior and posterior paraventricular regions both ipsilateral and contralateral to the stenosis (anterior circulation). The same analysis was performed for the thalamic and occipital regions (posterior circulation). RESULTS: ADC values of the affected vascular territory were significantly higher on the side of the stenosis in the periventricular anterior (P<0.001) and posterior (P<0.01) area. There was no difference between ipsilateral and contralateral ADC values in the thalamic and occipital regions. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that carotid stenosis is associated with significantly higher ADC values in the anterior circulation, probably reflecting an impact of chronic hypoperfusion on the brain parenchyma in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. This is consistent with previous data in the literature

    Produção de repolho branco chinês (pak choi) sob proteção com "não tecido" de polipropileno Yield of pak choi crop under non woven polypropylene

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    O cultivo do repolho branco chinês (pak choi) (Brassica campestris var. chinensis) foi avaliado nas condições de inverno dos Campos Gerais (PR), sob proteção, com "não tecido" de polipropileno branco, também conhecido como agrotêxtil, nas gramaturas de 17 e 25 g/m², comparado com o cultivo sem proteção. Os híbridos usados foram Canton e Chouyou com semeadura em bandejas de poliestireno expandido em 11/05/00 e transplante no estádio de 4-5 folhas definitivas, em 23/06/00. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com 5 repetições, tendo os tratamentos seguido esquema fatorial 3x2. Cada parcela teve 36 plantas distribuídas no espaçamento 0,30 x 0,30m. Após o transplante, nas parcelas respectivas, as plantas foram cobertas com o agrotêxtil como uma manta flutuante. As avaliações na colheita, realizada de acordo com a maturidade das plantas foram: número de folhas, altura da parte aérea, diâmetro da base, peso de matéria fresca e matéria seca de plantas. A porcentagem de plantas com florescimento prematuro foi avaliada aos 51 dias. No cultivo sem proteção, as plantas do híbrido Canton foram prejudicadas pela geada, apresentando os bordos foliares totalmente queimados, enquanto o híbrido Chouyou não teve nenhum sintoma visual de dano por geada. O agrotêxtil protegeu as plantas contra a geada e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento mais rápido das plantas, possibilitando colheita precoce aos 38 dias do transplante quando usou-se gramatura de 25 g/m² e aos 42 dias na de 17 g/m². No cultivo sem proteção, a colheita ocorreu somente aos 46 dias. Entre os híbridos, Canton foi mais precoce que Chouyou. No entanto, Canton foi suscetível ao florescimento prematuro na estação de inverno, apresentando algumas plantas com esta ocorrência aos 36 dias do transplante. A proteção com polipropileno promoveu a produção de plantas com qualidade superior do produto observada através das características de maior peso de matéria fresca e matéria seca, diâmetro da base da planta e altura da parte aérea, quando comparada com o cultivo sem proteção. Entre as gramaturas testadas, destacou-se a de 25 g/m², no híbrido Canton, na característica de precocidade da colheita nas condições de inverno dos Campos Gerais.<br>Yield of chinese white cabbage (pak choi) (jBrassica campestris var. chinensis), hybrids Canton and Chouyou were evaluated under 17 and 25 g/m-2 of non woven white polypropylene in winter, compared to open field at Campos Gerais, Brazil. Sowing date was in March, 11th and plants were transplanted to the field at the stage of 4 - 5 leaves in june, 23rd. A randomized block experimental design was used with five replications in a factorial scheme 3x2. Non woven polypropylene was used as row cover after transplanting. At the harvest according to plant maturity, the number of leaves, plant height, diameter of plant basis, plant fresh weight and dry matter were evaluated. The percentage of plants with bolting was evaluated at 51 days after transplanting. Under field conditions, plants from hybrid Canton were damaged showing the leaf extremity entirely nipped by frost but the hybrid Chouyou was resistant. Non woven protected the plants against frost and promoted a faster plant development and early crop at 38 days after transplanting with the use of a grid of 25 g/m-2, at 42 days with 17 g/m-2. Under open field conditions harvest was made only after 46 days. The superior quality under non woven when compared to open field conditions was observed with the characteristics of higher plant fresh weight, dry matter of plants, number of leaves, plant height and diameter of plant basis. Between both hybrids taken into account at the current study Canton was more precocious than Chouyou; however Canton initiated bolting at 36 days after transplanting. Non woven with a grid of 25 g/m-2, compared to that one of 17 g/m-2 was superior to hybrid Canton for the characteristic of earliness at the winter season in Campos Gerais, Paraná State, Brazil