
Classical-quantum correspondence in bosonic two-mode conversion systems: polynomial algebras and Kummer shapes


Bosonic quantum conversion systems can be modeled by many-particle single-mode Hamiltonians describing a conversion of nn molecules of type A into mm molecules of type B and vice versa. These Hamiltonians are analyzed in terms of generators of a polynomially deformed su(2)su(2) algebra. In the mean-field limit of large particle numbers, these systems become classical and their Hamiltonian dynamics can again be described by polynomial deformations of a Lie algebra, where quantum commutators are replaced by Poisson brackets. The Casimir operator restricts the motion to Kummer shapes, deformed Bloch spheres with cusp singularities depending on mm and nn. It is demonstrated that the many-particle eigenvalues can be recovered from the mean-field dynamics using a WKB type quantization condition. The many-particle state densities can be semiclassically approximated by the time-periods of periodic orbits, which show characteristic steps and singularities related to the fixed points, whose bifurcation properties are analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

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