556 research outputs found

    Analysing peak flow attenuation in an urban wetland

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    Worldwide urbanization and climate change are influential in changing precipitation patterns and hydrological flow resulting in event driven urban flooding. The approach to flood protection has recently shifted from engineered and technical solutions to more sustainable and integrated solutions, by considering social, ecological and physical implications and exploring sustainable urban drainage options. Attenuation of peak stormwater flow using natural wetlands is one of many sustainable urban drainage methods used to reduce flooding and is an approach of interest for this research. The study site is located within the small, urbanized river system of the Liesbeek River in Cape Town, South Africa, which is prone to localized flooding during annual winter rainfall events. The study measures the attenuation capacity of a small-scale wetland adjacent to an urban river using a 2D PCSWMM hydrodynamic model. Research is focused on illustrating the attenuation capacity of this wetland. The model ran historic flow data to determine the attenuation capacity and to measure peak flow reduction. While the reduction is not sufficient to reduce damaging floods, the findings provide new knowledge and understanding of the attenuation capacity of this wetland and motivation for expanding sustainable urban drainage within the catchment. The study aims to build a baseline dataset for the research site with the data available at present. Peak flow of the Liesbeek River was reduced in scenarios with the Valkenberg Wetland present to accept on a portion of this flow. Attenuation was most effective for rainfall events with sudden spikes in peak flow, where a 42 per cent reduction of peak flow was observed. For a scenario with lower flow rates yet a prolonged peak flow rate, the wetland was less effective, with a 20 per cent reduction observed. This wetland was found to have the potential to provide valuable ecosystem services to the area by attenuating peak flow and thus reducing the occurrence of property damaging flooding downstream

    Alcohol and Substance use vis a vis HIV Sexual Risk Behaviours among freshman students at a Kenyan University College; Focus for Interventions

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    The study was to evaluate the perception of freshman students at Kimathi University College of Technology towards HIV/AIDS, sexual behaviours and drug use. A cross sectional study with a probability, two stage sampling method was used.115 participated, 21.7% were female. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS was high, although behaviour did not reflect such. The number of participants that have engaged in sex is 57.9%, 65.1% of males. 45.5% state they do not use condoms. 48.3% having never been tested for HIV. Of these, 41.1% feel they have never been exposed to the virus. Participants who reported having consumed alcohol and other drugs were 27.2%, and 7.5% felt the use of drugs or alcohol increased the risk of sexually transmitted disease. Consumption of alcohol was significantly associated to having engaged in sex (p=0.003) and non use of condoms (p=0.015). Results show need for further intervention to change the attitude of the students. Keywords: Freshman, Alcohol, Substance abuse, HIV, Risk behavio

    Program Development in Pediatric Prosthetic Training for Occupational Therapists

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    This project delves into the necessity for professional tools designed to assist occupational therapists (OTs) in readying themselves for the treatment of pediatric patients requiring upper limb prosthetics. The endeavor encompasses an examination of various diagnoses that warrant prosthetic intervention, an exploration of diverse prosthetic variants, and a comprehensive manual detailing pre-prosthetic and prosthetic functional training.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1001/thumbnail.jp

    A Racial Impact Analysis of SB 30: Medicaid Expansion

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    Virginia is the second worst state in providing Medicaid to its citizens. The focus of this report is to provide a racial equity impact analysis of Senate Bill (SB) 30, the Senate legislative vehicle for the appropriations of the budget submitted by the Governor of Virginia for fiscal years 2015 and 2016. SB 30 included a provision called “Marketplace Virginia” as an alternative to traditional Medicaid expansion in Virginia. This compromise bill would have covered an estimated 430,000 Virginians who fall in the Medicaid coverage gap by assisting them in purchasing private insurance. This report provides a racial equity impact analysis of the failure of the Virginia General Assembly to pass SB 30. The racial and ethnic impact of this proposed, but failed, legislation is important because minorities in Virginia disproportionately face disparities in health care access and quality. This racial impact analysis captures and reports the potential impact of this legislation by race in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The primary recommendation includesraising eligibility requirements to a minimum of 100 percent of the federal poverty level. Virginia’s current eligibility requirements are so strict that although it is ranked 7th in per capita personal income, Virginia ranked 43rd in Medicaid enrollment as a proportion of the state’s population and 47th in per capita Medicaid spending

    Writing practices in additional languages in Grade 7 classes in the Eastern Cape province

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    Faculty of Humanities School of Education 0201596p [email protected] thesis analyses the classroom writing of learners in their additional languages at four differently resourced schools in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The choice of languages on offer at schools and the medium of instruction seldom meet current language education policy requirements of additive bilingualism needed to support children’s home language and general cognitive growth. The central question of my study concerns how school writing practices contribute to the development of learners’ writing ability. The data collected and analysed in order to investigate this were all the regular classroom writing of Grade 7 children in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, where these were additional languages, not the children’s home language. My findings were that there is no check by the Education Department on whether schools meet the official national curriculum policy requirements with regard to the amount of curriculum time allocated to language. Also, that there is a mismatch between the languages on offer at schools and the home languages of learners, and teachers, which is not monitored. My key findings with regard to writing were that there are significant differences and inequalities in the amounts that learners write at these schools across Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa. Decontextualised grammar tasks predominate in what learners write in all three languages at all four schools. Children write relatively few extended texts, and these are mainly personal expressive texts which are unlikely to develop their ability to write abstract, context-reduced genres. Teachers’ neglect of impersonal formal and factual genres at all four schools makes it difficult for learners to experience the benefits of writing these genres – that these genres set the basis for the development of abstract cognitivelydemanding language proficiency and disciplinary knowledge. In the case of English, which is the commonest medium of instruction even though it is the home language of less than 10% of the population, this shortcoming is especially serious


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi customer satisfaction dan revisit intention pada turis Danau Toba. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para pengunjung atau wisatawan Danau Toba. Jumlah1sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200 responden dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan program AMOS. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa service quality, destination image dan perceived value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction. Selanjutnya service quality, perceived value dan customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap revisit intention dan destination image tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap revisit intention. Kata kunci : customer satisfaction, destination image, perceived value, revisit intention, service quality. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence customer satisfaction and revisit intention in Danau Toba’s tourists. The population in this study were visitors or tourists in Danau Toba. While sample size are 200 respondents, selected by purposive sampling. The data obtained from the questionnaire data were then analyzed using the AMOS program. The results of the study showed that service quality, destination image and perceived value have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on revisit intention and destination image has no positive and significant effect on revisit intention. Keywords : customer satisfaction, destination image, perceived value, revisit intention, service qualit


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi customer satisfaction dan revisit intention pada turis Danau Toba. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para pengunjung atau wisatawan Danau Toba. Jumlah1sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200 responden dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan program AMOS. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa service quality, destination image dan perceived value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction. Selanjutnya service quality, perceived value dan customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap revisit intention dan destination image tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap revisit intention. Kata kunci : customer satisfaction, destination image, perceived value, revisit intention, service quality

    Growth of Women-Owned Businesses: The Effects of Intangible Resources and Social Competence

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    Previous research suggests that women entrepreneurs face many challenges in starting and growing a business. In this study, we examine the relationship of intangible resources and the growth of women-owned businesses. We focus on four intangible resources: social-, human-, and reputational capital, as well as social competence. Using case studies of women entrepreneurs, we found that a woman entrepreneur’s social-, human-, and reputational capital are related to the growth of her business. We alsofound that social competence moderates the social-, human-, and reputational capital – growth relationship in women entrepreneurs
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