188 research outputs found

    La liste civile de Napoléon III : le pouvoir impérial et les arts, Thèse de doctorat en histoire de l'art

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    Thèse de doctorat en histoire de l'art, sous la direction de Jean-Michel Leniaud, École pratique des hautes études, Paris, soutenue en juin 2000 devant un jury constitué de Jean-Paul Bouillon, Jean-Louis Harouel, Ségolène Le Men, Jean-Michel Leniaud et Pierre Vaisse, mention Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury. La liste civile et son emploiLa liste civile est apparue en France sous le règne de Louis XVI, en 1790, suivant le modèle anglais. Il s'agissait d'une somme attribuée au souv..

    L'écart écologique entre les genres en matière de consommation responsable : exploration des facteurs en cause au Québec

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    L’objectif de cet essai est d’explorer les causes de l’écart écologique entre les genres (ou eco-gender gap en anglais) en matière de consommation responsable au Québec. La consommation responsable représentant un levier essentiel pour réduire l’empreinte écologique des individus – elle pourrait en effet contribuer à diminuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la population mondiale de 75 % d’ici 2050, il importe d’identifier les freins associés au genre qui peuvent nuire à l’adoption de tels comportements. Les résultats de la recherche suggèrent que certains facteurs sociaux, dont la socialisation, les valeurs, les stéréotypes et le statut socio-économique, ainsi que certaines pratiques de marketing commercial et social, peuvent avoir une influence sur la propension des femmes et des hommes à adopter des comportements de consommation responsable distincts. À la suite d’entretiens semi-dirigés conduits auprès d’expertes et d’experts dans les domaines de la psychologie et de la sociologie de l’environnement, du marketing commercial et social et auprès d’une commerçante, plusieurs facteurs sociaux et pratiques de marketing ont été identifiés comme ayant le potentiel de contribuer à l’écart écologique entre les genres dans la province. Parmi les facteurs sociaux identifiés, les valeurs de la population québécoise et la présence de stéréotypes genrés semblent jouer un rôle significatif dans l’écart écologique entre les femmes et les hommes. Parmi les différentes pratiques de marketing ayant été identifiées comme pouvant avoir une influence sur l’eco-gender gap, le produit et la proposition, ainsi que la promotion et la communication sociale, semblent être les pratiques ayant la plus grande influence. En effet, les femmes étant les premières consommatrices de produits écoresponsables, plusieurs d’entre eux seraient potentiellement conçus spécialement pour elles, ce qui pourrait avoir tendance à décourager les hommes de les consommer. De plus, en raison du discours plutôt égalitaire au Québec, les spécialistes du marketing auraient tendance à minimiser l’aspect genré de leurs campagnes. La divergence entre le discours et les pratiques pourrait donc contribuer à exacerber l’écart entre les femmes et les hommes en matière de comportement écoresponsable. Afin de réduire l’influence de ces facteurs sur l’écart écologique entre les genres au Québec, quatre recommandations ont été émises. La première invite le public professionnel multidisciplinaire concerné par les comportements de consommation responsable à approfondir la recherche sur le lien entre le genre et la consommation responsable. Il est ensuite suggéré à ce même public de reconnaître l’utilisation de pratiques genrées en marketing. La troisième recommandation suggère d’ailleurs au public professionnel visé d’utiliser ces pratiques pour déconstruire les stéréotypes de genre en marketing en adaptant leurs campagnes à un public masculin, et ce, sans tomber dans le sexisme. La dernière recommandation invite le public professionnel à encourager autant les gestes de la sphère privée que ceux de la sphère publique afin d’encourager les comportements écoresponsables chez un public plus large et d’ainsi diminuer la charge accrue des femmes pour la protection de l’environnement

    Do health service waiting areas contribute to the health literacy of consumers? A scoping review

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    Health service waiting areas commonly provide health information, resources and supports for consumers; however, the effect on health literacy and related outcomes remains unclear. This scoping review of the literature aimed to explore the use of waiting areas as a place to contribute to the health literacy and related outcomes of consumers attending health appointments. Articles were included if they focussed on health literacy or health literacy responsiveness (concept) in outpatient or primary care health service waiting areas (context) for adult consumers (population) and were published after 2010. Ten bibliographic databases, one full-text archive, dissertation repositories and web sources were searched. The search yielded 5095 records. After duplicate removal, 3942 title/abstract records were screened and 360 full-text records assessed. Data were charted into a standardized data extraction tool. A total of 116 unique articles (published empirical and grey literature) were included. Most articles were set in primary and community care (49%) waiting areas. A diverse range of health topics and resource types were available, but results demonstrated they were not always used by consumers. Outcomes measured in intervention studies were health knowledge, intentions and other psychological factors, self-reported and observed behaviours, clinical outcomes and health service utilization. Intervention studies overall demonstrated positive trends in health literacy-related outcomes, although the benefit declined after 3-6 months. Research on using waiting areas for health literacy purposes is increasing globally. Future research investigating the needs of consumers to inform optimal intervention design is needed. © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press

    Overestimating Self-Blame for Stressful Life Events and Adolescents’ Latent Trait Cortisol (LTC): The Moderating Role of Parental Warmth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence

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    Cognitive interpretations of stressful events impact their implications for physiological stress processes. However, whether such interpretations are related to trait cortisol—an indicator of individual differences in stress physiology—is unknown. In 112 early adolescent girls (M age = 12.39 years), this study examined the association between self-blame estimates for past year events and latent trait cortisol, and whether maternal warmth moderated effects. Overestimating self-blame (versus objective indices) for independent (uncontrollable) events was associated with lower latent trait cortisol, and maternal warmth moderated the effect of self-blame estimates on latent trait cortisol for each dependent (at least partially controllable) and interpersonal events. Implications for understanding the impact of cognitive and interpersonal factors on trait cortisol during early adolescence are discussed

    Metastable and unstable cellular solidification of colloidal suspensions

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    International audienceColloidal particles are often seen as big atoms that can be directly observed in real space. They are therefore playing an increasingly important role as model systems to study processes of interest in condensed matter physics such as melting, freezing and glass transitions. The solidification of colloidal suspensions has long been a puzzling phenomenon with many unexplained features. Here we demonstrate and rationalize the existence of instability and metastability domains in cellular solidification of colloidal suspensions, by direct in situ high-resolution X-ray radiography and tomography observations. We explain such interface instabilities by a partial Brownian diffusion of the particles leading to constitutional supercooling situations. Processing under unstable conditions leads to localized and global kinetic instabilities of the solid/liquid interface , affecting the crystals morphology and particle redistribution behaviour

    Diagnosis and surgical removal of brain abscesses in a juvenile alpaca

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    Case Description—A 1-month-old female alpaca was examined because of progressive clinical signs consistent with an intracranial lesion.<p></p> Clinical Findings—Clinical signs included signs of depression, lethargy, tetraparesis, and neck weakness. Two large isointense intracranial masses could be seen on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images. On T2-weighted images, the masses contained concentric rings of hypointense and hyperintense material.<p></p> Treatment and Outcome—2 abscesses were removed via a craniotomy that incorporated removal of the sagittal crest and surrounding skull and transection of the sagittal sinus. The bony deficit was replaced with polypropylene mesh. The alpaca recovered within 2 weeks and was fully integrated into the herd within 1 month after surgery.<p></p> Clinical Relevance—Findings indicated that surgical removal is a feasible means of successfully treating intracranial abscesses in juvenile alpacas

    Bibliothèques de musées, bibliothèques universitaires : des collections au service de l’histoire de l’art

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    By moving into the Labrouste reading room, the library of the Institut national de l’histoire de l’art will fulfill years of preparation, reflection, and debates that have punctuated its long gestation. As a descendant of the Bibliothèque d’art et d’archéologie Jacques Doucet, its affiliation with the university is today lively and meaningful. The incorporation of the Bibliothèque centrale des musées nationaux, formerly at the Louvre, on January 1, 2016 has invited museums into the heart of INHA’s collections. For the three entities concerned, this change has involved – and still involves – a questioning of the orientation and missions of the libraries they represent. The Louvre museum has launched a vast project of promotion and coordination of its libraries. After extensive preparatory work, the Bibliothèque centrale des musées nationaux (BCMN) has been physically absorbed into the INHA, requiring a necessary examination at the INHA, not only of its history, but also of its project. Indeed, for the INHA library, the foundation stone that is the BCMN consolidates this inauguration in completely renovated spaces: a reading room with four hundred seats, together with open-access stacks containing 150,000 documents on three levels, opening with the Bibliothèque nationale de France and in particular its département des Estampes et de la photographie, but also with the École nationale des chartes. The three texts that follow must therefore be read interactively as exchanges relating to what makes writing the history of art possible

    What factors affect implementation of early rehabilitation into intensive care unit practice? A qualitative study with clinicians

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    Purpose To identify the barriers and enablers that influence clinicians' implementation of early rehabilitation in critical care. Materials and methods Qualitative study involving 26 multidisciplinary participants who were recruited using purposive sampling. Four focus groups were conducted using semistructured questions to explore attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. Data were transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis was performed. Results Six themes emerged, as follows: (1) the clinicians' expectations and knowledge (including rationale for rehabilitation, perceived benefits, and experience), (2) the evidence for and application of rehabilitation (including beliefs regarding when to intervene), (3) patient factors (including prognosis, sedation, delirium, cooperation, motivation, goals, and family), (4) safety considerations (including physiological stability and presence of devices or lines), (5) environmental influences (staffing, resources, equipment, time, and competing priorities), and (6) culture and teamwork. Key strategies identified to facilitate rehabilitation included addressing educational needs for all multidisciplinary team members, supporting junior nursing staff, and potential expansion of physiotherapy staffing hours to closer align with the 24-hour patient care model. Conclusions Key barriers to implementation of early rehabilitation in critical care are diverse and include both clinician- and health care system–related factors. Research targeted at bridging this evidence-practice gap is required to improve provision of rehabilitation. © 2016 Elsevier Inc
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