174 research outputs found

    A Product Integration type Method for solving Nonlinear Integral Equations in L

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    This paper deals with nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. We study the case of a weakly singular kernel and we set the problem in the space L 1 ([a, b], C). As numerical method, we extend the product integration scheme from C 0 ([a, b], C) to L 1 ([a, b], C)

    Quelle est la mobilité quotidienne des personnes dans les agglomérations ? Approche de la question et propositions d'indicateurs

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    La nécessité de mieux comprendre les liens entre urbanisme et déplacements est au cœur des préoccupations actuelles en matière de planification et d’aménagement du territoire. Le présent rapport a pour objectif de développer la connaissance de la structure des déplacements, de leur évolution récente et de leurs déterminants. Au-delà, il vise à mieux appréhender les besoins de la population en matière de mobilité quotidienne, en fonction notamment des localisations des populations, des entreprises et des équipements sur le territoire des agglomérations, de l’évolution des modes de vie… L’observation de la mobilité quotidienne devient de ce fait l’une des clés de la compréhension du fonctionnement territorial. Elle traduit en effet la structuration de l’espace urbain, ainsi que la recomposition de l’occupation du sol. L’analyse de cette mobilité trouve donc pleinement sa place dans le programme dédié à l’observation des mutations urbaines. Dans ce dossier, elle a été segmentée en deux parties : d’une part, la qualification globale de la mobilité quotidienne, d’autre part, sa relation avec l’organisation territoriale. Cet ouvrage propose donc une approche pour appréhender la mobilité quotidienne des personnes (motifs, modes, pôles attractifs…) et présente de façon détaillée les indicateurs qu’il est possible d’utiliser pour cela. Chacun d’eux est documenté de façon très précise : liens entretenus avec la question posée, modes de calcul, sources utilisables, illustrations issues de tests réalisés sur cinq sites expérimentaux, extensions possibles ainsi que limites et précautions à prendre en compte pour leur utilisation. Les professionnels de l’observation y trouveront tous les éléments leur permettant de mettre en œuvre les indicateurs proposés sur leur territoire pour procéder à leurs propres analyses, dès lors qu’ils possèdent localement les données nécessaires

    How Gibbs distributions may naturally arise from synaptic adaptation mechanisms. A model-based argumentation

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    This paper addresses two questions in the context of neuronal networks dynamics, using methods from dynamical systems theory and statistical physics: (i) How to characterize the statistical properties of sequences of action potentials ("spike trains") produced by neuronal networks ? and; (ii) what are the effects of synaptic plasticity on these statistics ? We introduce a framework in which spike trains are associated to a coding of membrane potential trajectories, and actually, constitute a symbolic coding in important explicit examples (the so-called gIF models). On this basis, we use the thermodynamic formalism from ergodic theory to show how Gibbs distributions are natural probability measures to describe the statistics of spike trains, given the empirical averages of prescribed quantities. As a second result, we show that Gibbs distributions naturally arise when considering "slow" synaptic plasticity rules where the characteristic time for synapse adaptation is quite longer than the characteristic time for neurons dynamics.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figure

    A discrete time neural network model with spiking neurons II. Dynamics with noise

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    We provide rigorous and exact results characterizing the statistics of spike trains in a network of leaky integrate and fire neurons, where time is discrete and where neurons are submitted to noise, without restriction on the synaptic weights. We show the existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure of Gibbs type and discuss its properties. We also discuss Markovian approximations and relate them to the approaches currently used in computational neuroscience to analyse experimental spike trains statistics.Comment: 43 pages - revised version - to appear il Journal of Mathematical Biolog

    Prosthetic overhang is the most effective way to prevent scapular conflict in a reverse total shoulder prosthesis

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    Methods An average and a "worst case scenario" shape in A-P view in a 2-D computer model of a scapula was created, using data from 200 "normal" scapulae, so that the position of the glenoid and humeral component could be changed as well as design features such as depth of the polyethylene insert, the size of glenosphere, the position of the center of rotation, and downward glenoid inclination. The model calculated the maximum adduction (notch angle) in the scapular plane when the cup of the humeral component was in conflict with the scapula. Results A change in humeral neck shaft inclination from 155 degrees to 145 degrees gave a 10 degrees gain in notch angle. A change in cup depth from 8 mm to 5 mm gave a gain of 12 degrees. With no inferior prosthetic overhang, a lateralization of the center of rotation from 0 mm to 5 mm gained 16 degrees. With an inferior overhang of only 1 mm, no effect of lateralizing the center of rotation was noted. Downward glenoid inclination of 0 boolean OR to 10 boolean OR gained 10 degrees. A change in glenosphere radius from 18 mm to 21 mm gained 31 degrees due to the inferior overhang created by the increase in glenosphere. A prosthetic overhang to the bone from 0 mm to 5 mm gained 39 degrees. Interpretation Of all 6 solutions tested, the prosthetic overhang created the biggest gain in notch angle and this should be considered when designing the reverse arthroplasty and defining optimal surgical technique

    Rab11 Is Required for Epithelial Cell Viability, Terminal Differentiation, and Suppression of Tumor-Like Growth in the Drosophila Egg Chamber

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    The Drosophila egg chamber provides an excellent system in which to study the specification and differentiation of epithelial cell fates because all of the steps, starting with the division of the corresponding stem cells, called follicle stem cells, have been well described and occur many times over in a single ovary.Here we investigate the role of the small Rab11 GTPase in follicle stem cells (FSCs) and in their differentiating daughters, which include main body epithelial cells, stalk cells and polar cells. We show that rab11-null FSCs maintain their ability to self renew, even though previous studies have shown that FSC self renewal is dependent on maintenance of E-cadherin-based intercellular junctions, which in many cell types, including Drosophila germline stem cells, requires Rab11. We also show that rab11-null FSCs give rise to normal numbers of cells that enter polar, stalk, and epithelial cell differentiation pathways, but that none of the cells complete their differentiation programs and that the epithelial cells undergo premature programmed cell death. Finally we show, through the induction of rab11-null clones at later points in the differentiation program, that Rab11 suppresses tumor-like growth of epithelial cells. Thus, rab11-null epithelial cells arrest differentiation early, assume an aberrant cell morphology, delaminate from the epithelium, and invade the neighboring germline cyst. These phenotypes are associated with defects in E-cadherin localization and a general loss of cell polarity.While previous studies have revealed tumor suppressor or tumor suppressor-like activity for regulators of endocytosis, our study is the first to identify such activity for regulators of endocytic recycling. Our studies also support the recently emerging view that distinct mechanisms regulate junction stability and plasticity in different tissues

    Stroma Regulates Increased Epithelial Lateral Cell Adhesion in 3D Culture: A Role for Actin/Cadherin Dynamics

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    Cell shape and tissue architecture are controlled by changes to junctional proteins and the cytoskeleton. How tissues control the dynamics of adhesion and cytoskeletal tension is unclear. We have studied epithelial tissue architecture using 3D culture models and found that adult primary prostate epithelial cells grow into hollow acinus-like spheroids. Importantly, when co-cultured with stroma the epithelia show increased lateral cell adhesions. To investigate this mechanism further we aimed to: identify a cell line model to allow repeatable and robust experiments; determine whether or not epithelial adhesion molecules were affected by stromal culture; and determine which stromal signalling molecules may influence cell adhesion in 3D epithelial cell cultures.The prostate cell line, BPH-1, showed increased lateral cell adhesion in response to stroma, when grown as 3D spheroids. Electron microscopy showed that 9.4% of lateral membranes were within 20 nm of each other and that this increased to 54% in the presence of stroma, after 7 days in culture. Stromal signalling did not influence E-cadherin or desmosome RNA or protein expression, but increased E-cadherin/actin co-localisation on the basolateral membranes, and decreased paracellular permeability. Microarray analysis identified several growth factors and pathways that were differentially expressed in stroma in response to 3D epithelial culture. The upregulated growth factors TGFβ2, CXCL12 and FGF10 were selected for further analysis because of previous associations with morphology. Small molecule inhibition of TGFβ2 signalling but not of CXCL12 and FGF10 signalling led to a decrease in actin and E-cadherin co-localisation and increased paracellular permeability.In 3D culture models, paracrine stromal signals increase epithelial cell adhesion via adhesion/cytoskeleton interactions and TGFβ2-dependent mechanisms may play a key role. These findings indicate a role for stroma in maintaining adult epithelial tissue morphology and integrity
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