112 research outputs found

    Macroscopic Maxwell's equations and negative index materials

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    We study the linear phenomenological Maxwell's equations in the presence of a polarizable and magnetizable medium (magnetodielectric). For a dispersive, non-absorptive, medium with equal electric and magnetic permeabilities, the latter can assume the value -1 (+1 is their vacuum value) for a discrete set of frequencies, i.e., for these frequencies the medium behaves as a negative index material (NIM). We show that such systems have a well-defined time evolution. In particular the fields remain square integrable (and the electromagnetic energy finite) if this is the case at some initial time. Next we turn to the Green's function (a tensor), associated with the electric Helmholtz operator, for a set of parallel layers filled with a material. We express it in terms of the well-known scalar s and p ones. For a half space filled with the material and with a single dispersive Lorentz form for both electric and magnetic permeabilities we obtain an explicit form for the Green's function. We find the usual behavior for negative index materials, there is no refection outside the evanescent regime and the transmission (refraction) shows the usual NIM behavior. We find that the Green's function has poles, which lead to a modulation of the radiative decay probability of an excited atom. The formalism is free from ambiguities in the sign of the refractive index.Comment: 22 pages, accepted for publication in J. Math. Phys

    Semi-analytical design of antireflection gratings for photonic crystals

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    This article concerns the design of antireflection structures which, placed on a photonic crystal surface, significantly diminish the fraction of energy lost to reflected waves. After a review of the classes of these structures proposed to date, a new method is presented in detail for the design of antireflection gratings operating in a wide range of angles of incidence. The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of several examples, showing the advantages and limitations.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Discrete dipole approximation in time domain through the Laplace transform

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    We present a form of the discrete dipole approximation for electromagnetic scattering computations in time domain. We show that the introduction of complex frequencies, through the Laplace transform, significantly improves the computation time. We also show that the Laplace transform and its inverse can be combined to extract the field inside a scatterer at a real resonance frequenc

    Design of metallic nanoparticles gratings for filtering properties in the visible spectrum

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    Plasmonic resonances in metallic nanoparticles are exploited to create efficient optical filtering functions. A Finite Element Method is used to model metallic nanoparticles gratings. The accuracy of this method is shown by comparing numerical results with measurements on a two-dimensional grating of gold nanocylinders with elliptic cross section. Then a parametric analysis is performed in order to design efficient filters with polarization dependent properties together with high transparency over the visible range. The behavior of nanoparticle gratings is also modelled using the Maxwell-Garnett homogenization theory and analyzed by comparison with the diffraction by a single nanoparticle. The proposed structures are intended to be included in optical systems which could find innovative applications.Comment: submitted to Applied Optic

    Determination of Effective Permittivity and Permeability of Metamaterials from Reflection and Transmission Coefficients

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    We analyze the reflection and transmission coefficients calculated from transfer matrix simulations on finite lenghts of electromagnetic metamaterials, to determine the effective permittivity and permeability. We perform this analysis on structures composed of periodic arrangements of wires, split ring resonators (SRRs) and both wires and SRRs. We find the recovered frequency-dependent permittivity and permeability are entirely consistent with analytic expressions predicted by effective medium arguments. Of particular relevance are that a wire medium exhibits a frequency region in which the real part of permittivity is negative, and SRRs produce a frequency region in which the real part of permeability is negative. In the combination structure, at frequencies where both the recovered real part of permittivity and permeability are simultaneously negative, the real part of the index-of-refraction is found also to be unambigously negative.Comment: *.pdf file, 5 figure

    Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of Urea for ruminants

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    Urea supplementation to feed for ruminants provides non-protein nitrogen for microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and thus in part replaces other dietary protein sources. Urea supplementation of feed for ruminants at doses up to 1 % of complete feed DM (corresponding to 0.3 g/kg bw/day) is considered safe when given to animals with a well adapted ruminal microbiota and fed diets rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. Based on the metabolic fate of urea in ruminants, the use of urea in ruminant nutrition does not raise any concern for consumers\u2019 safety. Urea is considered to be non irritant to skin and eyes and its topical use suggests that it is not a dermal sensitiser. The risk of exposure by inhalation would be low. The substitution of protein by urea in well balanced feed for ruminants would not result in an increased environmental nitrogen load. Urea is an effective source of non-protein nitrogen substituting for dietary protein in ruminants

    Assessment of genetically modified maize\ua04114 for food and feed uses, under Regulation (EC) No\ua01829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2014-123)

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    Maize\ua04114 was developed through Agrobacterium\ua0tumefaciens-mediated transformation to provide protection against certain lepidopteran and coleopteran pests by expression of the Cry1F, Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 proteins derived from Bacillus\ua0thuringiensis, and tolerance to the herbicidal active ingredient glufosinate-ammonium by expression of the PAT protein derived from Streptomyces viridochromogenes. The molecular characterisation data did not identify issues requiring assessment for food/feed safety. None of the compositional, agronomic and phenotypic differences identified between maize\ua04114 and the non-genetically modified (GM) comparator(s) required further assessment. There were no concerns regarding the potential toxicity and allergenicity of the newly expressed proteins Cry1F, Cry34Ab1, Cry35Ab1 and PAT, and no evidence that the genetic modification might significantly change the overall allergenicity of maize 4114. The nutritional value of food/feed derived from maize 4114 is not expected to differ from that derived from non-GM maize varieties and no post-market monitoring of food/feed is considered necessary. In the case of accidental release of viable maize\ua04114 grains into the environment, maize\ua04114 would not raise environmental safety concerns. The post-market environmental monitoring plan and reporting intervals are in line with the intended uses of maize\ua04114. The genetically modified organism (GMO) Panel\ua0concludes that maize\ua04114 is as safe as the non-GM comparator(s) and non-GM reference varieties with respect to potential effects on human and animal health and the environment in the context of the scope of this application
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