1,315 research outputs found

    Classical-quantum correspondence in bosonic two-mode conversion systems: polynomial algebras and Kummer shapes

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    Bosonic quantum conversion systems can be modeled by many-particle single-mode Hamiltonians describing a conversion of nn molecules of type A into mm molecules of type B and vice versa. These Hamiltonians are analyzed in terms of generators of a polynomially deformed su(2)su(2) algebra. In the mean-field limit of large particle numbers, these systems become classical and their Hamiltonian dynamics can again be described by polynomial deformations of a Lie algebra, where quantum commutators are replaced by Poisson brackets. The Casimir operator restricts the motion to Kummer shapes, deformed Bloch spheres with cusp singularities depending on mm and nn. It is demonstrated that the many-particle eigenvalues can be recovered from the mean-field dynamics using a WKB type quantization condition. The many-particle state densities can be semiclassically approximated by the time-periods of periodic orbits, which show characteristic steps and singularities related to the fixed points, whose bifurcation properties are analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Quasiclassical analysis of Bloch oscillations in non-Hermitian tight-binding lattices

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    Many features of Bloch oscillations in one-dimensional quantum lattices with a static force can be described by quasiclassical considerations for example by means of the acceleration theorem, at least for Hermitian systems. Here the quasiclassical approach is extended to non-Hermitian lattices, which are of increasing interest. The analysis is based on a generalised non-Hermitian phase space dynamics developed recently. Applications to a single-band tight-binding system demonstrate that many features of the quantum dynamics can be understood from this classical description qualitatively and even quantitatively. Two non-Hermitian and PTPT-symmetric examples are studied, a Hatano-Nelson lattice with real coupling constants and a system with purely imaginary couplings, both for initially localised states in space or in momentum. It is shown that the time-evolution of the norm of the wave packet and the expectation values of position and momentum can be described in a classical picture.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, slightly extended, accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics in Focus Issue on Parity-Time Symmetry in Optics and Photonic

    The Conflicting Obligations of Museums Possessing Nazi-Looted Art

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    During the Nazi regime, much of Europe’s art was pillaged. This Note addresses the conflicts faced by museums when an original owner or heir of artwork brings an ownership claim against a piece in the museum’s collection. Because of their fiduciary duties, museums are encouraged to protect trust assets. Museums can protect their assets from ownership claims with statutes of limitations and laches defenses, which grow stronger with the passage of time. On the other hand, professional codes of conduct encourage museums to work with heirs when there is a claim of ownership to find a mutually agreeable solution. This Note argues that because museum trustees are given discretion, it is reasonable to follow professional ethical guidelines and thus fulfill their duty of care. When the ownership claim is valid, museums should follow the ethical guidelines and work with the heirs to find an amenable solution. When the ownership claim is invalid, however, museums are under no ethical obligation to forego litigation and work with the heirs. If museums decide to pursue litigation when the claim is valid, though, then that behavior is unethical

    Mean-field dynamics of a non-Hermitian Bose-Hubbard dimer

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    We investigate an NN-particle Bose-Hubbard dimer with an additional effective decay term in one of the sites. A mean-field approximation for this non-Hermitian many-particle system is derived, based on a coherent state approximation. The resulting nonlinear, non-Hermitian two-level dynamics, in particular the fixed point structures showing characteristic modifications of the self-trapping transition, are analyzed. The mean-field dynamics is found to be in reasonable agreement with the full many-particle evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Optical realization of the two-site Bose-Hubbard model in waveguide lattices

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    A classical realization of the two-site Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, based on light transport in engineered optical waveguide lattices, is theoretically proposed. The optical lattice enables a direct visualization of the Bose-Hubbard dynamics in Fock space.Comment: to be published, J Phys. B (Fast Track Communication

    Breakdown of adiabatic transfer of light in waveguides in the presence of absorption

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    In atomic physics, adiabatic evolution is often used to achieve a robust and efficient population transfer. Many adiabatic schemes have also been implemented in optical waveguide structures. Recently there has been increasing interests in the influence of decay and absorption, and their engineering applications. Here it is shown that even a small decay can significantly influence the dynamical behaviour of a system, above and beyond a mere change of the overall norm. In particular, a small decay can lead to a breakdown of adiabatic transfer schemes, even when both the spectrum and the eigenfunctions are only sightly modified. This is demonstrated for the generalization of a STIRAP scheme that has recently been implemented in optical waveguide structures. Here the question how an additional absorption in either the initial or the target waveguide influences the transfer property of the scheme is addressed. It is found that the scheme breaks down for small values of the absorption at a relatively sharp threshold, which can be estimated by simple analytical arguments.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revised and extende

    Rational Patient Apathy

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    Evaluating Satisfaction in the River Recreation Experience in Big Bend National Park.

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    6 p