4 research outputs found

    Anatomia veterinaria regionale e applicata, con note e riferimenti alla chirurgia alla pratica osteopatica e all'agopuntura

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    l nostro testo di Anatomia Veterinaria Regionale e Applicata descrive in maniera esauriente le regioni del corpo del gatto, del cane, del cavallo e del bovino secondo uno schema tradizionale concepito per lo studio e per l’attività pratica. Proprio per questo, dove logico, sono stati inseriti box chirurgici e anestesiologici per facilitare i medici veterinari nella loro attività quotidiana. Abbiamo voluto aggiungere anche capitoli separati dedicati a specie di grande interesse attuale per la professione, quali il maiale, coniglio, il furetto, i roditori (ratto, topo, criceto, gerbillo, cavia) e i primati (macaco e scimpanzé). Abbiamo anche voluto dedicare, con una scelta che a noi sembra decisamente innovativa, una parte del libro alle tecniche osteopatiche e all’agopuntura, in considerazione dell’interesse che queste discipline stanno riscuotendo presso molti professionisti. Il libro è infine completato da una breve storia dell’Anatomia Topografica Veterinaria in Italia e in Europa e da una serie di tabelle dettagliate che riportano le inserzioni muscolari per i carnivori, il cavallo, i ruminanti e i primati. Il volume è riccamente illustrato, con schemi, disegni e soprattutto molte immagini originali, per la maggior parte realizzate direttamente da noi nelle specie descritte: l’Anatomia è una scienza viva

    Distribution of calcium-binding proteins immunoreactivity in the bottlenose dolphin entorhinal cortex

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    Introduction The entorhinal cortex has been shown to be involved in high-level cognitive functions in terrestrial mammals. It can be divided into two main areas: the lateral entorhinal area (LEA) and the medial entorhinal area (MEA). Understanding of its structural organization in cetaceans is particularly important given the extensive evidence for their cognitive abilities. The present study describes the cytoarchitectural and immunohistochemical properties of the entorhinal cortex of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu, 1821), perhaps the most studied cetacean species and a paradigm for dolphins and other small cetaceans.Methods Four bottlenose dolphins' entorhinal cortices were processed. To obtain a precise overview of the organization of the entorhinal cortex we used thionin staining to study its laminar and regional organization, and immunoperoxidase technique to investigate the immunohistochemical distribution of three most commonly used calcium-binding proteins (CBPs), calbindin D-28k (CB), calretinin (CR) and parvalbumin (PV). Entorhinal cortex layers thickness were measured, morphological and morphometric analysis for each layer were conducted and statistically compared.Results Six layers in both the LEA and MEA were identified. The main difference between the LEA and the MEA is observed in layers II and III: the neurons in layer II of the LEA were denser and larger than the neurons in layer II of MEA. In addition, a relatively cell-free zone between layers II and III in LEA, but not in MEA, was observed. The immunohistochemical distribution of the three CBPs, CB, CR and PV were distinct in each layer. The immunostaining pattern of CR, on one side, and CB/PV, on the other side, appeared to be distributed in a complementary manner. PV and CB immunostaining was particularly evident in layers II and III, whereas CR immunoreactive neurons were distributed throughout all layers, especially in layers V and VI. Immunoreactivity was expressed by neurons belonging to different morphological classes: All CBPs were expressed in non-pyramidal neurons, but CB and CR were also found in pyramidal neurons.Discussion The morphological characteristics of pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in the dolphin entorhinal cortex are similar to those described in the entorhinal cortex of other species, including primates and rodents. Interestingly, in primates, rodents, and dolphins, most of the CBP-containing neurons are found in the superficial layers, but the large CR-ir neurons are also abundant in the deep layers. Layers II and III of the entorhinal cortex contain neurons that give rise to the perforant pathway, which conveys most of the cortical information to the hippocampal formation. From the hippocampal formation, reciprocal projections are directed back to the deep layer of the entorhinal cortex, which distributes the information to the neocortex and subcortical area. Our data reveal that in the dolphin entorhinal cortex, the three major CBPs label morphologically heterogeneous groups of neurons that may be involved in the information flow between entorhinal input and output pathways

    Anatomical organization of the lateral cervical nucleus in Artiodactyls

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    The presence of the lateral cervical nucleus (LCN) in different mammals, including humans, has been established in a number of anatomical research works. The LCN receives its afferent inputs from the spinocervical tract, and conveys this somatosensory information to the various brain areas, especially the thalamus. In the present study, the organization of the calf and pig LCN was examined through the use of thionine staining and immunohistochemical methods combined with morphometrical analyses. Specifically, the localization of calbindin-D28k (CB-D28k) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the LCN was investigated using the immunoperoxidase method. Calf and pig LCN appear as a clearly defined column of gray matter located in the three cranial segments of the cervical spinal cord. Thionine staining shows that polygonal neurons represent the main cell type in both species. The calf and pig LCN contained CB-D28k-immunoreactive (IR) neurons of varying sizes. Large neurons are probably involved in the generation of the cervicothalamic pathway. Small CB-D28k-IR neurons, on the other hand, could act as local interneurons. The immunoreactivity for nNOS was found to be mainly located in thin neuronal processes that could represent the terminal axonal portion of nNOS-IR found in laminae III e IV. This evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) could modulate the synaptic activity of the glutamatergic spinocervical tracts. These findings suggest that the LCN of Artiodactyls might play an important role in the transmission of somatosensory information from the spinal cord to the higher centers of the brain

    The follicle‐sinus complex of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Functional anatomy and possible evolutional significance of its somato‐sensory innervation

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    Vibrissae are tactile hairs found mainly on the rostrum of most mammals. The follicle, which is surrounded by a large venous sinus, is called "follicle-sinus complex" (FSC). This complex is highly innervated by somatosensitive fibers and reached by visceromotor fibers that innervate the surrounding vessels. The surrounding striated muscles receive somatomotor fibers from the facial nerve. The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), a frequently described member of the delphinid family, possesses this organ only in the postnatal period. However, information on the function of the vibrissal complex in this latter species is scarce. Recently, psychophysical experiments on the river-living Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) revealed that the FSC could work as an electroreceptor in murky waters. In the present study, we analyzed the morphology and innervation of the FSC of newborn (n = 8) and adult (n = 3) bottlenose dolphins. We used Masson's trichrome stain and antibodies against neurofilament 200 kDa (NF 200), protein gene product (PGP 9.5), substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to characterize the FSC of the two age classes. Masson's trichrome staining revealed a structure almost identical to that of terrestrial mammals except for the fact that the FSC was occupied only by a venous sinus and that the vibrissal shaft lied within the follicle. Immunostaining for PGP 9.5 and NF 200 showed somatosensory fibers finishing high along the follicle with Merkel nerve endings and free nerve endings. We also found SP-positive fibers mostly in the surrounding blood vessels and TH both in the vessels and in the mesenchymal sheath. The FSC of the bottlenose dolphin, therefore, possesses a rich somatomotor innervation and a set of peptidergic visceromotor fibers. This anatomical disposition suggests a mechanoreceptor function in the newborns, possibly finalized to search for the opening of the mother's nipples. In the adult, however, this structure could change into a proprioceptive function in which the vibrissal shaft could provide information on the degree of rotation of the head. In the absence of psychophysical experiments in this species, the hypothesis of electroreception cannot be rejected