7 research outputs found

    Dating the humans by radiocarbon

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    Radiocarbon has become a very powerful tool used for dating. This paper deals with a specific application of 14C, i.e. dating of humans. Attention is focused on those aspects that, if neglected, might lead to a misinterpretation of the results or to an unsatisfying accuracy of the measurement. After a brief description of the main principles on which the radiocarbon method is based and of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, examples taken from the research activity of INFN-LABEC (Laboratorio di Tecniche Nucleari per i Beni Culturali) in Florence are presented. The case of the relics of St. Francis represents an example of dating not directly human remains but other objects that can be associated to them. The case of two burials from the archaeological area of Baratti-Populonia, in Tuscany, gives the possibility to show the importance of estimating the human palaeodiet when dating bone samples

    Automatic Demand Response referred to electricity spot price. Demo description

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    Exchange of balancing resources between the Nordic synchronous system and the Netherlands / Germany / Poland

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    The development and growing integration of power markets and the rapid expansion of new renewable energy sources (RES) with less predictable output, will increase the need for balancing services in the near future. This is the background for the Competence Building (KMB) project “Balance Management”. This initial study provides an overview of the main principles for balance management and the challenges and possibilities related to exchange of reserves between countries and between separate synchronous systems via HVDC-links. The report starts with an introduction to the present practice with regard to balance management in the Nordic and the Northern part of the European Continent. The ongoing process towards Market Coupling between the different day ahead markets in Central Western Europe (CWE) and the Nord Pool area is described as a fundamental background for future integration of the balancing services. So is the Intraday trading, which also will be implemented in all the involved countries in a course of a few years.The use of terminology varies from region to region, reflecting the different properties and history inherited in the different parts of the power system. The main terms regarding imbalances, reserves, control actions and control regions/areas are therefore defined in the report in order to provide a common understanding. Market based solutions for prioritisation of the resources in merit order is used for secondary control in the Nordic system and in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. The main difference is the technical part where the secondary control on the Continent is based on Automatic Generation Control (AGC) while “manual” control of the “regulation objects” is used in the Nordic countries. Descriptions of the technical aspects, including control of HVDC connections, are presented in Appendix B and C in the report.The present schemes for power exchange between the two separate synchronous systems via HVDC links are described and potentialExchange of balancing resources between the Nordic synchronous system and the Netherlands / Germany / PolandpublishedVersio

    Market Based Demand Response Research Project summary

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    This report summarizes the main results and contributions from the “Market Based Demand Response” project (2005-2008).The project has been organized in three work packages with the following focuses: WP 1: Measures to increase the demand side price elasticity, WP 2: Technology and quality improvements in the “meter value chain” from the meter to the electricity bill and WP 3: International development through participation in the IEA/DSM project “Demand Response Resources”. One of the main aspects in this project was to encourage demand response to the marginal price in the electricity markets. Spot price energy products and Time of Day (ToD) tariffs have been used both for households and for larger customers. The principles and reason for the choice of tariffs are explained in the report.The following pilot tests involving households and medium sized customers have been carried out: a) “Fixed Price with Return options” energy contract, b) Remotely controlled load shifting, c) “Smart house” control in housing cooperative, d) Low prioritized loads controlled by building energy management system (institution and shop) and e) Automatic Demand Response to the electricity spot price.The Norwegian authorities have now decided that “smart meters” should be installed to all customers in Norway within 2014. Experiences from full-scale implementation of systems for automatic meter reading (AMR) have in this context been collected and described, and a specification of requirements for AMR systems is developed in cooperation with a group of network owners. Definitions of how to measure quality and availability of hourly meter data within the settlement period is proposed by the project.The main recommendations from the project:I) Temporary reduction in space heating and load shifting of water heaters are the most convenient demand response objects in Norway  II) Frequent metering is needed to secure that the responsive customers really get lower bills in periods with high pricesMarket Based Demand Response Research Project summarypublishedVersio

    ForbrukerfleksibilitetSynteserapport utformet for Norges forskningsråd i RENERGI-programmet

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    Forbrukerfleksibilitet - oppsummering av erfaringer fra RENERGI Gjennom RENERGI-programmet har det blitt gjennomført flere forskningsprosjekter med fokus på hvordan forbrukerfleksibilitet kan utnyttes i knapphetsperioder og til å effektivisere kraftmarkedet. Ved prisfleksibel anmelding til kraftmarkedet, kan bl.a. en liten forbruksreduksjon resultere i en stor reduksjon i pris. Strømkunden har gått fra å kun være et punkt i nettet der det ble tatt ut strøm, til å bli en framtidig ressurs for kraftsystemet. Det har blitt testet ut ulike prissignaler (nettariff og kraftprodukt) som stimulerer til forbruksendring og teknologi for fjernutkobling av lavprioritert forbruk. Testprosjektene har vist at motivasjon og insentiver er viktig for å oppnå en forbruksendring hos nærings- og husholdningskunder. Gjennomførte testprosjekter viser at forbrukerfleksibilitet kan realiseres med dagens teknologi. Det gjenstår derimot utfordringer med plassering av ansvar for daglig drift og oppfølging av forbrukerfleksibilitet for å sikre riktige insentiver hos ulike markedsaktører til kostnadseffektiv utnyttelse av denne ressursen

    ForbrukerfleksibilitetSynteserapport utformet for Norges forskningsråd i RENERGI-programmet

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    Forbrukerfleksibilitet - oppsummering av erfaringer fra RENERGI Gjennom RENERGI-programmet har det blitt gjennomført flere forskningsprosjekter med fokus på hvordan forbrukerfleksibilitet kan utnyttes i knapphetsperioder og til å effektivisere kraftmarkedet. Ved prisfleksibel anmelding til kraftmarkedet, kan bl.a. en liten forbruksreduksjon resultere i en stor reduksjon i pris. Strømkunden har gått fra å kun være et punkt i nettet der det ble tatt ut strøm, til å bli en framtidig ressurs for kraftsystemet. Det har blitt testet ut ulike prissignaler (nettariff og kraftprodukt) som stimulerer til forbruksendring og teknologi for fjernutkobling av lavprioritert forbruk. Testprosjektene har vist at motivasjon og insentiver er viktig for å oppnå en forbruksendring hos nærings- og husholdningskunder. Gjennomførte testprosjekter viser at forbrukerfleksibilitet kan realiseres med dagens teknologi. Det gjenstår derimot utfordringer med plassering av ansvar for daglig drift og oppfølging av forbrukerfleksibilitet for å sikre riktige insentiver hos ulike markedsaktører til kostnadseffektiv utnyttelse av denne ressursen.ForbrukerfleksibilitetSynteserapport utformet for Norges forskningsråd i RENERGI-programmetpublishedVersio