408 research outputs found

    Coulomb charging energy for arbitrary tunneling strength

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    The Coulomb energy of a small metallic island coupled to an electrode by a tunnel junction is investigated. We employ Monte Carlo simulations to determine the effective charging energy for arbitrary tunneling strength. For small tunneling conductance, the data agree with analytical results based on a perturbative treatment of electron tunneling, while for very strong tunneling recent semiclassical results for large conductance are approached. The data allow for an identification of the range of validity of various analytical predictions.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, incl 3 figures, to appear in Europhys.Let

    Identification of Coulomb blockade and macroscopic quantum tunneling by noise

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    The effects of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling (MQT) and Coulomb Blockade (CB) in Josephson junctions are of considerable significance both for the manifestations of quantum mechanics on the macroscopic scale and potential technological applications. These two complementary effects are shown to be clearly distinguishable from the associated noise spectra. The current noise is determined exactly and a rather sharp crossover between flux noise in the MQT and charge noise in the CB regions is found as the applied voltage is changed. Related results hold for the voltage noise in current-biased junctions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, epl.cls include

    Is the dynamics of open quantum systems always linear?

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    We study the influence of the preparation of an open quantum system on its reduced time evolution. In contrast to the frequently considered case of an initial preparation where the total density matrix factorizes into a product of a system density matrix and a bath density matrix the time evolution generally is no longer governed by a linear map nor is this map affine. Put differently, the evolution is truly nonlinear and cannot be cast into the form of a linear map plus a term that is independent of the initial density matrix of the open quantum system. As a consequence, the inhomogeneity that emerges in formally exact generalized master equations is in fact a nonlinear term that vanishes for a factorizing initial state. The general results are elucidated with the example of two interacting spins prepared at thermal equilibrium with one spin subjected to an external field. The second spin represents the environment. The field allows the preparation of mixed density matrices of the first spin that can be represented as a convex combination of two limiting pure states, i.e. the preparable reduced density matrices make up a convex set. Moreover, the map from these reduced density matrices onto the corresponding density matrices of the total system is affine only for vanishing coupling between the spins. In general, the set of the accessible total density matrices is nonconvex.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, minor changes to improve readability, discussion on Mori's linear regime and references adde

    Quantum confinement corrections to the capacitance of gated one-dimensional nanostructures

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    With the help of a multi-configurational Green's function approach we simulate single-electron Coulomb charging effects in gated ultimately scaled nanostructures which are beyond the scope of a selfconsistent mean-field description. From the simulated Coulomb-blockade characteristics we derive effective system capacitances and demonstrate how quantum confinement effects give rise to corrections. Such deviations are crucial for the interpretation of experimentally determined capacitances and the extraction of application-relevant system parameters

    Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata using Buried Dopants

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    The use of buried dopants to construct quantum-dot cellular automata is investigated as an alternative to conventional electronic devices for information transport and elementary computation. This provides a limit in terms of miniaturisation for this type of system as each potential well is formed by a single dopant atom. As an example, phosphorous donors in silicon are found to have good energy level separation with incoherent switching times of the order of microseconds. However, we also illustrate the possibility of ultra-fast quantum coherent switching via adiabatic evolution. The switching speeds are numerically calculated and found to be 10's of picoseconds or less for a single cell. The effect of decoherence is also simulated in the form of a dephasing process and limits are estimated for operation with finite dephasing. The advantages and limitations of this scheme over the more conventional quantum-dot based scheme are discussed. The use of a buried donor cellular automata system is also discussed as an architecture for testing several aspects of buried donor based quantum computing schemes.Comment: Minor changes in response to referees comments. Improved section on scaling and added plot of incoherent switching time

    Coulomb Charging Effects for Finite Channel Number

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    We consider quantum fluctuations of the charge on a small metallic grain caused by virtual electron tunneling to a nearby electrode. The average electron number and the effective charging energy are determined by means of perturbation theory in the tunneling Hamiltonian. In particular we discuss the dependence of charging effects on the number N of tunneling channels. Earlier results for N>>1 are found to be approached rather rapidly with increasing N.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A many-fermion generalization of the Caldeira-Leggett model

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    We analyze a model system of fermions in a harmonic oscillator potential under the influence of a dissipative environment: The fermions are subject to a fluctuating force deriving from a bath of harmonic oscillators. This represents an extension of the well-known Caldeira-Leggett model to the case of many fermions. Using the method of bosonization, we calculate one- and two-particle Green's functions of the fermions. We discuss the relaxation of a single extra particle added above the Fermi sea, considering also dephasing of a particle added in a coherent superposition of states. The consequences of the separation of center-of-mass and relative motion, the Pauli principle, and the bath-induced effective interaction are discussed. Finally, we extend our analysis to a more generic coupling between system and bath, that results in complete thermalization of the system.Comment: v3: fixed pdf problem; v2: added exact formula (Eq. 42) for Green's function and discussion of equilibrium density matrix (new Fig. 2); 10 figures, 21 pages, see quant-ph/0305098 for brief version of some of these result

    Radio-frequency operation of a double-island single-electron transistor

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    We present results on a double-island single-electron transistor (DISET) operated at radio-frequency (rf) for fast and highly sensitive detection of charge motion in the solid state. Using an intuitive definition for the charge sensitivity, we compare a DISET to a conventional single-electron transistor (SET). We find that a DISET can be more sensitive than a SET for identical, minimum device resistances in the Coulomb blockade regime. This is of particular importance for rf operation where ideal impedance matching to 50 Ohm transmission lines is only possible for a limited range of device resistances. We report a charge sensitivity of 5.6E-6 e/sqrt(Hz) for a rf-DISET, together with a demonstration of single-shot detection of small (<=0.1e) charge signals on microsecond timescales.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of the Tunneling Conductance on the Coulomb Staircase

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    Quantum fluctuations of the charge in the single electron box are investigated. The rounding of the Coulomb staircase caused by virtual electron tunneling is determined by perturbation theory up to third order in the tunneling conductance and compared with precise Monte Carlo data computed with a new algorithm. The remarkable agreement for large conductance indicates that presently available experimental data on Coulomb charging effects in metallic nanostructures can be well explained by finite order perturbative results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Modelling background charge rearrangements near single-electron transistors as a Poisson process

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    Background charge rearrangements in metallic single-electron transistors are modelled in two-level tunnelling systems as a Poisson process with a scale parameter as only variable. The model explains the recent observation of asymmetric Coulomb blockade peak spacing distributions in metallic single-electron transistors. From the scale parameter we estimate the average size of the tunnelling systems, their density of states, and the height of their energy barrier. We conclude that the observed background charge rearrangements predominantly take place in the substrate of the single-electron transistor.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figures, used epl.cls macro include
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