28,807 research outputs found

    Achieving Consistent Doppler Measurements from SDO/HMI Vector Field Inversions

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    NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is delivering vector field observations of the full solar disk with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution; however, the satellite is in a highly inclined geostationary orbit. The relative spacecraft-Sun velocity varies by ±3\pm3~km/s over a day which introduces major orbital artifacts in the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager data. We demonstrate that the orbital artifacts contaminate all spatial and temporal scales in the data. We describe a newly-developed three stage procedure for mitigating these artifacts in the Doppler data derived from the Milne-Eddington inversions in the HMI Pipeline. This procedure was applied to full disk images of AR11084 to produce consistent Dopplergrams. The data adjustments reduce the power in the orbital artifacts by 31dB. Furthermore, we analyze in detail the corrected images and show that our procedure greatly improve the temporal and spectral properties of the data without adding any new artifacts. We conclude that this new and easily implemented procedure makes a dramatic improvement in the consistency of the HMI data and in its usefulness for precision scientific studies.Comment: 58 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Ap

    Minimax studies

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    Effect of nonzero initial conditions on selection of minimax controllers for large launch vehicles and extremal bounded amplitude bounded rate inputs to linear system

    Storage Ring Probes of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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    We show that proton storage ring experiments designed to search for proton electric dipole moments can also be used to look for the nearly dc spin precession induced by dark energy and ultra-light dark matter. These experiments are sensitive to both axion-like and vector fields. Current technology permits probes of these phenomena up to three orders of magnitude beyond astrophysical limits. The relativistic boost of the protons in these rings allows this scheme to have sensitivities comparable to atomic co-magnetometer experiments that can also probe similar phenomena. These complementary approaches can be used to extract the micro-physics of a signal, allowing us to distinguish between pseudo-scalar, magnetic and electric dipole moment interactions.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Coverage Options for a Low cost, High Resolution Optical Constellation

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    This paper presents the range of coverage options available to TopSat like small satellites, both singly and in a small constellation. TopSat is a low-cost, high resolution and image quality, optical small satellite, due for launch in October 2004. In particular, the paper considers the use of tuned, repeat ground track orbits to improve coverage for selected ground targets, at the expense of global coverage. TopSat is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of small satellites for high value remote sensing missions. It is a 108kg, sun-synchronous satellite, designed to provide 2.5m resolution imagery direct to users in the vicinity of the imaged area. Its objectives are to demonstrate the capability to cost performance available from small satellites, the utility of direct reception of remotely sensed imagery, and the affordability of constellations and individually owned assets. A description of the satellite, and update on the development and flight build of the satellite is given, as of June 2003. Two coverage improving augmentations to the TopSat satellite are discussed, namely the addition of a propulsion system and more capable attitude actuators. With limited orbit control, achievement and maintenance of tuned orbits, and phasing of a constellation within orbits, become practicable. TopSat is an agile small satellite, allowing boresight reorientation required for slews during imaging. The capability for performing multiple images in a single target pass is considered, with the existing and improved torque actuator implementations. Similar options for performing stereo imaging with 2 formation flying TopSats are outlined. Reconfiguration of repeat ground track orbits for a single satellite is analysed in terms of fuel cost and drift orbit options. A one day repeat orbit case is presented which would allow daily coverage of a fixed target, with orbit reconfiguration required to allow global access. A typical mission for such a satellite is summarised, along with practical requirements for the propulsion system. Coverage options for constellations of between 2 and 4 satellites are then also scrutinised, with fuel estimates for the most promising options explored. Again, the benefits that could be achieved by using repeat ground track orbits are weighed against the fuel requirements, to maintain and reconfigure such a constellation. The TopSat mission is a collaboration between four UK partners. QinetiQ are leading the mission and providing data handling and ground segment elements. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) are developing the camera, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) are providing the bus, and InfoTerra are responsible for developing potential data markets. The programme is jointly funded by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) and by the British National Space Centre (BNSC)

    Tripartite entanglement and threshold properties of coupled intracavity downconversion and sum-frequency generation

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    The process of cascaded downconversion and sum-frequency generation inside an optical cavity has been predicted to be a potential source of three-mode continuous-variable entanglement. When the cavity is pumped by two fields, the threshold properties have been analysed, showing that these are more complicated than in well-known processes such as optical parametric oscillation. When there is only a single pumping field, the entanglement properties have been calculated using a linearised fluctuation analysis, but without any consideration of the threshold properties or critical operating points of the system. In this work we extend this analysis to demonstrate that the singly pumped system demonstrates a rich range of threshold behaviour when quantisation of the pump field is taken into account and that asymmetric polychromatic entanglement is available over a wide range of operational parameters.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Optical nanolithography using a scanning near-field probe with an integrated light source

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    An ultracompact near-field optical probe is described that is based on a single, integrated assembly consisting of a gallium nitride (GaN) light-emitting diode (LED), a microlens, and a cantilever assembly containing a hollow pyramidal probe with a subwavelength aperture at its apex. The LED emits ultraviolet light and may be used as a light source for near-field photolithographic exposure. Using this simple device compatible with many commercial atomic force microscope systems, it is possible to form nanostructures in photoresist with a resolution of 35 nm, corresponding to λ/10. © 2008 American Institute of Physics

    Disorder-Induced Shift of Condensation Temperature for Dilute Trapped Bose Gases

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    We determine the leading shift of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature for an ultracold dilute atomic gas in a harmonic trap due to weak disorder by treating both a Gaussian and a Lorentzian spatial correlation for the quenched disorder potential. Increasing the correlation length from values much smaller than the geometric mean of the trap scale and the mean particle distance to much larger values leads first to an increase of the positive shift to a maximum at this critical length scale and then to a decrease.Comment: Author information under http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_di

    Cretaceous-to-recent record of elevated 3He/4He along the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain

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    Helium isotopes are a robust geochemical tracer of a primordial mantle component in hot spot volcanism. The high 3He/4He (up to 35 RA, where RA is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.39 × 10−6) of some Hawaiian Island volcanism is perhaps the classic example. New results for picrites and basalts from the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain indicate that the hot spot has produced high 3He/4He lavas for at least the last 76 million years. Picrites erupted at 76 Ma have 3He/4He (10–14 RA), which is at the lower end of the range for the Hawaiian Islands but still above the range of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB; 6–10 RA). This was at a time when hot spot volcanism was occurring on thin lithosphere close to a spreading ridge and producing lava compositions otherwise nearly indistinguishable from MORB. After the hot spot and spreading center diverged during the Late Cretaceous, the hot spot produced lavas with significantly higher 3He/4He (up to 24 RA). Although 3He/4He ratios stabilized at relatively high values by 65 Ma, other chemical characteristics such as La/Yb and 87Sr/86Sr did not reach and stabilize at Hawaiian-Island-like values until ~45 Ma. Our limited 3He/4He record for the Hawaiian hot spot shows a poor correlation with plume flux estimates (calculated from bathymetry and residual gravity anomalies [Van Ark and Lin, 2004]). If 3He is a proxy for the quantity of primordial mantle material within the plume, then the lack of correlation between 3He/4He and calculated plume flux suggests that variation in primordial mantle flux is not the primary factor controlling total plume flux

    Molecular dynamics in arbitrary geometries : parallel evaluation of pair forces

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    A new algorithm for calculating intermolecular pair forces in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a distributed parallel computer is presented. The arbitrary interacting cells algorithm (AICA) is designed to operate on geometrical domains defined by an unstructured, arbitrary polyhedral mesh that has been spatially decomposed into irregular portions for parallelisation. It is intended for nano scale fluid mechanics simulation by MD in complex geometries, and to provide the MD component of a hybrid MD/continuum simulation. The spatial relationship of the cells of the mesh is calculated at the start of the simulation and only the molecules contained in cells that have part of their surface closer than the cut-off radius of the intermolecular pair potential are required to interact. AICA has been implemented in the open source C++ code OpenFOAM, and its accuracy has been indirectly verified against a published MD code. The same system simulated in serial and in parallel on 12 and 32 processors gives the same results. Performance tests show that there is an optimal number of cells in a mesh for maximum speed of calculating intermolecular forces, and that having a large number of empty cells in the mesh does not add a significant computational overhead
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