22 research outputs found

    A zeolite family with expanding structural complexity and embedded isoreticular structures

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    The authors acknowledge financial support from the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), the Röntgen-Ångström Cluster through the project grant MATsynCELL, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation through the project grant 3DEM-NATUR, the NCRI (2012R1A3A-2048833) and BK 21-plus programmes through the National Research Foundation of Korea, and the UK EPSRC (EP/J02077X/1).The prediction and synthesis of new crystal structures enable the targeted preparation of materials with desired properties. Among porous solids, this has been achieved for metal–organic frameworks1, 2, 3, but not for the more widely applicable zeolites4, 5, where new materials are usually discovered using exploratory synthesis. Although millions of hypothetical zeolite structures have been proposed6, 7, not enough is known about their synthesis mechanism to allow any given structure to be prepared. Here we present an approach that combines structure solution with structure prediction, and inspires the targeted synthesis of new super-complex zeolites. We used electron diffraction to identify a family of related structures and to discover the structural ‘coding’ within them. This allowed us to determine the complex, and previously unknown, structure of zeolite ZSM-25 (ref. 8), which has the largest unit-cell volume of all known zeolites (91,554 cubic Ă„ngströms) and demonstrates selective CO2 adsorption. By extending our method, we were able to predict other members of a family of increasingly complex, but structurally related, zeolites and to synthesize two more-complex zeolites in the family, PST-20 and PST-25, with much larger cell volumes (166,988 and 275,178 cubic Ă„ngströms, respectively) and similar selective adsorption properties. Members of this family have the same symmetry, but an expanding unit cell, and are related by hitherto unrecognized structural principles; we call these family members embedded isoreticular zeolite structures.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    TNU-9:a novel medium-pore zeolite with 24 topologically distinct tetrahedral sites

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    The synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties of the new medium-pore zeolite TNU-9 are described.</p

    Structure and catalytic properties of the most complex intergrown zeolite ITQ-39 determined by electron crystallography

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    [EN] Porous materials such as zeolites contain well-defined pores in molecular dimensions and have important industrial applications in catalysis, sorption and separation. Aluminosilicates with intersecting 10- and 12-ring channels are particularly interesting as selective catalysts. Many porous materials, especially zeolites, form only nanosized powders and some are intergrowths of different structures, making structure determination very challenging. Here, we report the atomic structures of an aluminosilicate zeolite family, ITQ-39, solved from nanocrystals only a few unit cells in size by electron crystallography. ITQ-39 is an intergrowth of three different polymorphs, built from the same layer but with different stacking sequences. ITQ-39 contains stacking faults and twinning with nano-sized domains, being the most complex zeolite ever solved. The unique structure of ITQ-39, with a three-dimensional intersecting pairwise 12-ring and 10-ring pore system, makes it a promising catalyst for converting naphtha into diesel fuel, a process of emerging interest for the petrochemical industry.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MICINN, Consolider Ingenio 2010-Multicat, Generalitat Valenciana through the PROMETEO programme, the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) and the Goran Gustafsson Foundation for Natural Scientific and Medical Research. M. Moliner also acknowledges support from the 'Subprograma Ramon y Cajal' (contract RYC-2011-08972). Wei Wan is supported by postdoctoral grants from the Carl-Trygger Foundation. The EM facility was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. 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