118 research outputs found

    Obras de Lorenzo Gracián : Tomo primero ...

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    Privatization process of educational systems

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    Las políticas neoliberales, impulsadas por el FMI, OCDE, OMC y UE, desarrollan una ofensiva contra los servicios sociales a fin de reducir el gasto público y proceder a su progresiva privatización. Esta política también afecta a los sistemas de enseñanza. Las continuas «reformas» educativas se orientan hacia una redefinición de los fines de la educación. El Estado español no se ha sustraído de tales influencias. El mantenimiento de los privilegios confesionales y de un sistema fragmentado en diversas redes de enseñanza, le permiten partir con ventaja para el nuevo impulso privatizador generalizado. Además de severas reducciones presupuestarias, se avanza hacia la desregulación del sistema educativo y a relegar el sector público a un papel subsidiario dentro de un mercado diferenciado de ofertas y demandas educativas. La LOMCE del ministro Wert profundiza esa orientación y las consiguientes desigualdades sociales.The neoliberal policies carried out by the IMF, the OECD, the WTO or the EU institutions, have been launching an offensive against social services, in order to reduce public spending and to privatize our social system. This policy also affects our educational systems. The continuing educational reforms tend to redefine the goals of education. The Spanish State has been no exception to these influences. The continuation of confessional privileges and a system divided in different networks of education have created a favorable atmosphere for the new and widespread drive for privatization. Apart from severe budget reductions, we move towards a deregulation of the educational system, which will push our public sector into the background of a differentiate market of supply and demand of educational services. The LOMCE of Minister Wert underpins this approach, as well as the resulting social inequalities

    [El criticón : Segvnda parte : Ivyziosa cortesana filosofia en el otoño de la varonil edad]

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    Autor tomado do catálogo da BNLorenzo Gracian é seud. de P. Baltasar Gracian y MoralesTít. tomado da p. 1A primeira parte desta obra está datada en 1658Sign.: A-S\p8\sTexto con apost. marx

    Entanglement, quantum phase transitions and quantum algorithms

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    The work that we present in this thesis tries to be at the crossover of quantum information science, quantum many-body physics, and quantum field theory. We use tools from these three fields to analyze problems that arise in the interdisciplinary intersection. More concretely, in Chapter 1 we consider the irreversibility of renormalization group flows from a quantum information perspective by using majorization theory and conformal field theory. In Chapter 2 we compute the entanglement of a single copy of a bipartite quantum system for a variety of models by using techniques from conformal field theory and Toeplitz matrices. The entanglement entropy of the so-called Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model is computed in Chapter 3, showing analogies with that of (1+1)-dimensional quantum systems. In Chapter 4 we apply the ideas of scaling of quantum correlations in quantum phase transitions to the study of quantum algorithms, focusing on Shor's factorization algorithm and quantum algorithms by adiabatic evolution solving an NP-complete and the searching problems. Also, in Chapter 5 we use techniques originally inspired by condensed-matter physics to develop classical simulations, using the so-called matrix product states, of an adiabatic quantum algorithm. Finally, in Chapter 6 we consider the behavior of some families of quantum algorithms from the perspective of majorization theory. The structure within each Chapter is such that the last section always summarizes the basic results. Some general conclusions and possible future directions are briefly discussed in Chapter 7. Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C respectively deal with some basic notions on majorization theory, conformal field theory, and classical complexity theory.Comment: PhD Thesis, July 2006, University of Barcelona, 162 pages, compressed figure


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    Obra publicada en el CDXX aniversario del nacimiento de Baltasar Gracián.Traducción de la primera edición, 1637, de Juan Francisco LarumbeEn cub. : En portada de pdf : LiteARAtura

    El criticón

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    Lorenzo Gracian é seud. de P. Baltasar Gracian y MoralesSign.: []\p4\s, A-R\p8\s, S\p7\

    El heroe ; El discreto

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