3,893 research outputs found

    Dimensional reduction of the massless limit of the linearized "New Massive Gravity"

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    The so called "New Massive Gravity" in D=2+1D=2+1 consists of the Einstein-Hilbert action (with minus sign) plus a quadratic term in curvatures (KK-term). Here we perform the Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction of the linearized KK-term to D=1+1D=1+1. We end up with a fourth-order massive electrodynamics in D=1+1D=1+1 described by a rank-2 tensor. Remarkably, there appears a local symmetry in D=1+1D=1+1 which persists even after gauging away the Stueckelberg fields of the dimensional reduction. It plays the role of a U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry. Although of higher-order in derivatives, the new 2D2D massive electrodynamics is ghost free, as we show here. It is shown, via master action, to be dual to the Maxwell-Proca theory with a scalar Stueckelberg field.Comment: 12 pages, one more reference and text slightly modified accordingl

    Reading Spaces: Nation and Popular Learning in Nineteenth-Century Lima

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    My dissertation examined the transformation of reading practices and ideas about the functions of alphabetic literacy in nineteenth-century Lima. Scholars of Latin America have attributed improvements in literacy rates to the rise of the Teaching State in the twentieth century; however, as I showed, literacy and reading culture spread decades earlier in the Peruvian capital, at a time when the state lacked the stability and resources to develop a public system of education. “Reading Spaces” argued that during the second half of the nineteenth century, private educational enterprise from a diverse group of booksellers, writers, and educators established key institutions of the modern Teaching State, including a national textbook industry as well as pedagogical newspapers, associations, and conferences. They did so in a process that promoted new pedagogical methods and helped spread alphabetic literacy and reading practices. Developments in the disciplines of book history, the cultural history of education, and the history of reading informed my methodological approach to a variety of previously unexamined sources including books, textbooks, pedagogical periodicals, as well as bookstore organ newspapers and catalogues. Both the intellectual content and paratext of published sources provided a wealth of information regarding the circulation of the texts, their reception among state authorities and influential members of Lima’s society, and the relationship of book and textbook authors to their publishers and readers. My dissertation revealed that textbook standardization and the proliferation of pedagogical newspapers were processes firmly rooted in the development of Peru’s private educational enterprise, publishing industry and educational legislation of the nineteenth century. These processes expanded Lima’s public sphere, where booksellers, editors, writers, and teachers debated modern pedagogies and promoted broad engagement in educational matters. They conducted pedagogical conferences, intellectual competitions, national expositions and reorganized civic festivities. The presence of a pedagogical public sphere, which directed the course of institutions of the modern nation state in Peru, encourages a reassessment of our traditional narratives of the relationship between education and nation in Latin America and beyond

    Fasilitas Rehabilitasi Pasien Kanker di Batu

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    Fasilitas Rehabilitasi Pasien Kanker di Batu merupakan sebuah fasilitas yang bertujuan untuk membantu para survivor kanker agar dapat menjalani sisa hidupnya dengan lebih berkualitas, baik dalam sisi fisik maupun sisi psikologisnya. Suasana yang alami dan jauh dari perkotaan yang memiliki tekanan tinggi dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan pasien. Oleh karena itu proyek ini terletak di kawasan perbukitan di kota Batu yang berkontur dan memiliki pemandangan indah. Pendekatan yang dipilih adalah Healing Architecture, dimana pendekatan ini menunjang tercapainya tujuan fasilitas, yaitu mengembalikan kondisi pasien ke keadaan seprima mungkin. Pendalaman yang dipilih adalah karakter ruang, dikarenakan karakter ruang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kondisi psikologis pasien. Dengan pemilihan pendalaman ini, diharapkan terciptanya suasana positif yang meningkatkan semangat hidup pasien dan mempercepat proses penyembuhan

    Komunikasi Kelompok Di Kampung Kapasan Dalam Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara yang dilakukan oleh warga kampung Kapasan Dalam Surabaya dalam menjaga pluralisme mengingat bahwa kampung Kapasan Dalam terdiri dari warga Jawa, Tionghoa dan Madura. Pluralisme sendiri adalah keterlibatan secara aktif dan interaksi positif dalam menerima perbedaan suku dan agama (kemajemukan) dan berujung pada kerukunan. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus.Peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pluralisme di kampung Kapasan Dalam dapat tetap terjaga karena pertemuan intens yang terjadi antar anggota kelompok yang merupakan bagian dari kampung Kapasan Dalam, penggunaan bahasa arek/Jawa Suroboyo rusuh dengan tujuan bercanda sebagai bahasa sehari-hari mereka serta adanya sikap saling menghormati,menghargai dan toleransi yang tinggi antar warga Jawa, Tionghoa dan Madura di kampung ini

    Fast Fight Detection

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    Action recognition has become a hot topic within computer vision. However, the action recognition community has focused mainly on relatively simple actions like clapping, walking, jogging, etc. The detection of specific events with direct practical use such as fights or in general aggressive behavior has been comparatively less studied. Such capability may be extremely useful in some video surveillance scenarios like prisons, psychiatric centers or even embedded in camera phones. As a consequence, there is growing interest in developing violence detection algorithms. Recent work considered the well-known Bag-of-Words framework for the specific problem of fight detection. Under this framework, spatio-temporal features are extracted from the video sequences and used for classification. Despite encouraging results in which high accuracy rates were achieved, the computational cost of extracting such features is prohibitive for practical applications. This work proposes a novel method to detect violence sequences. Features extracted from motion blobs are used to discriminate fight and non-fight sequences. Although the method is outperformed in accuracy by state of the art, it has a significantly faster computation time thus making it amenable for real-time applications

    Karakterisasi Bioplastik dari Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) dan Pati Singkong dengan Penambahan Pati Biji Alpukat

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    The increasing use of plastics in everyday life results in environmental pollution. Synthetic plastic isdifficult to be degraded in nature, so we need the main material for making environmentally friendlyplastics. This research was conducted to synthesize seaweed-based biodegradable plastic (Eucheumacottonii) mixed with cassava starch and polysaccharides derived from various tropical fruit seeds thatare widely available in Indonesia such as avocado and durian with a composition ratio of 3:8:1.Characterization carried out included functional group analysis with FTIR, mechanical properties(tensile strength) and biodegradability
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