455 research outputs found

    Recurrent PET FDG Uptake after Sequential Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for DLBCL of the Tibia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    The aim of this paper is to report on the challenges associated with identifying disease recurrence following combined modality therapy (CMT) for primary lymphoma of the tibia in which an intramedullary nail has been placed. A patient with primary bone lymphoma (PBL) was treated with CMT (chemotherapy and radiation therapy). After a complete response, he has been followed for eighteen months by physical exam and radiographic imaging. Despite persistent increased tracer accumulation at the original site, he has no proven recurrence. Literature review showed a small number of retrospective, single institution reviews detailing clinical experience and expected outcome in patients treated with PBL limited to one bony site of disease. PBL presents a treatment challenge, particularly when a weight-bearing long bone is diffusely involved and followup is complicated after placement of stabilizing hardware. Close coordination of the oncology team and diagnostic radiology is required to ensure optimal outcome

    Quantum oscillations with angular dependence in PdTe2single crystals

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    The layered transition-metal dichalcogenide PdTe2 has been discovered to possess bulk Dirac points as well as topological surface states. By measuring the magnetization (up to 7 T) and magnetic torque (up to 35 T) in single crystalline PdTe2, we observe distinct de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations. Eight frequencies are identified with H||c, with two low frequencies (F α = 8 T and F β = 117 T) dominating the spectrum. The effective masses obtained by fitting the Lifshitz-Kosevich (LK) equation to the data are mα∗=0.059m0 and mβ∗=0.067m0 where m 0 is the free electron mass. The corresponding Landau fan diagrams allow the determination of the Berry phase for these oscillations resulting in values of ∼0.67π for the 3D α band (hole-type) (down to the 1st Landau level) and ∼0.23π-0.73π for the 3D β band (electron-type) (down to the 3rd Landau level). By investigating the angular dependence of the dHvA oscillations, we find that the frequencies and the corresponding Berry phase (ΦB) vary with the field direction, with a ΦB ∼ 0 when H is 10°-30° away from the ab plane for both α and β bands. The multiple band nature of PdTe2 is further confirmed from Hall effect measurements

    Stress Promotes Drug Seeking Through Glucocorticoid-Dependent Endocannabinoid Mobilization in the Prelimbic Cortex

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    Background Clinical reports suggest that rather than directly driving cocaine use, stress may create a biological context within which other triggers for drug use become more potent. We hypothesize that stress-induced increases in corticosterone “set the stage” for relapse by promoting endocannabinoid-induced attenuation of inhibitory transmission in the prelimbic cortex (PL). Methods We have established a rat model for these stage-setting effects of stress. In this model, neither a stressor (electric footshock) nor stress-level corticosterone treatment alone reinstates cocaine seeking following self-administration and extinction, but each treatment potentiates reinstatement in response to an otherwise subthreshold cocaine priming dose (2.5 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). The contributions of endocannabinoid signaling in the PL to the effects of stress-level corticosterone on PL neurotransmission and cocaine seeking were determined using intra-PL microinfusions. Endocannabinoid-dependent effects of corticosterone on inhibitory synaptic transmission in the rat PL were determined using whole-cell recordings in layer V pyramidal neurons. Results Corticosterone application attenuated inhibitory synaptic transmission in the PL via cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R)– and 2-arachidonoylglycerol–dependent inhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acid release without altering postsynaptic responses. The ability of systemic stress-level corticosterone treatment to potentiate cocaine-primed reinstatement was recapitulated by intra-PL injection of corticosterone, the CB1R agonist WIN 55,212-2, or the monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitor URB602. Corticosterone effects on reinstatement were attenuated by intra-PL injections of either the CB1R antagonist, AM251, or the diacylglycerol lipase inhibitor, DO34. Conclusions These findings suggest that stress-induced increases in corticosterone promote cocaine seeking by mobilizing 2-arachidonoylglycerol in the PL, resulting in CB1R-mediated attenuation of inhibitory transmission in this brain region

    Scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy in RuCl3_3 at high magnetic fields

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    In RuCl3_3, inelastic neutron scattering and Raman spectroscopy reveal a continuum of non-spin-wave excitations that persists to high temperature, suggesting the presence of a spin liquid state on a honeycomb lattice. In the context of the Kitaev model, magnetic fields introduce finite interactions between the elementary excitations, and thus the effects of high magnetic fields - comparable to the spin exchange energy scale - must be explored. Here we report measurements of the magnetotropic coefficient - the second derivative of the free energy with respect to magnetic field orientation - over a wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures. We find that magnetic field and temperature compete to determine the magnetic response in a way that is independent of the large intrinsic exchange interaction energy. This emergent scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy provides evidence for a high degree of exchange frustration that favors the formation of a spin liquid state in RuCl3_3.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1901.09245. Nature Physic

    Effect of NASA Light-emitting Diode Irradiation on Wound Healing

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and near-infrared light therapy on wound healing. Background Data: Light-emitting diodes (LED), originally developed for NASA plant growth experiments in space show promise for delivering light deep into tissues of the body to promote wound healing and human tissue growth. In this paper, we review and present our new data of LED treatment on cells grown in culture, on ischemic and diabetic wounds in rat models, and on acute and chronic wounds in humans. Materials and Methods: In vitro and in vivo (animal and human) studies utilized a variety of LED wavelength, power intensity, and energy density parameters to begin to identify conditions for each biological tissue that are optimal for biostimulation. Results: LED produced in vitro increases of cell growth of 140–200% in mouse-derived fibroblasts, rat-derived osteoblasts, and rat-derived skeletal muscle cells, and increases in growth of 155–171% of normal human epithelial cells. Wound size decreased up to 36% in conjunction with HBO in ischemic rat models. LED produced improvement of greater than 40% in musculoskeletal training injuries in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased wound healing time in crew members aboard a U.S. Naval submarine. LED produced a 47% reduction in pain of children suffering from oral mucositis. Conclusion: We believe that the use of NASA LED for light therapy alone, and in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen, will greatly enhance the natural wound healing process, and more quickly return the patient to a preinjury/ illness level of activity. This work is supported and managed through the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center–SBIR Program

    Phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland Compound SrCu2(BO3)2 under extreme combined conditions of field and pressure

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    Motivated by the intriguing properties of the Shastry-Sutherland compound SrCu2(BO3)2 under pressure, with a still debated intermediate plaquette phase appearing at around 20 kbar and a possible deconfined critical point at higher pressure upon entering the antiferromagnetic phase, we have investigated its high-field properties in this pressure range using tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) measurements. The two main new phases revealed by these measurements are fully consistent with those identified by infinite Projected Entangled Pair states (iPEPS) calculations of the Shastry-Sutherland model, a 1/5 plateau and a 10 x 2 supersolid. Remarkably, these phases are descendants of the full-plaquette phase, the prominent candidate for the intermediate phase of SrCu2(BO3)2. The emerging picture for SrCu2(BO3)2 is shown to be that of a system dominated by a tendency to an orthorhombic distortion at intermediate pressure, an important constraint on any realistic description of the transition into the antiferromagnetic phase

    Failure of Supervised Chloroquine and Primaquine Regimen for the Treatment of Plasmodium vivax in the Peruvian Amazon

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    The widespread use of primaquine (PQ) and chloroquine (CQ), together, may be responsible for the relatively few, isolated cases of chloroquine-resistant P. vivax (CQRPV) that have been reported from South America. We report here a case of P. vivax from the Amazon Basin of Peru that recurred against normally therapeutic blood levels of CQ. Four out of 540 patients treated with combination CQ and PQ had a symptomatic recurrence of P. vivax parasitemia within 35 days of treatment initiation, possibly indicating CQ failure. Whole blood total CQ level for one of these four subjects was 95 ng/ml on the day of recurrence. Based on published criteria that delineate CQRPV as a P. vivax parasitemia, either recrudescence or relapse, that appears against CQ blood levels >100 ng/mL, we document the occurrence of a P. vivax strain in Peru that had unusually high tolerance to the synergistic combination therapy of CQ + PQ that normally works quite well

    Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level l modular variety over M_g

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    We formulate, and in some cases prove, three statements concerning the purity or, more generally the naturality of the resolution of various rings one can attach to a generic curve of genus g and a torsion point of order l in its Jacobian. These statements can be viewed an analogues of Green's Conjecture and we verify them computationally for bounded genus. We then compute the cohomology class of the corresponding non-vanishing locus in the moduli space R_{g,l} of twisted level l curves of genus g and use this to derive results about the birational geometry of R_{g, l}. For instance, we prove that R_{g,3} is a variety of general type when g>11 and the Kodaira dimension of R_{11,3} is greater than or equal to 19. In the last section we explain probabilistically the unexpected failure of the Prym-Green conjecture in genus 8 and level 2.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Invent Math. We correct an inaccuracy in the statement of Prop 2.

    Model of C-Axis Resistivity of High-\Tc Cuprates

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    We propose a simple model which accounts for the major features and systematics of experiments on the cc-axis resistivity, ρc\rho_c, for \lsco, \ybco and \bsco . We argue that the cc-axis resistivity can be separated into contributions from in-plane dephasing and the cc-axis ``barrier'' scattering processes, with the low temperature semiconductor-like behavior of ρc\rho_c arising from the suppression of the in-plane density of states measured by in-plane magnetic Knight shift experiments. We report on predictions for ρc\rho_c in impurity-doped \ybco materials.Comment: 10 pages + figures, also see March Meeting J13.1