14 research outputs found


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    Cvinger near Vir pri Stični is considered one of the most important Iron Age center in the southeastern alpine region. Its importance reflects not only in the size and location in the area, but also in the economic power of the population, which can be seen from the rich artefacts found at Stična necropolises. Until now it was published about Stična a number of scientific papers, articles and monographs, mostly dealing with finds from the graves. They were also presented the results of settlement excavations with international participation in the years 1967 to 1974, but without a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the pottery. It is now dedicated to this book, divided into three parts.The first part provides a revision of settlement stratigraphic and chronological sequence, which allows connection between the often elusive settlement and fortification phases and their mostly ceramic material.The second part of the core of the debate, it is an analytical study of ceramics (method of manufacture, shape, decoration), concludes, however, with a view to the cultural development of the village and chronological frame, as it outlines the ceramic material.The third part is the catalogue of a representative sample of the presented finds.22 appendices show cross sections of the tranches with complexes of finds marked

    Iška Loka in grob iz Matene – nova odkritja o pozni bronasti dobi na Ljubljanskem barju

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    This paper presents the recent excavations of two Late Bronze Age archaeological sites on the edge of the Ljubljana Marshes. The newly discovered urn burial from Matena has been associated with the settlement in Iška Loka. Both sites have been linked to the sites of the Oloris-Podsmreka Horizon in Slovenia, which belong to the broader cultural circle of the Virovitica Group. The sites of the Oloris-Podsmreka Horizon occur over a long period of time; from the second half of the 15th cent. to the end of the 13th cent. BC, i.e. Bz C/D–Ha A. Both sites presented in this paper are dated to the later part of the Bz D phase (13th cent. BC).Predstavljamo nedavna izkopavanja dveh najdišč iz pozne bronaste dobe na obrobju Ljubljanskega barja. Naselju iz Iške Loke pripisujemo novoodkriti žarni grob iz Matene. Obe najdišči povezujemo z najdišči horizonta Oloris-Podsmreka v Sloveniji, ki sodijo v širši kulturni krog skupine Virovitica. Najdišča horizonta Oloris-Podsmreka imajo dolg časovni razpon, segajo vse od druge polovice 15. do konca 13. st. pr. n. št. ali v čas od Bd C/D do Ha A, pri čemer obravnavani najdišči datiramo v mlajši del stopnje Bd D ali v 13. st. pr. n. št

    Zgodnjelatenski grobovi iz Orehove vasi pri Mariboru

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    At the archaeological site of Orehova vas near Maribor, where remains were discovered from various archaeological periods, in 2006 a small early La Tène cemetery with three graves was discovered. In addition to the most probably cremated grave 2, where only pottery vessels were placed, another two graves were excavated at the cemetery containing sets of weapons, consisting of a sword in a scabbard and a spear. In the case of cremation grave 1, the weapons were ritually destroyed, but not in grave 3. Grave 3 is exceptional not merely at the cemetery but also throughout the entire western Pannonian region. It is a double grave with a bi-ritual mode of burial. Considering the size and shape of the grave pit and the position of the deliberately undamaged grave goods it is very likely that the grave contained the remains of an inhumation burial of an armed male. Next to it were also discovered the cremated remains of a female with an iron fibula of the early La Tène type with a button on the foot. Despite the different funerary practices, grave 3 most probably represented the simultaneous burial of a man and a woman. All three graves from Orehova vas can be classified to the LT B2 or the Mokronog I phase. The cemetery has good analogies with the contemporary small cemetery from Srednica near Ptuj where Celtic newcomers from the northeast were most likely buried; some similarities were also noted with the La Tène cemetery at Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, which was characterized by the preservation of a long continuity extending even from the Late Bronze and Hallstatt periods.Na arheološkem najdišču Orehova vas pri Mariboru, kjer so bile odkrite ostaline iz različnih arheoloških obdobij, je bilo leta 2006 izkopano majhno zgodnjelatensko grobišče s tremi grobovi. Poleg najverjetneje žganega groba 2, v katerega je bilo pridano zgolj keramično posodje, sta bila na grobišču izkopana še dva grobova s kompletom orožja, ki ga sestavljata meč v nožnici in sulična ost. V žganem grobu 1 je bilo orožje obredno uničeno, v grobu 3 pa ne. Grob 3 je izjemen tako na grobišču kot tudi v širšem zahodnopanonskem prostoru. Gre namreč za dvojni grob z biritualnim načinom pokopa. Glede na velikost in obliko grobne jame ter lego namensko nepoškodovanih grobnih pridatkov gre zelo verjetno za ostanke skeletnega pokopa oboroženega moškega. Zraven so bili odkriti žgani ostanki ženske z železno fibulo zgodnjelatenske sheme z gumbom na nogi. Kljub različnima načinoma gre v grobu 3 bržkone za sočasna pokopa moškega in ženske. Vsi trije grobovi iz Orehove vasi sodijo v LT B2 ali stopnjo Mokronog I. Grobišče ima dobre primerjave v sočasnem majhnem grobišču iz Srednice pri Ptuju, kjer so bili najverjetneje pokopani keltski prišleki iz severovzhoda; opazne so tudi nekatere podobnosti z latenskim grobiščem na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu, za katerega je značilno ohranjanje kontinuitete iz poznobronastodobnega in halštatskega obdobja

    Železnodobno gradišče Cvinger nad Virom pri Stični

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    Here presented book is in Slovenian only, while the printed version, Stična. Železnodobna naselbinska keramika / Iron Age Settlement Pottery, is a bilingual publication

    Newly discovered graves from the Early and Late Iron Age at Vir pri Stični

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    Predstavljamo rezultate raziskovanj, ki so potekala v letih 2013–2014 in 2016 na Viru pri Stični. Z zaščitnimi arheološkimi izkopavanji ob nadzoru gradbenih del so bili na robu gomilnega grobišča odkriti plani žgani grobovi iz začetka železne dobe na Dolenjskem. Žgani in skeletni grobovi so izkopani tudi v dveh novoodkritih gomilah(?) – gomilah 1A in 6A. Še pomembnejše pa je odkritje latenskega grobišča na terasi na vznožju naselja, kjer so bili odkriti trije grobovi. V mlajšo železno dobo najverjetneje sodijo še ostaline metalurške dejavnosti na lokaciji Kojina, zahodno od gomilnega grobišča.This article presents the results of recent archaeological research (2013–2014 and 2016 seasons) at Vir pri Stični. The rescue excavations, along with the supervision of construction activities at the edge of the previously known tumulus cemetery, uncovered flat cremation graves from the beginning of the Iron Age in Dolenjska region. Cremation and inhumation graves were found and also excavated in Tumulus 1A and 6A, the two newly discovered burial mounds (?). Even more important is the discovery of the La Tène cemetery on a terrace at the foot of the hillfort, from which only three graves have been uncovered. The remains of metallurgical activities at the site of Kojina, west of the tumulus cemetery, probably also belonged to the Late Iron Age

    Podzemelj – železnodobno središče v Beli krajini v luči novih raziskav

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    The present paper is focused on archaeological research at the Iron Age centre at Podzemelj. Recent research at the southern summit of the Kučar hillfort and the discovery of a burial ground at Pezdirčeva njiva, at the western foothill, significantly complements our knowledge about the development of the Iron Age in the Bela krajina region. At the outset, the article showcases all of the past archaeological research on both the settlement and the associated burial grounds. Within the first, the latest settlement excavations at the southern summit of the hillfort Kučar unearthed two phases of the Hallstatt period settlement. For the first time, the remains of a defensive embankment were investigated, most probably the remnants of an enclosing wall of this part of the settlement. Traces of the Late Iron Age phase were also identified in this area. At the cemetery, which has not yet been explored in its entirety, two clusters of graves were discovered, with the first one dating to the Late Hallstatt period and the second belonging to the Vinica group to the Late Iron Age. The research on both locations within the prehistoric Podzemelj complex is still ongoing and will be comprehensively presented in the near future.V prispevku predstavljamo železnodobno središče v Podzemlju. Kronološki pregled starih raziskovanj naselja in pripadajočih grobišč dopolnjujemo s predstavitvijo prvih rezultatov novih naselbinskih izkopavanj na južnem vrhu Kučarja, kjer sta bili odkriti dve stopnji halštatske poselitve. Prvič so bile raziskane ostaline obrambnega nasipa, najverjetneje ruševine zidu, s katerim je bil južni vrh obdan šele v mlajši fazi. Na tem območju so bile ohranjene tudi sledi poselitve iz mlajše železne dobe. Raziskave na južnem vrhu Kučarja in odkritje grobišča na Pezdirčevi njivi na zahodni strani naselja pomembno dopolnjujejo naše vedenje o razvoju železnodobnega središča v Podzemlju. Na grobišču, najverjetneje planem, ki še ni v celoti raziskano in zamejeno, sta bili odkriti dve skupini grobov, ki ju datiramo na sam konec halštatskega obdobja in v mlajšo železno dobo, pri čemer slednja nedvomno sodi v viniško kulturno skupino. Obe raziskavi sta še v teku in bosta celovito predstavljeni v prihodnjih letih

    Halštatska gomila na Hribu v Metliki

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    This article presents for the first time the tumulus I exca-vated in 1987 at Hrib in Metlika, where 90 graves were discov-ered, all the burials of the cremation type with the exceptionof 8 inhumation graves. In addition to the usual form of cre-mation burial, there were also cremation graves with stone circles.The tumulus was used uninterruptedly for burial from the periodof the Ljubljana I phase to the end of the Stična 2 phase. Thiswas thus a burial mound from the very beginning of the Hall-statt period in Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) and in White Carniola(Bela krajina), which offers several new elements in the frameworkof  the  Lower  Carniola  Hallstatt  group. V članku je prvič v celoti predstavljena leta 1987 izkopanagomila I s Hriba v Metliki, v kateri je bilo odkritih 90 grobov,ki  so  bili  z  izjemo  osmih  skeletnih  pokopov  vsi  žgani.  Polegprevladujočega žganega pokopa so posebnost gomile tudi žganigrobovi s kamnitimi venci. V gomili so neprekinjeno pokopa-vali od časa stopnje Ljubljana I pa do konca stopnje Stična 2.Gre torej za gomilo s samega začetka halštatskega obdobja naDolenjskem in v Beli krajini, ki prinaša več novosti v okvirudolenjske  halštatske  skupine