462 research outputs found

    Konsumenten illegaler Internet-Pornographie - psychische Auffälligkeiten und Risiken der Straffälligkeit

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Konsum von illegaler Pornographie, insbesondere Kinderpornographie, ist weit verbreitet und die Zahl der strafrechtlichen Verurteilungen steigt stetig an. Die bisherigen, noch wenigen Forschungsresultate und therapeutischen als auch gutachterlichen empirischen Daten skizzieren folgendes Bild: Konsumenten von Kinderpornographie umfassen wie Kindsmissbraucher mittlerweile die gesamte Altersspanne und stammen aus allen sozialen Schichten. Beide Gruppen zeigen Ähnlichkeiten in abhängigem, vermeidendem und teilweise schizoidem Sozialverhalten sowie erhöhter Ängstlichkeit. Kindsmissbraucher zeigen in der Regel aber tiefgreifendere Störungen der Persönlichkeitsorganisation bis hin zur Persönlichkeitsstörung, insbesondere mit emotional instabilen und dissozialen Zügen und in der Regel wird eine Pädophilie diagnostiziert. Konsumenten von illegaler Pornographie weisen weniger Vorstrafen auf, halten sich besser an Auflagen, werden deutlich seltener rückfällig und erfüllen oft nicht die diagnostischen Kriterien für eine Pädophilie. Insbesondere zeigt sich kein eindeutiger Zusammenhang zwischen dem Konsum von Kinderpornographie ohne gleichzeitige sexuelle Kontaktdelikte und späterem Kindsmissbrauch. Die wesentlichen Risikofaktoren für eine Überlappung sind bekannt und sollten, neben subjektivem Leidensdruck, als Indikation für eine Therapie gelten. Leider verfügen bisher nur wenige Institutionen weltweit über abgestufte Therapieangebote entsprechend moderner und publizierter Standards. Dabei wären niederschwellige professionelle Angebote zur Hilfestellung, Entstigmatisierung und letztlich Deliktprävention, dringend notwendi

    Deep Denoising for Hearing Aid Applications

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    Reduction of unwanted environmental noises is an important feature of today's hearing aids (HA), which is why noise reduction is nowadays included in almost every commercially available device. The majority of these algorithms, however, is restricted to the reduction of stationary noises. In this work, we propose a denoising approach based on a three hidden layer fully connected deep learning network that aims to predict a Wiener filtering gain with an asymmetric input context, enabling real-time applications with high constraints on signal delay. The approach is employing a hearing instrument-grade filter bank and complies with typical hearing aid demands, such as low latency and on-line processing. It can further be well integrated with other algorithms in an existing HA signal processing chain. We can show on a database of real world noise signals that our algorithm is able to outperform a state of the art baseline approach, both using objective metrics and subject tests.Comment: submitted to IWAENC 201

    On polymorphic uncertainty modeling in shell buckling

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    Buckling is typically the governing failure mode of thin-walled shells. In particular, geometric and material imperfections have a major influence on the buckling behavior. Small variations of imperfections have large effects on the load-bearing behavior. However, the design of shells is still characterized by a deterministic way of thinking, in which uncertainties have not yet been sufficiently considered. Even in probabilistic approaches, false assumptions are often generated due to the small amount of experimental data. The focus of this paper is an appropriate uncertainty quantification based on the available data. Therefore, the concept of polymorphic uncertainty modeling is presented on axially loaded shells with different types of imperfections. Finally, an idea for a novel design concept for shells based on a fuzzy-valued safety level is introduced. The paper is intended to initiate a rethinking of the methodology for the numerical design of shells with an appropriate uncertainty quantification

    Dissecting Supervised Contrastive Learning

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    Minimizing cross-entropy over the softmax scores of a linear map composed with a high-capacity encoder is arguably the most popular choice for training neural networks on supervised learning tasks. However, recent works show that one can directly optimize the encoder instead, to obtain equally (or even more) discriminative representations via a supervised variant of a contrastive objective. In this work, we address the question whether there are fundamental differences in the sought-for representation geometry in the output space of the encoder at minimal loss. Specifically, we prove, under mild assumptions, that both losses attain their minimum once the representations of each class collapse to the vertices of a regular simplex, inscribed in a hypersphere. We provide empirical evidence that this configuration is attained in practice and that reaching a close-to-optimal state typically indicates good generalization performance. Yet, the two losses show remarkably different optimization behavior. The number of iterations required to perfectly fit to data scales superlinearly with the amount of randomly flipped labels for the supervised contrastive loss. This is in contrast to the approximately linear scaling previously reported for networks trained with cross-entropy.Comment: ICML 2021 camera ready versio

    Secretory apparatus assessed by analysis of pancreatic secretory stress protein expression in a rat model of chronic pancreatitis

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    Secretory stress proteins (SSP) are a family of proteins including isoforms of pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP) and pancreatic stone protein (PSP/reg). In vitro exposure to trypsin results in the formation of insoluble fibrillar structures. SSP are constitutively secreted into pancreatic juice at low levels. The WBN/Kob rat is a model for chronic pancreatitis, displaying focal inflammation, destruction of the parenchyma and changes in the architecture of the acinar cell; the synthesis and secretion of SSP are also increased. We have investigated the secretory apparatus by SSP immunohistochemistry at the light- and electron-microscopical (EM) levels. Immunocytochemistry of PSP/reg in Wistar control rats reveals low levels, with individual acinar cells exhibiting high immunoreactivity in zymogen granules. PAP is not detectable. In the WBN/Kob rat, PSP/reg and PAP immunoreactivity is markedly increased. Double immunofluorescence for PSP/reg and PAPI or II demonstrates that these proteins colocalize to the same cell. Acinar cells change their secretory architecture by fusion of zymogen granules and elongation of the fused organelles. The immunogold technique has demonstrated an increase of SSP in zymogen granules in WBN/Kob rats. PSP/reg-positive zymogen granules fuse to form elongated structures with fibrillar contents. An extensive PSP/reg-positive fibrillar network is established in the cytosol. Extracellular fibrils have been observed in several ductules. Thus, SSP-derived fibrils form concomitantly with acinar damage in the WBN/Kob rat. Based on the known tryptic cleavage site of SSP, the in vivo generation of fibrils is presumably the result of premature trypsin activatio

    Criminal recidivism of illegal pornography offenders in the overall population - a national cohort study of 4612 offenders in Switzerland

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    Convictions for taking, possessing and distributing pornographic photographs of children have increased with the growing use of the Internet. Previous studies of any progression to contact offences have been small scale and only a few of these have included an investigation of subsequent reconvictions for use of illegal and especially of child pornography. The aims of the present study are to compare reconviction rates among illegal pornography offenders with and without previous child contact offences. The former are referred to as “dual offenders”. This study is a national cohort study of all individuals in Switzerland convicted of an illegal pornography offence since 1973 and was followed-up until 1st November 2008. Reconvictions were ascertained using criminal records from the Federal Office of Justice of Switzerland, leading to a total of 4612 offenders, consisting of 4249 illegal pornography offenders and 363 dual offenders. Comparison of 3-year reconviction rates showed that only 0.2% of the illegal pornography offenders were convicted of contact child sex offences, whereas 2.6% of the dual offenders were reconvicted. The illegal pornography offenders were also significantly less likely to be convicted of further pornography offences, or indeed other sexual offences. The very low “progression rate” among illegal pornography offenders to contact child sexual offences, and their low rate of even repeat pornography offences suggests that community sentences remain appropriate. It is important, however, to bear in mind that conviction rates tend to underestimate the true offending rates, and that with greater access to the Internet, characteristics of pornography users may change over time

    Preventing psychosocial risks at work: An evaluation study of labour inspectorate interventions

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    Workplace responses to labour inspectorate interventions regarding psychosocial risks at work are not well known. This study aimed to assess the effects of inspection visits at company level. A survey was conducted in two groups of companies. In one group, companies were visited by a labour inspector some days after the survey, and in the other group, not. The survey was repeated one year later in both groups. It relied on a structured phone interview with the person within the company who best knew about occupational health and safety. We collected information about health and safety management, worker participation, as well as ability, willingness and measures for the prevention of psychosocial risks. Two kinds of prevention measures were distinguished: specific psychosocial risk management measures on one side, and more general improvements of working conditions on the other side. 185 companies with an inspection visit and 161 companies without took part in the study. The results were encouraging, since inspected companies improved their management of health and safety, increased their ability in psychosocial issues, and demonstrated a stronger willingness to act. To a lesser extent, they implemented specific psychosocial risk management measures. However, visits did not lead to improvements regarding scores for employee participation or general improvements of working conditions, such as work organisation, working schedules or staffing levels. A further step for regulatory initiatives would be to emphasise more strongly the need for a prevention approach grounded in the assessment and improvement of job designs, content and organisation