1,258 research outputs found

    Parental Attitudes Toward Childhood Obesity: Risky Business

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    Background: More than a third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese in the US. Our study aimed to find natural patterns of response to items on attitudes and beliefs about news media exposure, parental weight history, attitudes and beliefs about childhood obesity to uncover dimensions that best describe risk appraisal in parents of children under 13. We theorized that disease awareness advertising for health-related products and media reports on the child obesity epidemic may impact parent beliefs about childhood obesity and family lifestyle behaviors. The intent of this study was to provide a foundation for more effective communication regarding risk appraisal related to childhood obesity by health providers. Methods: A pilot cross-sectional online survey of 250 parents with children ages 1-13 was completed in September 2005 through a market survey firm by consumer panel “opt-in” with a response rate of 23%. Results: A discriminant analysis identified four risk segments or with different attitudes about the media coverage, disease awareness advertising, family and parent efficacy, technological efficacy, healthcare justice (procedural and interpersonal), and obesity risk appraisal. Our data suggests that healthcare justice has more impact on child obesity risk appraisal than media reports. Family efficacy was related to receiving healthcare justice from their health providers. Fathers had lower risk appraisal than mothers and received less healthcare justice from their child’s provider. This study fills a gap in the literature on the impact of risk perception by the family decision maker and its effect on childhood obesity

    Genetic Determinants of Feline Leukemia Virus-Induced Multicentric Lymphomas

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    AbstractThree discrete forms of feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-associated lymphoma have been described clinically: (1) thymic, (2) alimentary, and (3) multicentric. The most common and best-characterized lymphomas are of T-cell origin, generally occurring in the thymus. These tumors typically contain mature T-cells, involve the activation of a distinctive set of proto-oncogenes, and contain FeLV proviruses whose long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences contain tandemly repeated enhancers. Previous studies of a small group of extrathymic, multicentric lymphomas implicated a different set of genetic determinants. The present study expands those observations by examining the lineage of origin, the involvement of proto-oncogenes, and the structure of LTR andenvgene sequences in a set of 11 natural, extrathymic lymphomas of the multicentric type. A pattern of genetic events associated with FeLV-positive multicentric lymphomas emerges from this analysis that is clearly distinct from the pattern associated with thymic lymphomas. The tumors do not contain T-cells or B-cells, as evidenced by the germ line organization of TCRβ and IgH loci. Proto-oncogenes strongly implicated in T-cell lymphomagenesis are not involved in these tumors. Rather, a distinct set of proto-oncogenes may be involved. Most striking is the repeated occurrence of an FeLV isolate whose LTR andenvgene bear unique sequence elements

    Antibody Fc Glycosylation Discriminates Between Latent and Active Tuberculosis

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    Background. Mycobacterium tuberculosis remains a global health problem and clinical management is complicated by difficulty in discriminating between latent infection and active disease. While M. tuberculosis-reactive antibody levels are heterogeneous, studies suggest that levels of IgG glycosylation differ between disease states. Here we extend this observation across antibody domains and M. tuberculosis specificities to define changes with the greatest resolving power. Methods. Capillary electrophoretic glycan analysis was performed on bulk non-antigen–specific IgG, bulk Fc domain, bulk Fab domain, and purified protein derivative (PPD)- and Ag85A-specific IgG from subjects with latent (n = 10) and active (n = 20) tuberculosis. PPD-specific isotype/subclass, PPD-specific antibody-dependent phagocytosis, cellular cytotoxicity, and natural killer cell activation were assessed. Discriminatory potentials of antibody features were evaluated individually and by multivariate analysis. Results. Parallel profiling of whole, Fc, and Fab domain-specific IgG glycosylation pointed to enhanced differential glycosylation on the Fc domain. Differential glycosylation was observed across antigen-specific antibody populations. Multivariate modeling highlighted Fc domain glycan species as the top discriminatory features, with combined PPD IgG titers and Fc domain glycans providing the highest classification accuracy. Conclusions. Differential glycosylation occurs preferentially on the Fc domain, providing significant discriminatory power between different states of M. tuberculosis infection and disease

    Determinants of linear growth faltering among children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea in the global enteric multicenter study

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    Background: Moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in the first 2 years of life can impair linear growth. We sought to determine risk factors for linear growth faltering and to build a clinical prediction tool to identify children most likely to experience growth faltering following an episode of MSD.Methods: Using data from the Global Enteric Multicenter Study of children 0-23 months old presenting with MSD in Africa and Asia, we performed log-binomial regression to determine clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with severe linear growth faltering (loss of ≥ 0.5 length-for-age z-score [LAZ]). Linear regression was used to estimate associations with ΔLAZ. A clinical prediction tool was developed using backward elimination of potential variables, and Akaike Information Criterion to select the best fit model.Results: Of the 5902 included children, mean age was 10 months and 43.2% were female. Over the 50-90-day follow-up period, 24.2% of children had severe linear growth faltering and the mean ΔLAZ over follow-up was - 0.17 (standard deviation [SD] 0.54). After adjustment for age, baseline LAZ, and site, several factors were associated with decline in LAZ: young age, acute malnutrition, hospitalization at presentation, non-dysenteric diarrhea, unimproved sanitation, lower wealth, fever, co-morbidity, or an IMCI danger sign. Compared to children 12-23 months old, those 0-6 months were more likely to experience severe linear growth faltering (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] 1.97 [95% CI 1.70, 2.28]), as were children 6-12 months of age (aPR 1.72 [95% CI 1.51, 1.95]). A prediction model that included age, wasting, stunting, presentation with fever, and presentation with an IMCI danger sign had an area under the ROC (AUC) of 0.67 (95% CI 0.64, 0.69). Risk scores ranged from 0 to 37, and a cut-off of 21 maximized sensitivity (60.7%) and specificity (63.5%).Conclusion: Younger age, acute malnutrition, MSD severity, and sociodemographic factors were associated with short-term linear growth deterioration following MSD. Data routinely obtained at MSD may be useful to predict children at risk for growth deterioration who would benefit from interventions

    Construct and face validity of SINERGIA laparoscopic virtual reality simulator

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    Purpose Laparoscopic techniques have nowadays become a gold standard in many surgical procedures, but they imply a more difficult learning skills process. Simulators have a fundamental role in the formative stage of new surgeons. This paper presents the construct and face validity of SINERGIA laparoscopic virtual reality simulator in order to decide whether it can be considered as an assessment tool. Methods Twenty people participated in this study, 14 were novices and 6 were experts. Five tasks of SINERGIA were included in the study: coordination, navigation, navigation and touch, precise grasping and coordinate traction. For each one of these tasks, a certain number of metrics are automatically recorded. All subjects accomplished each task only once and filled in two questionnaires. A statistical analysis was made and results from both groups were compared with the Mann–Whitney U-test, considering significant differences when P ≤ 0.05. Internal consistency of the system has been analyzed with the Cronbach’s alpha test. Results Novices and experts positively rated SINERGIA characteristics. At least one of the evaluated metrics of each exercise presented significant differences between both groups. Nevertheless, all metrics under study gave a better punctuation to the executions accomplished by experts (lower time, higher efficiency, fewer errors. . .) than to those made by novices. Conclusion SINERGIA laparoscopic virtual reality simulator is able to discriminate subjects according to their level of experience in laparoscopic surgery; therefore, it can be used within a training program as an assessment too

    The Palestinian primary ciliary dyskinesia population: first results of the diagnostic, and genetic spectrum

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    BACKGROUND: Diagnostic testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) started in 2013 in Palestine. We aimed to describe the diagnostic, genetic and clinical spectrum of the Palestinian PCD population. METHODS: Individuals with symptoms suggestive of PCD were opportunistically considered for diagnostic testing: nasal nitric oxide (nNO) measurement, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and/or PCD genetic panel or whole-exome testing. Clinical characteristics of those with a positive diagnosis were collected close to testing including forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) Global Lung Index z-scores and body mass index z-scores. RESULTS: 68 individuals had a definite positive PCD diagnosis, 31 confirmed by genetic and TEM results, 23 by TEM results alone, and 14 by genetic variants alone. 45 individuals from 40 families had 17 clinically actionable variants and four had variants of unknown significance in 14 PCD genes. CCDC39, DNAH11 and DNAAF11 were the most commonly mutated genes. 100% of variants were homozygous. Patients had a median age of 10.0 years at diagnosis, were highly consanguineous (93%) and 100% were of Arabic descent. Clinical features included persistent wet cough (99%), neonatal respiratory distress (84%) and situs inversus (43%). Lung function at diagnosis was already impaired (FEV1 z-score median −1.90 (−5.0–1.32)) and growth was mostly within the normal range (z-score mean −0.36 (−3.03–2.57). 19% individuals had finger clubbing. CONCLUSIONS: Despite limited local resources in Palestine, detailed geno- and phenotyping forms the basis of one of the largest national PCD populations globally. There was notable familial homozygosity within the context of significant population heterogeneity