239 research outputs found

    Translation vs. Transliteration: Arabization in Scientific Texts

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    This paper looks at the concepts of translation and transliteration in general and in scientific and academic texts in particular. In simple terms, the former refers to the process of finding equivalents in the target language (as opposed to the original language of the text), while the latter refers to writing the original word using the characters of the target language. The paper argues that translation works well in texts that explain, describe, detail, instruct and summarize while transliteration works better in concepts, processes, known procedures and proper nouns, to mention but a few. The paper suggests that the reliance on literal translation of terms and concepts can be counterproductive to the purpose of translation. Six computer science students were involved in a small-scale experiment. Tests were designed to determine which approach, Arabization or literal translation, is more efficient by measuring the time students took to complete certain tasks and whether students can trace the translated word back to its English origin. All participants were interviewed afterwards. Results showed that they preferred transliterated terms and that Arabic literal translation was not helpful. Results also showed that transliteration of scientific texts helped students understand faster and more accurately. The paper recommends a hybrid approach that employs both methods depending on what terms or processes are being translated

    Teaching Writing to Saudi EFL Students: Theory, Practice and Reflection

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    This paper looks at the situation of EFL/ESL writing in the Saudi context. It accounts for some of the current challenges in teaching English writing to Saudi students and proposes an alternative, task-based approach that should address many of the shortcomings of the current practices. The paper acknowledges that writing is the most difficult language skill among standardised English proficiency test takers in general and among Saudi students in particular. The paper recommends a more practical approach when teaching English writing, one that works outside the classroom as well

    The Implications of Chronic Stress on Obesity: Allostatic Load on Body Mass Index (BMI) Classification in the United States, NHANES 2005-2006

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    ABSTRACT The Implications of Chronic Stress on Obesity: Allostatic Load on Body Mass Index (BMI) Classification in the United States, NHANES 2005-2006 INTRODUCTION: In this modern environment, our world is reflecting an exponential increase in not only population, but in body size. Obesity is an overwhelming public health concern among the United States population. Research has shown there is a positive correlation between adiposity and stress. Allostatic load (AL) has been presented to be a consistent measure of chronic stress damage on the body. Yet, there is few studies exemplifying the presence AL on classification of body mass index (BMI). AIM: The aim of this study is to find a relationship between allostatic load (AL) and body mass index (BMI) classification in the United States adult population on a large national scale. This complex interaction can predetermine who among the US population will be at greater risk for excess adiposity following this psychoneuroendocrinology. METHODS: A representative sample size of n=3826 was gathered using NHANES data (2005-2006). Criteria for sample included all United States adults that had numerical values for 10 biomarkers chosen to represent chronic stress damage (allostatic load) along with individual body mass index (BMI). Allostatic load (low, high) and BMI classification (underweight to class III obese) were further categorized on severity and computed in SPSS to find significance between gradients of each variable (α=.05). Cross-sectional analysis and logistical regression (multivariate) were used to further decipher an association between allostatic load and BMI category. RESULTS: A strong positive correlation between allostatic load risk and BMI category was found (p\u3c.001). Also among the variables in the study, significance was found within the strata of age, gender, race, smoking status and poverty income ratio (PIR). Findings show a strong statistically significant relationship between allostatic load and BMI. DISCUSSION: It is imperative to decipher the directional relationship between stress and obesity to provide effective treatment. Understanding the pathology of how stress affects adiposity could open the door for many clinical and public health interventions to eradicate a very preventable outcome. By addressing the effect of chronic stress, a new avenue of prevention can be developed to combat the growing obesity rates in the United States

    The effects of integrating peer feedback into university-level ESL writing curriculum : a comparative study in a Saudi context

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    This project aims to investigate the effects of introducing peer feedback to a group of university-level students in a context where teacher-fronted classes are considered predominant. I performed a three-phased, three-month long project using various data collection methods. The study first investigated students’ initial perceptions of peer feedback and compared them to their perceptions after the experiment using semistructured questionnaires and individual interviews. The results of the first stage suggested that students approved of teacher-written feedback, but were apprehensive about peer feedback. The main objection to peer feedback was the fact that it was originated from fellow students whose linguistic level was lower than that of the teachers. The second phase of the project included members of an ESL class divided into two groups; the experimental group, which jointly used teacher-written and peer feedback; and the control group, which received only teacher-written feedback. Despite linguistic concerns, the overall perception of peer feedback became more positive and students subsequently accepted this technique as part of their ESL writing curriculum. The results suggest that peer feedback helped students gain new skills and improved existing ones. The last phase was a comparative study consisting of pre- and post-tests to measure the progress of students’ writing. Texts were evaluated and given an overall grade based on various local and global issues, using a holistic assessment approach. Students in both groups did considerably better in the exit test. However, members of the peer feedback group outperformed the other group in every aspect of writing investigated. The study concludes that the effect of peer feedback on students’ perception was profound. Students were hugely impressed by the potential of peer session on their ESL writing routines which has been reflected on their eagerness to have more similar sessions in the future. If students are properly trained to use peer feedback, the benefits could be very significant, and therefore it recommends that education policy makers and ESL writing teachers in Saudi Arabia should do more effort to introduce peer session to all ESL writing classes.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Ruolo dei farmaci anti-TNF nella spondilite anchilosante

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    In questo lavoro di tesi è stata analizzata la spondilite anchilosante, attraverso gli studi epidemiologici, la storia della malattia, l’eziopatogenesi e l’incidenza della malattia nell’uomo e nella donna .E’ stata analizzata la forte correlazione della malattia con l’antigene HLA-B27 e la variabilità di quest’ultimo. Sono state individuate le varie manifestazioni cliniche, le metodologie di diagnosi e le terapie da effettuare in caso di diagnosi di spondilite anchilosante. Il TNFα è risultato essere il bersaglio per il trattamento della patologia,mediante l’interazione con i suoi recettori . I farmaci anti-TNF sono stati analizzati dal punto di vista strutturale, farmacocinetico e farmacodinamico

    Capacity of slotted ALOHA under Nakagami fading.

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    Thermal Properties of Oxides With Magnetoplumbite Structure for Advanced Thermal Barrier Coatings

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    Oxides having magnetoplumbite structure are promising candidate materials for applications as high temperature thermal barrier coatings because of their high thermal stability, high thermal expansion, and low thermal conductivity. In this study, powders of LaMgAl11O19, GdMgAl11O19, SmMgAl11O19, and Gd0.7Yb0.3MgAl11O19 magnetoplumbite oxides were synthesized by citric acid sol-gel method and hot pressed into disk specimens. The thermal expansion coefficients (CTE) of these oxide materials were measured from room temperature to 1500 C. The average CTE value was found to be approx.9.6x10(exp -6)/C. Thermal conductivity of these magnetoplumbite-based oxide materials was also evaluated using steady-state laser heat flux test method. The effects of doping on thermal properties were also examined. Thermal conductivity of the doped Gd0.7Yb0.3MgAl11O19 composition was found to be lower than that of the undoped GdMgAl11O19. In contrast, thermal expansion coefficient was found to be independent of the oxide composition and appears to be controlled by the magnetoplumbite crystal structure. Thermal conductivity testing of LaMgAl11O19 and LaMnAl11O19 magnetoplumbite oxide coatings plasma sprayed on NiCrAlY/Rene N5 superalloy substrates indicated resistance of these coatings to sintering even at temperatures as high as 1600 C

    English for Medical Students and the Myth of Native Models Superiority

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    Abstract: Many second language learners have the belief that 'native' models of language are the only appropriate means of communication completely ignoring the fact they themselves interact in a non-native context and English as an International Language (EIL) or English as Lingua Franca (ELF) models are increasingly predominant in the globalised world. Our study investigates three broad concepts; the expectation of medical students, the paradigm of teaching English in medical schools, and EIL alternative option available to students. We aim to answer three questions: what are medical students' attitudes towards different models of English? Which model is most appropriate for them and why?, and to which extent are students aware of their future needs in terms of language? Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews with medical students in the medical school of a Saudi university. The study found that in terms of pronunciation, students preferred native models citing originality, familiarity and intelligibility as the main reasons for their decision. However, students also expressed willingness to know more about other varieties of English widely spoken in the Saudi medical scene, including, but not limited to, Filipino, Indian and even Saudi models

    Identification non linéaire du modèle de frottement GMS pour l'amélioration de la commande des systèmes mécaniques

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    Le frottement est un phénomène physique qui se manifeste au niveau des surfaces de contact en mouvement relatif. Il présente un risque accablant dans la dégradation des systèmes de commande en introduisant des erreurs de suivi, des cycles limites et carrément des instabilités. Afin de compenser les effets du frottement en temps réel, le but de cette thèse est de proposer une approche d'identification en ligne du modèle de frottement GMS. Pour ce faire, nous proposons en premier lieu, une nouvelle approche d'identification de la partie statique du frottement (frottement de Stribeck) basée sur une théorie non linéaire d'optimisation min-max. Cette approche permet d'identifier tous les paramètres du modèle de Stribeck en même temps et en particulier les paramètres qui agissent d'une façon non linéaire dans le modèle de frottement. L'extension pour le modèle de GMS n'est pas faisable parce que le modèle GMS ne vérifie pas les conditions d'application de cette théorie. Ainsi, une nouvelle approche est présentée pour identifier les paramètres du modèle GMS. Cette approche est basée sur la mesure de la force de frottement et une linéarisation du modèle GMS par rapport aux paramètres inconnus. L'observateur robuste de Marino est ensuite utilisé pour estimer les paramètres inconnus du modèle malgré les perturbations introduites par les erteurs d'approximation. Pour implanter l'observateur, une approche de filtrage est proposée pour éliminer les discontinuités des signaux. Un filtre particulier est introduit pour tenir compte de la commutation des signaux lors de la transition entre le régime de préglissement et le régime de glissement. Une extension de la méthode qui, cette fois, n'est pas fondée sur l'hypothèse de la mesure de la force de frottement est proposée. Pour ce faire, une méthode de calcul de la force de frottement filtrée à partir des signaux de vitesse et de commande est développée . Une méthode de filtrage avec des conditions initiales appropriées est proposée pour vérifier les conditions d'application de l'observateur. Une validation expérimentale de l'approche d'identification est présentée à la fin de la thèse. Les résultats montrent que l'approche d'identification du modèle de frottement GMS proposée dans cette thèse admet de très bonnes performances. À la fin, des recommandations sont formulées relativement à i) une étude approfondie de la fonction de commutation qui assure la transition entre les deux régimes de frottement pour un modèle à plusieurs étages et ii) une meilleure caractérisation de la fonction de transfert du banc expérimental afin de valider de façon plus juste l'approche proposée sur le plan pratique