668 research outputs found

    Fabrication of Amperometric Electrodes

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    Carbon fiber electrodes are crucial for the detection of catecholamine release from vesicles in single cells for amperometry measurements. Here, we describe the techniques needed to generate low noise (<0.5 pA) electrodes. The techniques have been modified from published descriptions by previous researchers (1,2). Electrodes are made by preparing carbon fibers and threading them individually into each capillary tube by using a vacuum with a filter to aspirate the fiber. Next, the capillary tube with fiber is pulled by an electrode puller, creating two halves, each with a fine-pointed tip. The electrodes are dipped in hot, liquid epoxy mixed with hardener to create an epoxy-glass seal. Lastly, the electrodes are placed in an oven to cure the epoxy. Careful handling of the electrodes is critical to ensure that they are made consistently and without damage. This protocol shows how to fabricate and cut amperometric electrodes for recording from single cells

    Neurocognitive Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Arithmetic Learning and Performance: A Simultaneous tDCS-fMRI Study

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    BACKGROUND: A small but increasing number of studies suggest that non-invasive brain stimulation by means of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can modulate arithmetic processes that are essential for higher-order mathematical skills and that are impaired in dyscalculic individuals. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying such stimulation effects, and whether they are specific to cognitive processes involved in different arithmetic tasks. METHODS: We addressed these questions by applying tDCS during simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while participants were solving two types of complex subtraction problems: repeated problems, relying on arithmetic fact learning and problem-solving by fact retrieval, and novel problems, requiring calculation procedures. Twenty participants receiving left parietal anodal plus right frontal cathodal stimulation were compared with 20 participants in a sham condition. RESULTS: We found a strong cognitive and neural dissociation between repeated and novel problems. Repeated problems were solved more accurately and elicited increased activity in the bilateral angular gyri and medial plus lateral prefrontal cortices. Solving novel problems, in contrast, was accompanied by stronger activation in the bilateral intraparietal sulci and the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. Most importantly, tDCS decreased the activation of the right inferior frontal cortex while solving novel (compared to repeated) problems, suggesting that the cathodal stimulation rendered this region unable to respond to the task-specific cognitive demand. CONCLUSIONS: The present study revealed that tDCS during arithmetic problem-solving can modulate the neural activity in proximity to the electrodes specifically when the current demands lead to an engagement of this area

    Visual on-line learning in distributed camera networks

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    Automatic detection of persons is an important application in visual surveillance. In general, state-of-the-art systems have two main disadvantages: First, usually a general detector has to be learned that is applicable to a wide range of scenes. Thus, the training is time-consuming and requires a huge amount of labeled data. Second, the data is usually processed centralized, which leads to a huge network traffic. Thus, the goal of this paper is to overcome these problems, which is realized by a person detection system, that is based on distributed smart cameras (DSCs). Assuming that we have a large number of cameras with partly overlapping views, the main idea is to reduce the model complexity of the detector by training a specific detector for each camera. These detectors are initialized by a pre-trained classifier, that is then adapted for a specific camera by co-training. In particular, for co-training we apply an on-line learning method (i.e., boosting for feature selection), where the information exchange is realized via mapping the overlapping views onto each other by using a homography. Thus, we have a compact scenedependent representation, which allows to train and to evaluate the classifiers on an embedded device. Moreover, since the information transfer is reduced to exchanging positions the required network-traffic is minimal. The power of the approach is demonstrated in various experiments on different publicly available data sets. In fact, we show that on-line learning and applying DSCs can benefit from each other. Index Terms — visual on-line learning, object detection, multi-camera networks 1

    Meta-Tracker: Fast and Robust Online Adaptation for Visual Object Trackers

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    This paper improves state-of-the-art visual object trackers that use online adaptation. Our core contribution is an offline meta-learning-based method to adjust the initial deep networks used in online adaptation-based tracking. The meta learning is driven by the goal of deep networks that can quickly be adapted to robustly model a particular target in future frames. Ideally the resulting models focus on features that are useful for future frames, and avoid overfitting to background clutter, small parts of the target, or noise. By enforcing a small number of update iterations during meta-learning, the resulting networks train significantly faster. We demonstrate this approach on top of the high performance tracking approaches: tracking-by-detection based MDNet and the correlation based CREST. Experimental results on standard benchmarks, OTB2015 and VOT2016, show that our meta-learned versions of both trackers improve speed, accuracy, and robustness.Comment: Code: https://github.com/silverbottlep/meta_tracker

    Enhanced spin-valve giant magneto-resistance in non-exchange biased sandwich films

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    Existence of a Meromorphic Extension of Spectral Zeta Functions on Fractals

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    We investigate the existence of the meromorphic extension of the spectral zeta function of the Laplacian on self-similar fractals using the classical results of Kigami and Lapidus (based on the renewal theory) and new results of Hambly and Kajino based on the heat kernel estimates and other probabilistic techniques. We also formulate conjectures which hold true in the examples that have been analyzed in the existing literature

    Global first-passage times of fractal lattices

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    The global first passage time density of a network is the probability that a random walker released at a random site arrives at an absorbing trap at time T. We find simple expressions for the mean global first passage time for five fractals: the d-dimensional Sierpinski gasket, T fractal, hierarchical percolation model, Mandelbrot-Given curve, and a deterministic tree. We also find an exact expression for the second moment and show that the variance of the first passage time, Var(T), scales with the number of nodes within the fractal N such that Var(T)similar to N(4/d), where d is the spectral dimension

    Long-Term Visual Object Tracking Benchmark

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    We propose a new long video dataset (called Track Long and Prosper - TLP) and benchmark for single object tracking. The dataset consists of 50 HD videos from real world scenarios, encompassing a duration of over 400 minutes (676K frames), making it more than 20 folds larger in average duration per sequence and more than 8 folds larger in terms of total covered duration, as compared to existing generic datasets for visual tracking. The proposed dataset paves a way to suitably assess long term tracking performance and train better deep learning architectures (avoiding/reducing augmentation, which may not reflect real world behaviour). We benchmark the dataset on 17 state of the art trackers and rank them according to tracking accuracy and run time speeds. We further present thorough qualitative and quantitative evaluation highlighting the importance of long term aspect of tracking. Our most interesting observations are (a) existing short sequence benchmarks fail to bring out the inherent differences in tracking algorithms which widen up while tracking on long sequences and (b) the accuracy of trackers abruptly drops on challenging long sequences, suggesting the potential need of research efforts in the direction of long-term tracking.Comment: ACCV 2018 (Oral

    Phototransformation of halogenoaromatic derivatives in aqueous solution

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    The photochemical behaviour of monohalogeno-phenols and -anilines is highly dependent on the position of the halogen on the ring, but most often it is not significantly influenced by the nature of the halogen (Cl, Br, F). Photohydrolysis is the main reaction observed with 3-halogenated and it is almost specific. With 2-halogenated, photohydrolysis and photocontraction of the ring compete, the latter being very efficient with 2-halogeno-phenolates
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