172 research outputs found

    The Labour Question in the USA in First Half of 20th Century. Contribution of the Catholic Church to Its Solution

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    The problems of workers’ wages taken by the Catholic Church in the United States of America are interesting issues from the point of view of the ethics of economic life and the development of Catholic social thought. The interpretation of the main Catholic social ideas contained in Leo XIII’s encyclical letter Rerum novarum was made by Father John Augustine Ryan (1896–1945), who soon became a major proponent of the idea that a good economic policy can flow only with good ethics. In the history of the United States of America, the turn of 19th and 20th centuries was a time of the development of labor unions, associations, and workers’ organizations, consolidating efforts to achieve equitable remuneration (a living wage) and regulate working conditions. It was also a time of struggling with the ideas of socialism and nationalism. The Catholic Church played a significant role in the discourse on these issues, including the influence of John A. Ryan. His efforts led to one of the most important interpretations of economic life: The Program of Social Reconstruction (1919), and some postulates can be found in the legislation of the New Deal.The “Annales. Ethics in Economic Life” is affiliated and co-financed by the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz

    Alien Registration- Fabisik, Mary (Jay, Franklin County)

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    Technological Content Knowledge and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge in Secondary Science Teachers: A Mixed Methods Analysis

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    Teachers in K-12 education are increasingly using technology in their courses. However, teachers may struggle to implement technology effectively in their specific subject areas. Existing research demonstrates that there was a need to better support in-service science teachers’ technological content knowledge. Accordingly, the purpose of this practitioner research study was to examine how, why, and to what extent in-service secondary science teachers report using technology as part of instructional practices. The TPACK framework was used as the theoretical lens for a mixed methods study exploring secondary science teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) and technological content knowledge (TCK). Multiple data sources were collected from science teachers in four school districts in south-central Pennsylvania. Confidence intervals determined that there was some difference between the groups studied, but the sample size was too small to determine if it was a significant difference. Qualitative analysis demonstrated that the participants already used technology in their classes, but they would like to learn more. The findings from this study can inform technology-based professional development intended to better support in-service science teachers

    Labour Unions Postulates and Development of Federal Labour Legislation to the New Deal Era In The United States of America

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    The second part of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century is a time of rapid growth among labour unions in the United States. During this period labour unions and associations changed from trade unions to common unions accepting a wider spectrum of workers. In this article, I present the development of the labour legislation in the United States from the point of view of the labour union postulations, starting from the first regulations through to the legislation of the New Deal era. I focus on three specific areas: the child labour problem, the minimum wage question and the working hours regulations. Along these lines, I compare labour union and workers association postulates with state and federal legislation and the solutions of problems, from the beginning of American labour unions to the New Deal era.

    Liberalisation or statism? Directions of change in labour policy in selected Eastern and Central European countires since 1989

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    Transformacja ustrojowa po 1989 roku była w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej dynamicznym procesem zmian na drodze do gospodarki rynkowej. Zmiany te zostały podjęte w kontekście liberalizacji stosunków gospodarczych. W artykule rozpatrzono reformy gospodarcze w kontekście zmian stosunków pracy. Do analizy wybrano państwa byłego bloku socjalistycznego, które obecnie są członkami Unii Europejskiej. Koniec ustroju socjalistycznego i przejście do stosunków kapitalistycznych były szokiem dla społeczeństw, zwłaszcza dla robotników wielkoprzemysłowych, faworyzowanych przez ówczesny system. Poszczególne państwa podejmowały politykę bardziej lub mniej liberalną, zmuszając pracowników do aktywności na rynku pracy lub tworząc socjalny parasol ochronny. Efekty tych działań są odczuwalne do dziś. Przemiany stosunków pracy państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej zostały podzielone na trzy części: bilans otwarcia, czyli stan na rok 1990, do momentu akcesji do Unii Europejskiej oraz polityka pracy w ramach Unii Europejskiej. Proces transformacji stosunków pracy nie zakończył się. Przeszedł w inną sferę przekształceń cy-wilizacyjnych. Używane do tej pory rozwiązania i postulowane ich powtórzenie: od nowego „New Deal’u” po laissez-faire mogą w obliczu nowych wyzwań okazać się nieskuteczne [Rifkin, 2001, s. 356-357]. Przed państwami, które przeszły transformację ustrojową, tak samo jak przed wszystkimi innymi, stoją nowe wyzwania, na które nie mamy jeszcze odpowiedzi.The political transformation which took place in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 was a dynamic process of change towards a market economy. These changes were made in the context of the liberalisation of economic relations. The paper examines the economic reforms in the context of changes in labour relations. The analysis is based on the countries of the former socialist bloc which are now members of the European Union. The end of socialism and the transition to the capitalist economy was a shock for society, especially for industrial workers, who had been favoured by the previous system. Individual states opted for more or less liberal policies, forcing employees to be active in the labour market or, alternatively, creating social security umbrellas. The effects of these actions are still felt nowadays. The transformation of labour relations in Central and Eastern European countries has been divided into three parts: the opening balance sheet (up to the year 1990), before the accession to the EU, and labour policies adopted within the framework of the EU. The process of transformation of labour relations is not yet complete. It has moved into a new stage of civilisational transformation. The solutions which have been used so far: from the new “New Deal” to the laissez-faire capitalism, may prove to be ineffective in the face of the new challenges [Rifkin, 2001, pp. 356-357]. The countries which have undergone political transformation, as well as all the other countries, are confronted with new difficulties, which are yet to be [email protected]ł Historyczny, Uniwersytet im. Adama MickiewiczaAslund A. 2010 Jak budowano kapitalizm? Transformacja Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, Rosji i Azji Środkowej, Książka i Wiedza, Warszawa.Bendyk E. 2014 Kapitalistyczny socjalizm, „Polityka”, nr 12.Berend I. T. 2011 Od bloku sowieckiego do Unii Europejskiej. Transformacja ekonomiczna i społeczna Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej od 1973 roku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków.Brodziński W. 2009 Ustrój konstytucyjny Rumunii po „rewolucji” z grudnia 1989 roku, [w:] Dwie dekady zmian: Rumunia 1989-2009, K. P. Marczuk (red.), Difin, Warszawa.Chumiński J. 2010 Strukturalne uwarunkowania nieefektywności gospodarki socjalistycznej, [w:] Modernizacja czy pozorna modernizacja. Społeczno-ekonomiczny bilans PRL 1944-1989, J. Chumiński (red.), GAJT, Wrocław.Drela K. 2010 Problem bezrobocia a uczestnictwo Polski w Unii Europejskiej, [w:] Transformacja w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Gospodarka-społeczeństwo- polityka, K. Gomółka (red.), Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Elblągu, Elbląg.Europejska Strategia Zatrudnienia, Unia Europejska 2011.Eurostat Newsrelease Euroindicators, 83/2014, 3 June 2014, dokument elektroniczny, tryb dostępu: [www.epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu., data wejścia: 05.05.2014].Eurostat: Statistic Database, dokument elektroniczny, tryb dostępu: [www.epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu., data wejścia: 05.05.2014].Gałek G. 2010 Spójność społeczna a problemy transformacji systemowej krajów postsocjalistycznych, [w:] Transformacja w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Gospodarka-społeczeństwo-polityka, K. 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    The labor issue in the USA in the first half of the 20th century. The contribution of the Catholic Church to its solution

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    The stance of the Catholic Church in the United States of America on the problems related to workers’ wages is an interesting issue from the point of view of the ethics of economic life and the development of Catholic social thought. The interpretation of the main Catholic social ideas contained in Leo XIII’s encyclical letter Rerum novarum was made by Father John Augustine Ryan (1896–1945), who soon became a major proponent of the idea that a good economic policy can only result from good ethics. In the history of the United States of America, the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was a time of the development of labor unions, associations and workers’ organizations as well as the consolidation of efforts to achieve equitable remuneration (a living wage) and regulate working conditions. It was also a time of struggling with the ideas of socialism and nationalism. The Catholic Church played a significant role in the discourse on these issues, including the influence of John A. Ryan. His efforts led to one of the most important interpretations of economic life: The Program of Social Reconstruction (1919), and some of its postulates can be found in the New Deal legislation.Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the "Annales. Ethics in Economic Life" financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship

    Review of Heat Pump Tumble Clothes Dryer Energy Efficiency and Related Technologies

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    As energy constraints and consumption in the world increase, it is important to investigate all areas of technology for improvement. In the residential building sector, clothes drying is a significant consumer of energy accounting for 6% of residential electricity in the U.S. (EPA, 2011). Heat pump technology has become increasingly popular for residential tumble clothes dryers. This paper presents a detailed review of heat pump tumble dryer research covering technologies for air conditioning waste heat recovery, recuperative heat exchangers, system modeling, and control optimization. Additional technologies related more broadly to vapor compression cycle enhancement are also reviewed, including alternative working fluids, variable-capacity systems, and component technologies. Future areas for research are identified to enable the next generation of heat pump dryer energy efficiency

    Unemployment and Homelessness in the City of Poznań in 1929-1939

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    The Polish National General Exhibition (PWK, also known as “Pewuka”) was held in Poznań in 1929. It was meant to be and it did become a showcase of the economic, industrial, social and cultural achievements of the Polish State, newly reborn in 1918, in the aftermath of the Great War. Staging of the Exhibition coincided with the advent of the economic crisis. Preparations for the Exhibition required an enormous amount of work, and considerable investments were needed to build a suitable infrastructure. Poznań became a huge building site, with many labourers coming to the city in search of employment. After 1929 those labourers added to the large group of the unemployed in the aftermath of the great economic crisis. During the 1930s the unemployment and the related problems aggravated the housing crisis in Poznań. The city authorities attempted to resolve this problem by putting the homeless up in the former exhibition grounds recently vacated following the closure of the Polish National General Exhibition. It was only an interim measure. In search of a more permanent solution, the city started to redevelop allotments or community gardens by building purpose-built residential garden huts or sheds