428 research outputs found

    Deep Character-Level Click-Through Rate Prediction for Sponsored Search

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    Predicting the click-through rate of an advertisement is a critical component of online advertising platforms. In sponsored search, the click-through rate estimates the probability that a displayed advertisement is clicked by a user after she submits a query to the search engine. Commercial search engines typically rely on machine learning models trained with a large number of features to make such predictions. This is inevitably requires a lot of engineering efforts to define, compute, and select the appropriate features. In this paper, we propose two novel approaches (one working at character level and the other working at word level) that use deep convolutional neural networks to predict the click-through rate of a query-advertisement pair. Specially, the proposed architectures only consider the textual content appearing in a query-advertisement pair as input, and produce as output a click-through rate prediction. By comparing the character-level model with the word-level model, we show that language representation can be learnt from scratch at character level when trained on enough data. Through extensive experiments using billions of query-advertisement pairs of a popular commercial search engine, we demonstrate that both approaches significantly outperform a baseline model built on well-selected text features and a state-of-the-art word2vec-based approach. Finally, by combining the predictions of the deep models introduced in this study with the prediction of the model in production of the same commercial search engine, we significantly improve the accuracy and the calibration of the click-through rate prediction of the production system.Comment: SIGIR2017, 10 page

    Fast Algorithm and Implementation of Dissimilarity Self-Organizing Maps

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    In many real world applications, data cannot be accurately represented by vectors. In those situations, one possible solution is to rely on dissimilarity measures that enable sensible comparison between observations. Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map (SOM) has been adapted to data described only through their dissimilarity matrix. This algorithm provides both non linear projection and clustering of non vector data. Unfortunately, the algorithm suffers from a high cost that makes it quite difficult to use with voluminous data sets. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that provides an important reduction of the theoretical cost of the dissimilarity SOM without changing its outcome (the results are exactly the same as the ones obtained with the original algorithm). Moreover, we introduce implementation methods that result in very short running times. Improvements deduced from the theoretical cost model are validated on simulated and real world data (a word list clustering problem). We also demonstrate that the proposed implementation methods reduce by a factor up to 3 the running time of the fast algorithm over a standard implementation

    SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases

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    The Internet has enabled the creation of a growing number of large-scale knowledge bases in a variety of domains containing complementary information. Tools for automatically aligning these knowledge bases would make it possible to unify many sources of structured knowledge and answer complex queries. However, the efficient alignment of large-scale knowledge bases still poses a considerable challenge. Here, we present Simple Greedy Matching (SiGMa), a simple algorithm for aligning knowledge bases with millions of entities and facts. SiGMa is an iterative propagation algorithm which leverages both the structural information from the relationship graph as well as flexible similarity measures between entity properties in a greedy local search, thus making it scalable. Despite its greedy nature, our experiments indicate that SiGMa can efficiently match some of the world's largest knowledge bases with high precision. We provide additional experiments on benchmark datasets which demonstrate that SiGMa can outperform state-of-the-art approaches both in accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 10 pages + 2 pages appendix; 5 figures -- initial preprin

    Differentiable Game Mechanics

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    Deep learning is built on the foundational guarantee that gradient descent on an objective function converges to local minima. Unfortunately, this guarantee fails in settings, such as generative adversarial nets, that exhibit multiple interacting losses. The behavior of gradient-based methods in games is not well understood -- and is becoming increasingly important as adversarial and multi-objective architectures proliferate. In this paper, we develop new tools to understand and control the dynamics in n-player differentiable games. The key result is to decompose the game Jacobian into two components. The first, symmetric component, is related to potential games, which reduce to gradient descent on an implicit function. The second, antisymmetric component, relates to Hamiltonian games, a new class of games that obey a conservation law akin to conservation laws in classical mechanical systems. The decomposition motivates Symplectic Gradient Adjustment (SGA), a new algorithm for finding stable fixed points in differentiable games. Basic experiments show SGA is competitive with recently proposed algorithms for finding stable fixed points in GANs -- while at the same time being applicable to, and having guarantees in, much more general cases.Comment: JMLR 2019, journal version of arXiv:1802.0564