2 research outputs found

    Tratamientos pregerminativos y germinaci贸n de semillas de Vochysia lehmannii en los llanos orientales de Colombia

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    Contextualization: Vochysia lehmannii is a native forest species of ecological importance in the eastern savannas of Colombia, used for ornamental, timber, food, and medicinal purposes. Knowledge gap: Its population and distribution are in progressive decline; however, it is not included in reforestation programs due to the lack of scientific knowledge about its germination, particularly about the synchrony of germination and environmental factors that influence it. Purpose: In this work, pre-germinative treatments with elements from the region are evaluated to identify which achieves the highest percentage of germination in a synchronous manner. Methodology: An experimental design with two factors: substrate and pre-germination treatments were established in the rural zone La Peral, Municipality of Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, Colombia. Black soil and river sand were used as substrates, and sanding, cutting and immersion in hot water were used as pre-germinative treatments. Results and conclusions: The treatment that obtained the highest germination percentage and the shortest dormancy time was the fertilized soil with seed cut, having a result of 80 % and 7 days respectively, with significant differences (P < 0.01) from the other treatments; however, asynchrony in germination persists.Contextualizaci贸n: Vochysia lehmannii es una especie forestal nativa y de importancia ecol贸gica en las sabanas orientales de Colombia, es utilizada con fines de ornamentaci贸n, madera, sus semillas tienen usos alimenticios y medicinales. Vac铆o de conocimiento: principalmente crece de manera silvestre debido a la falta de conocimiento cient铆fico sobre su germinaci贸n, particularmente acerca de la sincron铆a y factores ambientales que la influyen.  Prop贸sito: en este trabajo se eval煤an tratamientos disponibles en la regi贸n para identificar el que logre mayor porcentaje de germinaci贸n de forma sincr贸nica. Metodolog铆a: En la Vereda La Peral del Municipio de Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, Colombia se estableci贸 un dise帽o experimental con dos factores: sustrato y tratamientos pregerminativos. Como sustratos se utiliz贸 tierra abonada y arena de r铆o, y como tratamientos pregerminativos: lijado, corte e inmersi贸n en agua caliente. Resultados y conclusiones: se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de germinaci贸n y menor tiempo de latencia de 80% y 7 respectivamente como utilizando tierra abonada y corte de la semilla con diferencias significativas (P<0,01) de los dem谩s tratamientos, sin embargo, persiste asincron铆a en la germinaci贸n

    Tratamientos pregerminativos y germinaci贸n de semillas de Vochysia lehmannii en los llanos orientales de Colombia

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    Contextualization: Vochysia lehmannii is a native forest species of ecological importance in the eastern savannas of Colombia, used for ornamental, timber, food, and medicinal purposes. Knowledge gap: Its population and distribution are in progressive decline; however, it is not included in reforestation programs due to the lack of scientific knowledge about its germination, particularly about the synchrony of germination and environmental factors that influence it. Purpose: In this work, pre-germinative treatments with elements from the region are evaluated to identify which achieves the highest percentage of germination in a synchronous manner. Methodology: An experimental design with two factors: substrate and pre-germination treatments were established in the rural zone La Peral, Municipality of Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, Colombia. Black soil and river sand were used as substrates, and sanding, cutting and immersion in hot water were used as pre-germinative treatments. Results and conclusions: The treatment that obtained the highest germination percentage and the shortest dormancy time was the fertilized soil with seed cut, having a result of 80 % and 7 days respectively, with significant differences (P < 0.01) from the other treatments; however, asynchrony in germination persists.Contextualizaci贸n: Vochysia lehmannii es una especie forestal nativa y de importancia ecol贸gica en las sabanas orientales de Colombia, es utilizada con fines de ornamentaci贸n, madera, sus semillas tienen usos alimenticios y medicinales. Vac铆o de conocimiento: principalmente crece de manera silvestre debido a la falta de conocimiento cient铆fico sobre su germinaci贸n, particularmente acerca de la sincron铆a y factores ambientales que la influyen.聽 Prop贸sito: en este trabajo se eval煤an tratamientos disponibles en la regi贸n para identificar el que logre mayor porcentaje de germinaci贸n de forma sincr贸nica. Metodolog铆a: En la Vereda La Peral del Municipio de Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, Colombia se estableci贸 un dise帽o experimental con dos factores: sustrato y tratamientos pregerminativos. Como sustratos se utiliz贸 tierra abonada y arena de r铆o, y como tratamientos pregerminativos: lijado, corte e inmersi贸n en agua caliente. Resultados y conclusiones: se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de germinaci贸n y menor tiempo de latencia de 80% y 7 respectivamente como utilizando tierra abonada y corte de la semilla con diferencias significativas (P<0,01) de los dem谩s tratamientos, sin embargo, persiste asincron铆a en la germinaci贸n