72 research outputs found

    Recent United States Copyright Reforms: Congress Catches the Spirit of Berne

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    Reading Trademark Tea-Leaves at the Supreme Court

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    Some Remarks on the Limits of Harmonization, 5 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 596 (2006)

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    Some Remarks on the Limits of Harmonizatio

    Territorial Overlaps in Trademark Law: The Evolving European Model

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    Courts in the European Union have in a number of recent cases resisted some of the innovations of the EU system and have affirmed the enduring pull of a different conception of territoriality. This Article defends many of these acts of resistance, and supports further modifications of the EU model, in part because of the increased problem of overlapping rights. That increased overlap requires a critical reading of these innovative mechanisms and attention to a broader range of values in implementing the model. These propositions are supported both by a more theoretically complex conception of trademark territoriality and a richer normative account of the European project

    Reconceptualizing the Inherent Distinctiveness of Product Design Trade Dress

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    Constructing International Intellectual Property Law: The Role of National Courts

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    Constructing International Intellectual Property Law: The Role of National Courts

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    Territoriality of Trade Marks in a Post-National Era

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    Professor Dinwoodie discusses the Territoriality of Trade Marks in a Post-National Era ; proposing that a cardinal principle of IP law is that it is territorial, and it has always been that way even within the international systems since the late 19th century. However, global trade and social changes along with the creation of the online marketplace have called into question the practical relevance of this territoriality principle.There is a growing gap between the global reach of trade and the local nature of IP law, and what should be of interest to us is how we respond to this gap between the social reality and the legal principle of territoriality

    Designing Non-National Systems: The Case of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

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    The article critically assesses the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) as a potential model for solving the immense legal challenges presented by transborder activity. Inaugurated in late 1999 by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the UDRP creates a fast, inexpensive online mechanism for trademark owners to recapture domain names held by persons who, in bad faith, register and use domain names that are confusingly similar to those marks. At present, the UDRP applies only to a narrow segment of disputes between trademark owners and domain name registrants. But the UDRP has been heralded by some as the model for a new non-national approach to lawmaking and dispute settlement applicable to a broader set of legal issues that transcend national borders. In this article, we describe the conditions that led to the UDRP\u27s formation and consider whether the UDRP can and should be replicated elsewhere. The process by which the UDRP was created, and the way in which it is structured, departs significantly from preexisting approaches to international lawmaking and dispute settlement. The UDRP is the product not of national legislation nor an international treaty, but rather of a web of contractual obligations imposed by a private, non-profit corporation with a monopoly over a valuable resource. Through its agreements with the U.S. Department of Commerce, ICANN serves as the gatekeeper for anyone seeking to acquire the most commercially valuable internet addresses. Exclusive control of access to the root server enables ICANN to dictate the terms and conditions for domain name ownership. This technological control also facilitates enforcement of UDRP panel decisions compelling domain name registrars to cancel ownership of contested domain names or transfer them from registrants to trademark owners. The UDRP deviates from preexisting lawmaking and dispute settlement paradigms in other ways that make its advantages considerable (and which may make it attractive for replication). For example, the UDRP is a hybrid dispute settlement system. It contains an amalgam of elements from three distinct decision making paradigms - judicial, arbitral and ministerial - and it draws inspiration from international, supranational, and national legal systems. The UDRP thus reveals how dispute settlement structures can be tailored to the needs of new technologies and new types of legal conflicts. The UDRP is also non-national. Neither its substantive content nor its prescriptive force necessarily depends upon the laws, institutions, and enforcement mechanisms of any single nation-state or treaty regime. It thus suggests ways to bypass the often slow and cumbersome mechanisms of national and international lawmaking and to fulfil the demand for effective dispute settlement mechanisms that, like so much current social activity, transcend national borders. Even assuming the UDRP can be applied to other situations where the conditions of monopolistic technological control do not subsist, however, we do not believe that it should be uncritically extended to other contexts without first questioning how non-national systems ought to be structured. In particular, while we applaud the effort to construct a non-national model that draws upon but is not constrained by existing paradigms, the current iteration of that model fails to incorporate appropriate checking mechanisms to control the scope and pace of lawmaking and the limited powers granted to dispute settlement decisionmakers. Moreover, the tensions between national and non-national values may be more difficult to reconcile in other settings; cybersquatting, in contrast, was universally condemned, and thus competing national values were less frequently implicated. We seek to identify these and other variables that should guide the authors of new checking mechanisms for new non-national structures

    Dilution\u27s (Still) Uncertain Future

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    Dilution looked to be a potent weapon when Congress introduced it as § 43(c) of the Lanham Act in 1995. Indeed, some observers feared that it would be too potent (and in some contexts, such as cybersquatting, it successfully augmented traditional causes of action). But a series of court decisions, culminating in the Supreme Court’s 2003 Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue opinion, weakened dilution protection so profoundly that what remained wasn’t of much consequence. Congress has recently sought to breathe new life into dilution law, enacting the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006 (“TDRA”). Some might see this as a legislative resuscitation of § 43(c), but it’s not quite accurate to characterize the TDRA in such categorical terms. On the one hand, the TDRA adopts a likelihood of dilution standard, abrogating the holding of V Secret. In addition, the TDRA expressly endorses tarnishment and blurring as forms of dilution, clarifies that dilution protection is available for marks that have acquired distinctiveness, eliminates “commercial” use as an element of the prima facie claim, and acknowledges, albeit in a back-handed manner, that dilution protection is available for trade dress. On the other hand, the TDRA also tightens the fame prerequisite, shuts the door to new forms of dilution, and arguably makes the use requirement stricter in other respects, all moves that may make dilution actions harder to sustain
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