763 research outputs found

    The epidemiological consequences of optimisation of the individual host immune response

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    We present a simple unscaled, quantitative framework that addresses the optimum use of resources throughout a host's lifetime based on continuous exposure to parasites (rather than evolutionary, genetically explicit trade-offs). The principal assumptions are that a host's investment of resources in growth increases its survival and reproduction, and that increasing parasite burden reduces survival. The host reproductive value is maximised for a given combination of rates of parasite exposure, host resource acquisition and pathogenicity, which results in an optimum parasite burden (for the host). Generally, results indicate that the optimum resource allocation is to tolerate some parasite infection. The lower the resource acquisition, the lower the proportion of resources that should be devoted to immunity, i.e. the higher the optimum parasite burden. Increases in pathogenicity result in reduced optimum parasite burdens, whereas increases in exposure result in increasing optimum parasite burdens. Simultaneous variation in resource acquisition, pathogenicity and exposure within a community of hosts results in overdispersed parasite burdens, with the degree of heterogeneity decreasing as mean burden increases. The relationships between host condition and parasite burden are complicated, and could potentially confound data analysis. Finally, the value of this approach for explaining epidemiological patterns, immunological processes and the possibilities for further work are discussed

    Serological survey of anti-group A rotavirus IgM in UK adults

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    Rotaviral associated disease of infants in the UK is seasonal and infection in adults not uncommon but the relationship between these has been little explored. Adult sera collected monthly for one year from routine hospital samples were screened for the presence of anti-group A rotavirus immunoglobulin M class antibodies as a marker of recent infection. Anti-rotavirus IgM was seen in all age groups throughout the year with little obvious seasonal variation in the distribution of antibody levels. IgM concentrations and the proportion seropositive above a threshold both increased with age with high concentrations consistently observed in the elderly. Results suggest either high infection rates of rotavirus in adults, irrespective of seasonal disease incidence in infants, IgM persistence or IgM cross-reactivity. These results support recent evidence of differences between infant and adult rotavirus epidemiology and highlight the need for more extensive surveys to investigate age and time related infection and transmission of rotavirus

    Survival of Theileria parva in its nymphal tick vector Rhipicephalus appendiculatus under laboratory and quasi natural conditions

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    Groups of nymphal Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Muguga, having a mean of 1 or 9 Theileria parva Muguga-infected salivary gland acini per tick, were kept under quasi-natural conditions at an altitude of 1950 m or 20°C at a relative humidity of 85% in the laboratory and their survival and infection prevalence and abundance determined over time. Theileria parva infections for both categories of ticks survived in the nymphal ticks for 50 or 26 weeks post salivary gland infection under quasi-natural or laboratory conditions respectively. There was a distinct decline in infections in the more heavily infected nymphae under both conditions of exposure, reflecting an apparent density dependence in parasite survival. Nymphal ticks having an average infection level of 1 infected salivary gland acinus per tick, survived for up to 69 or 65 weeks post-repletion under quasi-natural or the laboratory conditions respectively. Nymphae having an average infection level of 9 infected salivary gland acini per tick survived for a similar duration under each of the 2 conditions. The infection level of 9 infected salivary gland acini per tick did not seem to significantly affect the survival of the tick vector compared to those having an average of 1 infected salivary gland acinus per tick

    Estimating the transmission parameters of pneumococcal carriage in households

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    This paper analyses Streptococcus pneumoniae transmission dynamics in households using longitudinal data on pneumococcal (Pnc) carriage in the United Kingdom. Ten consecutive swabs were taken at 4-week intervals from all members of 121 households. The family status is derived from the observed Pnc carriage status of each family member. Transition matrices are built for each family size and composition containing the observed frequency of transitions between family statuses over a 28-day interval. A density-dependent transmission model is fitted to derive maximum-likelihood estimates of the duration of carriage and acquisition rates from the community and from infected individuals within the household. Parameter values are estimated for children (<5 years) and adults (5+years). The duration of carriage is longer in children <5 years of age than in older family members (51 vs. 19 days). Children are 3–4 times more likely than adults to acquire Pnc infection from the community. Transmission rates within the household suggest that adults are more infectious but less susceptible than children. Transmission within the household is most important in large families. The proportion of household-acquired infection ranges from 29 to 46% in households of three persons to 38–50% in larger households. Evidence of density-dependent within-household transmission is found, although the strength of this relationship is not clear from the model estimates

    Screening strategies in surveillance and control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

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    With reports of hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) continuing to increase and therapeutic options decrease, infection control methods are of increasing importance. Here we investigate the relationship between surveillance and infection control. Surveillance plays two roles with respect to control: it allows detection of infected/colonized individuals necessary for their removal from the general population, and it allows quantification of control success. We develop a stochastic model of MRSA transmission dynamics exploring the effects of two screening strategies in an epidemic setting: random and on admission. We consider both hospital and community populations and include control and surveillance in a single framework. Random screening was more efficient at hospital surveillance and allowed nosocomial control, which also prevented epidemic behaviour in the community. Therefore, random screening was the more effective control strategy for both the hospital and community populations in this setting. Surveillance strategies have significant impact on both ascertainment of infection prevalence and its control

    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in GB pig herds : farm characteristics associated with heterogeneity in seroprevalence

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    Background: The between- and within-herd variability of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) antibodies were investigated in a cross-sectional study of 103 British pig herds conducted 2003–2004. Fifty pigs from each farm were tested for anti-PRRSV antibodies using ELISA. A binomial logistic model was used to investigate management risks for farms with and without pigs with PRRSV antibodies and multilevel statistical models were used to investigate variability in pigs' log ELISA IRPC (relative index × 100) in positive herds. Results: Thirty-five herds (34.0%) were seronegative, 41 (39.8%) were seropositive and 27 (26.2%) were vaccinated. Herds were more likely to be seronegative if they had < 250 sows (OR 3.86 (95% CI 1.46, 10.19)) and if the nearest pig herd was ≥ 2 miles away (OR 3.42 (95% CI 1.29, 9.12)). The mean log IRPC in seropositive herds was 3.02 (range, 0.83 – 5.58). Sixteen seropositive herds had only seropositive adult pigs. In these herds, pigs had -0.06 (95% CI -0.10, -0.01) lower log IRPC for every mile increase in distance to the nearest pig unit, and -0.56 (95% CI -1.02, -0.10) lower log IRPC when quarantine facilities were present. For 25 herds with seropositive young stock and adults, lower log IRPC were associated with isolating purchased stock for ≥ 6 days (coefficient - 0.46, 95% CI -0.81, -0.11), requesting ≥ 48 hours 'pig-free time' from humans (coefficient -0.44, 95% CI -0.79, -0.10) and purchasing gilts (coefficient -0.61, 95% CI -0.92, -0.29). Conclusion: These patterns are consistent with PRRSV failing to persist indefinitely on some infected farms, with fadeout more likely in smaller herds with little/no reintroduction of infectious stock. Persistence of infection may be associated with large herds in pig-dense regions with repeated reintroduction

    The control of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep flocks : a mathematical model of the impact of vaccination, serological testing, clinical examination and lancing of abscesses

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    A mathematical model of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep flocks was used to evaluate strategies for control and elimination of caseous lymphadenitis (CIA). Control strategies tested were vaccination, serological testing and removal of seropositives, clinical examination and removal of sheep with abscesses, lancing abscesses, and appropriate combinations. Three different infection rates with and without replacement of culled ewes were used to evaluate the control options. Controls were either implemented immediately after infection was detected in a flock or once CIA was at endemic equilibrium, and with different frequencies of examination or testing. Elimination of infection was defined as 99% confidence that no sheep were infected with C. pseudo tuberculosis. The control strategies were evaluated by estimating the reduction in infection or probability of elimination and the number of ewes culled from the flock. Lancing abscesses reduced the prevalence of infection when the initial prevalence was 0.90, but vaccination combined with clinical examination reduced infection rapidly with little impact on lamb productivity. Further research is required to develop a diagnostic test with at least 0.90 specificity and sensitivity under field conditions before any methods of control can be recommended with confidence

    Back-calculating the incidence of infection of leprosy in a Bayesian framework

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    Background: The number of new leprosy cases reported annually is falling worldwide, but remains relatively high in some populations. Because of the long and variable periods between infection, onset of disease, and diagnosis, the recently detected cases are a reflection of infection many years earlier. Estimation of the numbers of sub-clinical and clinical infections would be useful for management of elimination programmes. Back-calculation is a methodology that could provide estimates of prevalence of undiagnosed infections, future diagnoses and the effectiveness of control. Methods: A basic back-calculation model to investigate the infection dynamics of leprosy has been developed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo in a Bayesian context. The incidence of infection and the detection delay both vary with calendar time. Public data from Thailand are used to demonstrate the results that are obtained as the incidence of diagnosed cases falls. Results: The results show that the underlying burden of infection and short-term future predictions of cases can be estimated with a simple model. The downward trend in new leprosy cases in Thailand is expected to continue. In 2015 the predicted total number of undiagnosed sub-clinical and clinical infections is 1,168 (846–1,546) of which 466 (381–563) are expected to be clinical infections. Conclusions: Bayesian back-calculation has great potential to provide estimates of numbers of individuals in health/infection states that are as yet unobserved. Predictions of future cases provides a quantitative measure of understanding for programme managers and evaluators. We will continue to develop the approach, and suggest that it might be useful for other NTD in which incidence of diagnosis is not an immediate measure of infection

    Helminth control : more questions than answers

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    Soil transmitted helminths (STH) and schistosomiasis (SCH) have been recognised as important diseases for decades. Diagnostics, treatments and understanding were accrued throughout the 20th century, and reached the point where control and elimination appeared to be primarily a matter of implementation of mass drug administration (MDA) programmes [1]. However, in 2015, both STH and SCH remain global health problems, so perhaps we do not have the right tools, or we are not applying them effectively. To our knowledge, MDA for STH and SCH has never been demonstrated to eliminate infection without concomitant economic development. What are we missing

    Cow, farm, and herd management factors in the dry period associated with raised somatic cell counts in early lactation

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    This study investigated cow characteristics, farm facilities, and herd management strategies during the dry period to examine their joint influence on somatic cell counts (SCC) in early lactation. Data from 52 commercial dairy farms throughout England and Wales were collected over a 2-yr period. For the purpose of analysis, cows were separated into those housed for the dry period (6,419 cow-dry periods) and those at pasture (7,425 cow-dry periods). Bayesian multilevel models were specified with 2 response variables: ln SCC (continuous) and SCC >199,000 cells/mL (binary), both within 30 d of calving. Cow factors associated with an increased SCC after calving were parity, an SCC >199,000 cells/mL in the 60 d before drying off, increasing milk yield 0 to 30 d before drying off, and reduced DIM after calving at the time of SCC estimation. Herd management factors associated with an increased SCC after calving included procedures at drying off, aspects of bedding management, stocking density, and method of pasture grazing. Posterior predictions were used for model assessment, and these indicated that model fit was generally good. The research demonstrated that specific dry-period management strategies have an important influence on SCC in early lactation