3,112 research outputs found

    The influence of feature-based information in the age processing of unfamiliar faces

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    The influence of the internal features (eyes, nose, and mouth) in the age processing of unfamiliar faces was examined. Younger and older versions of the faces of six individuals (covering three different age ranges, from infancy to maturity) were used as donor stimuli. For each individual in turn, the effects on age estimates of placing older features in the younger face version (or vice versa) were investigated. Age estimates were heavily influenced by the age of the internal facial features. Experiment 2 replicated these effects with a larger number of faces within a narrower age range (after growth is complete and before major skin changes have occurred). Taken together, these two experiments show that the internal facial features may be influential in conveying age information to the perceiver. However, the mechanisms by which features exert their influence remain difficult to determine: although age estimates might be based on local information from the features themselves, an alternative possibility is that featural changes indirectly influence age estimates by altering the global three-dimensional shape of the head

    Recognising the ageing face: the role of age in face processing

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    The effects of age-induced changes on face recognition were investigated as a means of exploring the role of age in the encoding of new facial memories. The ability of participants to recognise each of six previously learnt faces was tested with versions which were either identical to the learnt faces, the same age (but different in pose and expression), or younger or older in age. Participants were able to cope well with facial changes induced by ageing: their performance with older, but not younger, versions was comparable to that with faces which differed only in pose and expression. Since the large majority of different age versions were recognised successfully, it can be concluded that the process of recognition does not require an exact match in age characteristics between the stored representation of a face and the face currently in view. As the age-related changes explored here were those that occur during the period of growth, this in turn implies that the underlying structural physical properties of the face are (in addition to pose and facial expression) invariant to a certain extent

    Factors influencing the accuracy of age-estimates of unfamiliar faces

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    Factors affecting the accuracy with which adults could assess the age of unfamiliar male faces aged between 5 and 70 years were examined. In the first experiment twenty-five 'young' adult subjects, aged 16-25, and twenty-five 'old' adults, aged 51-60, were used. Each subject saw five versions of three different faces: these consisted of an original version of each face and four manipulated versions of it. The manipulations consisted of mirror reversal, pseudo-cardioidal strain, thresholding, and elimination of all but the internal features of the face. The second experiment was similar except that a between-subjects design was used: each subject saw three faces for each age category of target face, but was exposed to only a single type of manipulation (plus a set of 'original' faces which were identical for all groups, so that the comparability of the different groups in age estimation could be checked). Results from both experiments were similar. Age estimates for unmanipulated 'original' faces were highly accurate, although subjects were most accurate with target faces that were within their own age range. Results for the manipulated faces implied that the importance of cardioidal strain as a necessary and sufficient cue to age may have been overestimated in previous reports: subjects' age estimates were accurate when cardioidal strain was absent from the stimulus, and poor when cardioidal strain was the only cue available

    Exploring the Relationship Between Childhoood Sexual Abuse and Substance Use Among Women

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    Childhood sexual abuse can lead to a lifetime of negative health outcomes and disorders. These outcomes include problems of substance use, other high-risk behaviors, and psychological and biological disorders with increasing rates of morbidity and mortality, thus making this relationship a significant public health issue. This literature review focuses on the relationship of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) to substance use disorders and problem use in women. The rate of substance use and abuse among women is significantly higher in CSA victims than in the general population. However, this relationship is very complex due to various other factors found to play a role in this relationship. Literature on third factors (e.g., PTSD, neurobiological disorders, poor social outcomes, depression, other forms of abuse, and family and environmental factors), are examined for their possible role in this relationship and their implications for treatment of childhood sexual abuse and substance use

    SLE and Pregnancy

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a life-long, life-threatening autoimmune disease which can affect any organ in the body (Marks & Tullus, 2011). SLE disproportionately affects women in a ratio of 9:1 compared to men with most women being affected during child-bearing age (15-50 years) (Ferenkeh-Koroma, 2012). Pregnancy represents a challenge for the patient with SLE. Pregnant patients with SLE are considered high-risk for multiple medical and obstetric complications, as flares are related to increased irreversible organ damage (Ateka- Barrutia & Khamashta, 2013). Severe flares are also associated with poor fetal outcomes (Peart & Clowse, 2014). Successful pregnancies happen in 67% of women with lupus compared to 85% in the general population (Ferenkeh-Koroma, 2012). There is a 20-fold risk in maternal mortality and an increased rate of hypertension, pre-gestational diabetes, renal impairment, pulmonary hypertension, major infections, thrombotic events, and other hematological complications in patients with lupus (Ateka- Barrutia & Khamashta, 2013). There is a higher risk for preterm labor in patients with lupus with 25% of pregnancies resulting in delivery before 37 weeks gestation (Ferenkeh-Koroma, 2012). There is also a greater risk for pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and cesarean section (Ateka-Barrutia & Khamashta, 2013)


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    The effect of mark enhancement techniques on the subsequent detection of saliva

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    There appears to be a limited but growing body of research on the sequential analysis/treatment of multiple types of evidence. The development of an integrated forensic approach is necessary to maximise evidence recovery and to ensure that a particular treatment is not detrimental to other types of evidence. This study aims to assess the effect of latent and blood mark enhancement techniques (e.g. fluorescence, ninhydrin, acid violet 17, black iron-oxide powder suspension) on the subsequent detection of saliva. Saliva detection was performed by means of a presumptive test (Phadebas®) in addition to analysis by a rapid stain identification (RSID) kit test and confirmatory DNA testing. Additional variables included a saliva depletion series and a number of different substrates with varying porosities as well as different ageing periods. Examination and photography under white light and fluorescence was carried out prior to and after chemical enhancement All enhancement techniques (except Bluestar® Forensic Magnum luminol) employed in this study resulted in an improved visualisation of the saliva stains, although the inherent fluorescence of saliva was sometimes blocked after chemical treatment. The use of protein stains was, in general, detrimental to the detection of saliva. Positive results were less pronounced after the use of black iron-oxide powder suspension, cyanoacrylate fuming followed by BY40 and ninhydrin when compared to the respective positive controls. The application of Bluestar® Forensic Magnum luminol and black magnetic powder proved to be the least detrimental, with no significant difference between the test results and the positive controls. The use of non-destructive fluorescence examination provided good visualisation; however, only the first few marks in the depletion were observed. Of the samples selected for DNA analysis only depletion 1 samples contained sufficient DNA quantity for further processing using standard methodology. The 28 day delay between sample deposition and collection resulted in a 5-fold reduction in the amount of useable DNA. When sufficient DNA quantities were recovered, enhancement techniques did not have a detrimental effect on the ability to generate DNA profiles. This study aims to contribute to a strategy for maximising evidence recovery and efficiency for the detection of latent marks and saliva. The results demonstrate that most of the enhancement techniques employed in this study were not detrimental to the subsequent detection of saliva by means of presumptive, confirmative and DNA tests

    Exploring Admissions Criteria for a College Honors Program

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    Honors programs (HP) play an important role in defining the organizational culture of colleges and universities. In the college selected for this study, 30% of its honors students attrite to nonhonors programs, usually due to subpar grade point averages (GPAs). Using Sternberg\u27s augmented theory of successful intelligence, a mixed-methods approach was employed to better understand how selection metrics related to HP student success. The ex post facto design included a 5-year (2009-2014) census sample of 375 HP students. Correlation and regression analyses were used to examine the relationship between college GPA and HP admissions metrics such as standardized test scores and measures of high school quality, schedule strength, rank, and GPA. The quantitative results indicated that only ACT test scores and high school GPA were weakly predictive of college GPA. The qualitative component focused on Sternberg\u27s creative and practical intelligences to guide an exploration of HP admissions criteria with 2 admissions officers and 5 HP faculty members who were chosen for participation because of their direct involvement with selecting and teaching HP students. The qualitative results indicated the participants were interested in adding 3 components to the HP admissions criteria: art and music grades from high school, advanced epistemological thinking, and the ability to connect to faculty and resources. A white paper is included at the end of this study to help guide the process of revisiting admissions criteria to improve HP student completion. Positive social change is achieved, and both students and colleges benefit, when colleges more accurately enroll students into the academic programs they are most likely to complete
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