675 research outputs found

    O Estudo de aves marinhas em Portugal

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    In this paper we review some of the most important\ud studies of seabirds of Madeira, Azores and Portugal.\ud There has been a considerable increase in the interest\ud in seabirds in the last ten years, resulting in a high\ud number of papers published in this period. A project\ud conceming the study of Cory's Shearwater breeding\ud in Portugal is also presented

    The effect of speaker’s age on social trait inference in voice perception

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Área de Especialização em Cognição Social Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2019When hearing a voice, listeners automatically extract information about the age and infer social traits of the speaker. This information, being accurate or not, defines how we interact with other persons. This study focuses on how speakers from different age groups are perceived. Specifically, how younger adults estimate the age of speakers and how they infer social traits from those speakers. 28 college students estimated the age of child, adolescent, younger adult, adult and older adult speakers. 29 college students rated those voices on dominance and 30 college students rated those voices on trustworthiness, using a 7-point Likert scale. Contrary to previous studies, we did not find an own age bias. Instead we found that children voices are easier to estimate, suggesting a potential role of distinctiveness. Also, not consistent with other studies, our participants had difficulty in accurately estimating the age of speakers. A speaker sex and speaker age group interaction for accuracy in estimating the age from a voice was found, with higher accuracy for male younger adult, adult and older adult speakers. A speaker age and speaker age group interaction was also found for ratings of dominance, reflecting higher dominance ratings for male adolescent, younger adult, adult and older adult speakers. Trustworthiness ratings did not vary as a function of speaker age group. We extend previous findings, from the literature on face perception, to voice perception: the effect of approach/inhibition-related emotions on dominance ratings and the effect of valence of the emotion on trustworthiness ratings. These findings provide useful knowledge with applications in engineering and artificial intelligent systems

    Provenance does matter: links between winter trophic segregation and the migratory origins of European robins

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    Amongst migratory species, it is common to find individuals from different populations or geographical origins sharing staging or wintering areas. Given their differing life histories, ecological theory would predict that the different groups of individuals should exhibit some level of niche segregation. This has rarely been investigated because of the difficulty in assigning migrating individuals to breeding areas. Here, we start by documenting a broad geographical gradient of hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) in robin Erithacus rubecula feathers across Europe. We then use δ2H, as well as wing-tip shape, as surrogates for broad migratory origin of birds wintering in Iberia, to investigate the ecological segregation of populations. Wintering robins of different sexes, ages and body sizes are known to segregate between habitats in Iberia. This has been attributed to the despotic exclusion of inferior competitors from the best patches by dominant individuals. We find no segregation between habitats in relation to δ2H in feathers, or to wing-tip shape, which suggests that no major asymmetries in competitive ability exist between migrant robins of different origins. Trophic level (inferred from nitrogen isotopes in blood) correlated both with δ2H in feathers and with wing-tip shape, showing that individuals from different geographic origins display a degree of ecological segregation in shared winter quarters. Isotopic mixing models indicate that wintering birds originating from more northerly populations consume more invertebrates. Our multi-scale study suggests that trophic-niche segregation may result from specializations (arising in the population-specific breeding areas) that are transported by the migrants into the shared wintering grounds

    Migrants and residents of a long‐lived seabird differ in their behavioural response to a stressor

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    Inter-individual variation in behaviour has been recognised as a major driver of population ecology, but its relationship to migratory strategy has been ill-explored. Here, we investigated whether male migrant and resident Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris borealis, a long-lived partially migratory seabird, are distinguishable by their temperament at the colony. We tracked a large number of individuals over two winters using GLS devices and assessed whether exploratory behaviour and reaction to extraction from the nest corresponded to migratory strategy over this period. While exploratory behaviour was unrelated to migratory strategy, birds that were resident were more likely to be unreactive towards extraction from the nest. This difference in behavioural stress response, together with previous findings that migrants display higher physiological stress over winter, suggests that migrants and residents may be distinguishable by their stress threshold.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preços de transferência

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    Mestrado em FiscalidadeNos últimos anos verificou-se a eclosão do arquétipo empresarial firmado no fenómeno da globalização. Esta nova realidade no tecido empresarial trouxe consigo uma nova estrutura plurisocietária que surgiu do exponencial aumento das unidades económicas. Perante uma voraz necessidade de aumento da eficácia organizacional e da pressão concorrencial emerge a tendência para a obtenção de uma tributação otimizada. Deste modo, torna-se evidente o papel preponderante da fiscalidade nas decisões estratégicas das sociedades. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo abordar a temática dos preços de transferência, refletindo a forma como a União Europeia tem tido um trabalho irrepreensível no que concerne à regulamentação desta matéria, as medidas já transposta para o ordenamento jurídico português e quais os desafios no futuro com que esta matéria se irá confrontar. Para o efeito será analisada jurisprudência disponível no ordenamento jurídico português bem como os normativos internacionais e internacionais subjacentes à matéria de preços de transferência.In recent years, there has been an outbreak of the entrepreneurial archetype based on the phenomenon of globalization. This new reality in the business fabric brought with it a new multi-shareholder structure that emerged from the exponential increase in economic units. Faced with a voracious need to increase organizational efficiency and competitive pressure, the tendency to obtain optimized taxation emerges. In this way, the preponderant role of taxation in the strategic decisions of companies becomes evident. The present dissertation aims to address the subject of transfer pricing, reflecting the way in which the European Union has had an irreproachable job with regard to the regulation of this matter, the measures already transposed into the portuguese legal system and what are the challenges in the future with that this matter will be confronted. For this purpose, jurisprudence available in the portuguese legal system will be analyzed, as well as the international and international regulations underlying the matter of transfer pricing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Feeding Ecology of Cory's Shearwater in the Portuguese Atlantic

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    This thesis considers aspects of the morphology, diet and feeding ecology of Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea in the Portuguese Atlantic (sub-tropical and temperate north east Atlantic). Morphological variability among colonies in measurements of adult Cory's shearwater in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Cape Verde is described. Discriminant methods are employed to enable identification of each sex from bill measurements, in some Atlantic colonies. Relationships between the size and weight of several species of prey fish and the dimensions of diagnostic hard structures (vertebrae, otoliths) are presented, to enable back-calculation of size of prey from remains found in diet samples. The importance of using information from all hard remains present in food samples is discussed in the context of biases in dietary studies of piscivorous animals. The diet of Cory's shearwater in the archipelago of the Azores is described, and comparisons are made with the diet of other marine predators occurring in this area. The use of shearwaters as monitors of pelagic environments is briefly discussed. An interspecific study is described to test the existence of a causal relationship linking mercury levels in the plumage of seabirds with the levels found in the organisms that constitute their prey. The implications for the use of seabirds as monitors of mercury contamination are examined. The patterns of activity and burrow attendance of breeding Cory's shearwaters are analysed, using a novel logging system. The system records data on date, time, identity, of marked birds entering and leaving their nests. Data on the reliability of the system are presented, and its potential use in studies of other burrow-nesting animals is discussed. Existing methods developed to assess the natural patterns of food delivery to nestling Procellariiformes are critically examined, using independent information on parental behaviour provided by the logging system. Some implications of errors in the underlying assumptions of these methods on the understanding of the adaptive significance of reproductive traits of Procellariiformes are discussed. A flexible foraging behaviour of Cory's shearwater in a year of presumed low food availability is documented, and this behaviour is interpreted in relation to a situation of "normal" abundance of food resources. The ability of Cory's shearwaters to adopt alternative long and short foraging trips is discussed in the context of the life-history strategies of long-lived seabirds. An experimental study testing the influence of the nutritional status of the chicks on the provisioning behaviour of Cory's shearwater is presented. Results are discussed in light of current hypotheses explaining regulation of food delivery in Procellariiformes

    Experiência Profissionalizante na vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, Hospitalar e Investigação

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    Em qualquer percurso as características pessoais determinam a direção do mesmo; aceitar desafios, a participação associativa e a formação continua foram sem dúvida as características que marcaram este trajeto. Este trabalho pretende mostrar o percurso do Farmacêutico Militar Armando Cerezo Granadeiro Vicente que compreende duas componentes paralelas mas indissociáveis: A carreira de Farmacêutico Militar e a Carreira de Farmacêutico Civil.In any course, personal characteristics determine the direction of it; accept challenges, associativism and continuous training, were with no doubt the characteristics that marked this path. This work aims to show the Military Pharmacist Armando Cerezo Grenadeiro Vicente course that comprises two parallel but inseparable components: the career of Military Pharmacist and the civilian Pharmacist career

    Spatial and temporal aggregation of albatross chick mortality events in the Falklands suggests a role for an unidentified infectious disease

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    In the context of environmental change, determining the causes underpinning unusual mortality events of vertebrate species is a crucial conservation goal. This is particularly true for polar and sub-polar colonial seabirds, often immunologically naïve to new and emerging diseases. Here, we investigate the patterns of black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) chick mortality events unrelated to predation recorded between the 2004/05 and 2019/2020 breeding seasons in four colonies across the species range in the Falklands. The prevalence of these mortality events was highly variable across years, causing the death of between 3 and 40% of all chicks in the studied plots. With few exceptions, mortality was patchily distributed. Using clustering methodologies, we identified the spatio-temporal mortality clusters based on the nest locations and chick death date. Using generalised linear models and generalised additive mixed-effects models we found that chicks nearer the first mortality event were predicted to die before those in more distant nests. The probability of death increased with age and was highest for chicks close to nests where a chick had died previously. Our findings, along with the symptoms consistently exhibited by most deceased chicks in the study, strongly suggest the prevalence of a widespread infectious disease, potentially with a common aetiology, both in areas with regular and with very rare human presence. Understanding the causes driving these disease-related mortality events, which seem different from the outbreaks documented in the literature, is a conservation priority for the Falklands black-browed albatross population, which comprises over 70% of the species global population.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An ontogenetic perspective on migratory strategy of a long-lived pelagic seabird: Timings and destinations change progressively during maturation

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    The processes that drive the ontogeny of migratory strategies in long-lived animals with slow maturation remain enigmatic. While some short-lived migrants are known or believed to repeat the same migratory patterns throughout their lives, little is known on the time required for immature long-lived migrants to progressively acquire adult-like migratory behaviours, or which aspects take longer to refine during the maturation process. Here, we studied the ontogeny of long-distance migratory strategies and related patterns of spatial distribution in a long-lived seabird species during the annual cycle. To do so, we deployed light-level geolocators on 4- to 9-year-old immature Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) and on breeding adults. We revealed that migratory timings and destinations of young shearwaters progressively changed with age. The effect of ageing was remarkably evident on spring migratory performance and phenology. Birds gradually shortened the duration of the non-breeding period by advancing departure date and reducing travelling time, which resulted in a sequential arrival at the colony of the various age contingents. Ageing immatures gradually changed from a more exploratory strategy to a more conservative way of exploiting resources, reducing both their year-round spatial spread across oceanic domains and the total distance travelled. Immatures always performed a trans-equatorial migration to the Southern Hemisphere, contrasting with 17% of the adults which remained in the North Atlantic year-round. Finally, during the breeding season immatures were widely dispersed through the North Atlantic reducing their overlap with breeding adults. Our long-term study provides empirical support to the hypothesis that in long-lived species, the refinement of migratory behaviour and year-round spatial distribution is a progressive process mediated by age and experience, where life stage constraints and competition for resources may also play a role. The emerging pattern suggests that for some avian taxa, the ontogeny of migratory strategy is a prolonged, complex and dynamic process.FEDER; FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seabird diet analysis suggests sudden shift in the pelagic communities of the subtropical Northeast Atlantic

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    The dynamics of the subtropical pelagic ecosystems of the Northeast Atlantic are still poorly known due to the high costs associated with sampling large oceanic areas. Top predators can be used as alternative low-cost samplers and indicators of the temporal variability of such systems. To study the variation in the composition of pelagic species through time in the broad Canary current region, we analysed foraging trips and regurgitations of Cory's shearwaters Calonectris borealis nesting on Selvagens islands, in 2008-2011 and 2016-2018. Fisheries data, oceanographic variables and the North Atlantic Oscillation were explored as possible explanatory variables for trends in behaviour and diet. Cory's shearwaters' diet, complemented by fisheries data, revealed marked changes in the composition of the pelagic fish communities. In 2016 there was a peak in the abundance of the Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias, followed by an explosive increase in the abundance of the Longspine snipefish Macroramphosus scolopax in 2017 and 2018, as deduced from the diet composition of the Cory's shearwater, and supported by fisheries data, in the broad oceanic area surrounding the Selvagens islands. Oceanographic variables did not show fluctuations correlated with these marked shifts in pelagic fish availability, the causes of which remain largely unknown. This study highlights the importance of the Atlantic chub mackerel and of the Longspine snipefish in the Madeira/Canary region and exemplifies the efficiency of avian predators in revealing rapid changes in pelagic communities of oceanic domains. Such trends and variations need to be better monitored and understood to measure the impact of ongoing global changes and to sustainably manage the marine environment and resources.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio