60 research outputs found

    Evaluation of neurotoxicity and long-term function and behavior following intrathecal 1 % 2-chloroprocaine in juvenile rats

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    Spinally-administered local anesthetics provide effective perioperative anesthesia and/or analgesia for children of all ages. New preparations and drugs require preclinical safety testing in developmental models. We evaluated age-dependent efficacy and safety following 1 % preservative-free 2-chloroprocaine (2-CP) in juvenile Sprague-Dawley rats. Percutaneous lumbar intrathecal 2-CP was administered at postnatal day (P)7, 14 or 21. Mechanical withdrawal threshold pre- and post-injection evaluated the degree and duration of sensory block, compared to intrathecal saline and naive controls. Tissue analyses one- or seven-days following injection included histopathology of spinal cord, cauda equina and brain sections, and quantification of neuronal apoptosis and glial reactivity in lumbar spinal cord. Following intrathecal 2-CP or saline at P7, outcomes assessed between P30 and P72 included: spinal reflex sensitivity (hindlimb thermal latency, mechanical threshold); social approach (novel rat versus object); locomotor activity and anxiety (open field with brightly-lit center); exploratory behavior (rearings, holepoking); sensorimotor gating (acoustic startle, prepulse inhibition); and learning (Morris Water Maze). Maximum tolerated doses of intrathecal 2-CP varied with age (1.0 μL/g at P7, 0.75 μL/g at P14, 0.5 μL/g at P21) and produced motor and sensory block for 10−15 min. Tissue analyses found no significant differences across intrathecal 2-CP, saline or naïve groups. Adult behavioral measures showed expected sex-dependent differences, that did not differ between 2-CP and saline groups. Single maximum tolerated in vivo doses of intrathecal 2-CP produced reversible spinal anesthesia in juvenile rodents without detectable evidence of developmental neurotoxicity. Current results cannot be extrapolated to repeated dosing or prolonged infusion

    Evaluation of Spinal Toxicity and Long-term Spinal Reflex Function after Intrathecal Levobupivaciane in the Neonatal Rat

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    Neuraxial anesthesia is utilized in children of all ages. Local anesthetics produce dose-dependent toxicity in certain adult models, but the developing spinal cord may also be susceptible to drug-induced apoptosis. In postnatal rodents, we examined the effects of intrathecal levobupivacaine on neuropathology and long-term sensorimotor outcomes

    Divergent receiver responses to components of multimodal signals in two foot-flagging frog species.

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    Multimodal communication of acoustic and visual signals serves a vital role in the mating system of anuran amphibians. To understand signal evolution and function in multimodal signal design it is critical to test receiver responses to unimodal signal components versus multimodal composite signals. We investigated two anuran species displaying a conspicuous foot-flagging behavior in addition to or in combination with advertisement calls while announcing their signaling sites to conspecifics. To investigate the conspicuousness of the foot-flagging signals, we measured and compared spectral reflectance of foot webbings of Micrixalus saxicola and Staurois parvus using a spectrophotometer. We performed behavioral field experiments using a model frog including an extendable leg combined with acoustic playbacks to test receiver responses to acoustic, visual and combined audio-visual stimuli. Our results indicated that the foot webbings of S. parvus achieved a 13 times higher contrast against their visual background than feet of M. saxicola. The main response to all experimental stimuli in S. parvus was foot flagging, whereas M. saxicola responded primarily with calls but never foot flagged. Together these across-species differences suggest that in S. parvus foot-flagging behavior is applied as a salient and frequently used communicative signal during agonistic behavior, whereas we propose it constitutes an evolutionary nascent state in ritualization of the current fighting behavior in M. saxicola

    Male Responses to Conspecific Advertisement Signals in the Field Cricket Gryllus rubens (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

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    In many species males aggregate and produce long-range advertisement signals to attract conspecific females. The majority of the receivers of these signals are probably other males most of the time, and male responses to competitors' signals can structure the spatial and temporal organization of the breeding aggregation and affect male mating tactics. I quantified male responses to a conspecific advertisement stimulus repeatedly over three age classes in Gryllus rubens (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in order to estimate the type and frequency of male responses to the broadcast stimulus and to determine the factors affecting them. Factors tested included body size, wing dimorphism, age, and intensity of the broadcast stimulus. Overall, males employed acoustic response more often than positive phonotactic response. As males aged, the frequency of positive phonotactic response decreased but that of the acoustic response increased. That is, males may use positive phonotaxis in the early stages of their adult lives, possibly to find suitable calling sites or parasitize calling males, and then later in life switch to acoustic responses in response to conspecific advertisement signals. Males with smaller body size more frequently exhibited acoustic responses. This study suggests that individual variation, more than any factors measured, is critical for age-dependent male responses to conspecific advertisement signals

    The role of complex cues in social and reproductive plasticity

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    Phenotypic plasticity can be a key determinant of fitness. The degree to which the expression of plasticity is adaptive relies upon the accuracy with which information about the state of the environment is integrated. This step might be particularly beneficial when environments, e.g. the social and sexual context, change rapidly. Fluctuating temporal dynamics could increase the difficulty of determining the appropriate level of expression of a plastic response. In this review, we suggest that new insights into plastic responses to the social and sexual environment (social and reproductive plasticity) may be gained by examining the role of complex cues (those comprising multiple, distinct sensory components). Such cues can enable individuals to more accurately monitor their environment in order to respond adaptively to it across the whole life course. We briefly review the hypotheses for the evolution of complex cues and then adapt these ideas to the context of social and sexual plasticity. We propose that the ability to perceive complex cues can facilitate plasticity, increase the associated fitness benefits and decrease the risk of costly ‘mismatches’ between phenotype and environment by (i) increasing the robustness of information gained from highly variable environments, (ii) fine-tuning responses by using multiple strands of information and (iii) reducing time lags in adaptive responses. We conclude by outlining areas for future research that will help to determine the interplay between complex cues and plasticity
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