64 research outputs found

    Produção de Camelina sativa para Bioenergia em solos contaminados com metais pesados

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    A produção de culturas energéticas constitui uma opção auspiciosa na substituição parcial de combustíveis fósseis na produção energética. São várias as espécies passíveis de ser cultivadas com vista à utilização da biomassa para produção de energia. A Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz é uma oleaginosa bastante promissora no âmbito da produção de culturas energéticas, devido à sua elevada produtividade e resistência a fatores externos extremos, como baixas quantidades de água ou pragas. Além do potencial de produção de bioenergia, a espécie apresenta capacidade de remoção de metais pesados do solo. Assim, o presente trabalho visa a investigação da potencialidade da Camelina sativa na fitorremediação de solos artificialmente contaminados com Zn (450/900 mg.kg-1, ms) ou Pb (450/900 mg.kg-1, ms). O principal intuito desta abordagem passa pelo conhecimento das vantagens da tecnologia de fitorremediação na descontaminação de solos contaminados com metais pesados, conciliando esta vertente com a redução dos riscos inerentes a estes elementos. Foi, deste modo, realizado um estudo dos efeitos de solos contaminados com Zn ou Pb na produtividade e qualidade da biomassa das culturas de verão e inverno de Camelina sativa, e na avaliação da capacidade de fitorremediação desta cultura energética em extrair metais dos solos. Este ensaio foi realizado em vasos, mediante condições controladas, com a duração de um ciclo vegetativo. A produtividade da biomassa aérea não foi afetada pela presença dos metais no solo, assim como os parâmetros biométricos das culturas, à exceção da altura. No caso da biomassa aérea, a cultura de verão revelou produtividades mais elevadas, especialmente no caso da contaminação com Pb. A camelina comporta-se como tolerante à presença de ambos os metais, o teor de cinzas produzido foi reduzido e não se verificou uma translocação elevada da parte radicular para a parte aérea

    Consumo de estimulantes cerebrais nos estudantes de medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior

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    Introdução: O ensino superior exige um certo nível de desenvolvimento das funções cognitivas, e no curso de medicina esse nível é particularmente elevado. Os estimulantes cerebrais são consumidos pelos estudantes com intuito de aumentar o desempenho académico. A presente investigação surgiu da necessidade de dar um contributo para a caracterização deste fenómeno em Portugal. O consumo de psicostimulantes é considerado um comportamento de risco, não só pelo seu potencial elevado de efeitos secundários adversos, como também por se associar ao consumo de outras substâncias psicoativas. Neste sentido definiu-se como principal objetivo deste estudo a determinação da prevalência do consumo de estimulantes cerebrais nos estudantes de Medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior e a análise dos principais fatores associados a esse consumo. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo, baseado na aplicação de um questionário online, a 423 alunos do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior, matriculados no 2.º, 3.º, 4.º, 5.º e 6.º ano e finalistas (6.º ano) do ano letivo 2011/2012. Dos 423 alunos, 28% eram do sexo masculino e 72% do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 50 anos (média 22,3 ± 2,8 anos). A recolha de dados decorreu entre 21 de Setembro e 8 de Novembro de 2012. O tratamento estatístico dos dados foi efetuado com recurso aos programas Microsoft Excel 2010® e SPSS® versão 20.0 para Windows. Nas relações entre as variáveis qualitativas usou-se o teste do qui-quadrado. Foram também utilizados os testes t de Student, de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e de Levene, de modo a testar as diferenças entre o consumo das várias substâncias. Resultados: Relativamente à prevalência do consumo de estimulantes cerebrais, 80,9% (n=342) dos estudantes já consumiu algum tipo de estimulantes cerebrais durante a vida (MDMA, metilfenidato, modafinil, piracetam, suplementos alimentares ou bebidas energéticas). Quanto ao consumo de álcool e tabaco, 76,2% (n=322) e 19,6% (n=83) dos alunos reportam consumo atual, respetivamente. As fontes de informação mais referidas sobre os estimulantes foram os amigos (73,8%), a televisão (72,3%) e a internet (65%). A principal motivação referida para o consumo destas substâncias foi ‘Aumentar a capacidade cognitiva’, referida por 69,9% (n=239) dos alunos. Os efeitos positivos mais frequentemente apreciados foram a diminuição da fadiga/cansaço físico e mental (54,9%) e o aumento da concentração (50,6%). Discussão: A prevalência do consumo de psicostimulantes pelos estudantes de medicina da Universidade da Beira Interior é elevada, embora inferior à encontrada na literatura revista. A principal motivação para o consumo destas substâncias é aumentar a capacidade cognitiva. A prevalência do consumo atual de álcool é superior à da população portuguesa em geral, na faixa etária dos 15-34 anos. Além disso, encontrou-se relações estatisticamente significativas entre o consumo associado de bebidas energéticas e álcool. Estes achados, embora não representativos de todos os estudantes de medicina em Portugal, poderão ser um bom ponto de partida para estudos futuros e ainda um contributo essencial à implementação de estratégias de prevenção de comportamentos de risco associados ao consumo destas substâncias.Introduction: College education requires a certain level of cognitive development and in a medical degree this level is particularly high. Students take cerebral stimulants with the intention of getting a better academic performance. This study aims to characterize this phenomenon in Portugal. The consumption of psychostimulants is considered risk behaviour, not only due to its high potential for side effects but also for associating with the consumption of other psycho-active substances. The main objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of the consumption of brain stimulants by medical students of the Universidade da Beira Interior and analysis of the main characteristics associated with this consumption. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study based on an online survey of 423 students of Mestrado Integrado em Medicina da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior enrolled in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th , 6 th year and seniors of the 2011/2012 school year. Of the 423 students, 28% were male and 72% female, with ages ranging between 18 and 50 years (average 22.3 ± 2,8 years). The data collection took place between the 21st of September and the 8th of November 2012. Microsoft Excel 2010® and SPSS®, 20.0 version for Windows was used for the statistical analysis. For the relations between qualitative variables the chi-square test was used. The Student t test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene, were also used in order to test the differences between the consumption of the various substances. Results: Regarding the prevalence of the consumption of brain stimulants, 80,9% (n=342) of the students have taken some type of brain stimulant at some point of their life (MDMA, metilfenidato, modafinil, piracetam, food supplements or energy drinks). Regarding the consumption of alcohol and tobacco 76,2% (n=322) and 19,6% (n=83) of the students confirm that they still consume these products, respectively. The sources of information on these stimulants were friends (73,8%), television (72,3%) and the internet (65%). The main reason cited for the use of these substances was 'Increasing cognitive ability', reported by 69,9% (n=239) of the students. The positive effects were assessed more often to decreased fatigue / physical and mental fatigue (54,9%) and increasing concentration (50,6%). Discussion: The prevalence of the consumption of psychostimulants by medical students from Universidade da Beira Interior is high, although is lower than that found in the literature reviewed. The main reason cited for the use of these substances is increasing cognitive performance. The current alcohol consumption is higher than that of the general Portuguese population with ages ranging between 15 and 34 years. Furthermore a statistically significant relationship was found between the associated consumption of energy drinks and alcohol. These findings, although not representative of all medical students in Portugal, may be a good starting point for future studies and also an essential contribution to the implementation of strategies for the prevention of risk behaviours associated with these substance use

    Qualidade na abordagem e tratamento do doente com Acidente Vascular Cerebral Isquémico

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    RESUMO - Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é a principal causa de morbilidade a nível global. A evidência demonstra que a prestação de cuidados de saúde no AVC isquémico de forma organizada, com base em indicadores clínicos e alicerçada nas recomendações científicas, tem impacto clínico positivo. A presente dissertação teve como objetivos principais a caracterização da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde prestados aos doentes com AVC isquémico no Hospital Vila Franca de Xira (HVFX) e a comparação de indicadores nos doentes admitidos e não admitidos na unidade de AVC (UAVC). Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e retrospetivo, realizado a partir da colheita de dados clínicos de registos eletrónicos. Foi considerada uma amostra de 442 doentes com diagnóstico de AVC isquémico admitidos no HVFX em 2017. Resultados: Na amostra de 442 doentes com AVC isquémico, 55% eram do sexo masculino, a idade média foi de 73.3 anos e a prevalência de comorbidades cardiovasculares foi de 90%. A taxa de fibrinólise foi de 26,8% nos doentes admitidos dentro da janela temporal e o tempo porta-agulha médio foi de 93 minutos. Verificaram--se melhores resultados nos doentes admitidos na UAVC como uma maior taxa de reabilitação (60% vs. 36%), de realização de reunião de AVC (94% vs. 11%), de registos da escala de NIHSS (75% vs. 57%) e os reinternamentos a 30 dias (3% vs. 22%). Conclusões: Com base nos resultados observados, conclui-se que o tratamento do AVC na UAVC tem impacto positivo em alguns dos indicadores clínicos estudados. Estudos como a presente dissertação contribuem para identificar cenários de melhoria e otimizar a qualidade na abordagem e tratamento do AVC.Abstract - Introduction: Stroke is the leading cause of morbidity worldwide. Evidence shows that the establishment of ischemic stroke health care in an organized manner, based on clinical indicators and grounded on scientific recommendation, has a positive clinical impact. This study aimed to characterize the quality of health care provided to patients with ischemic stroke at Vila Franca de Xira Hospital (HVFX) and to compare the indicators in patients that were admitted and not admitted into the stroke unit (UAVC). Methods: Descriptive and retrospective study based on the collection of clinical data from electronic records. Was considered a sample of 442 patients with ischemic stroke admitted to HVFX in 2017. Results: In the sample of 442 patients with ischemic stroke, 55% were male, the average age was 73.3 years and the prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities was 90%. Fibrinolysis rate was 26.8% in patients admitted within the time window and the average door-to-needle time was 93 minutes. Some quality indicators were superior in patients admitted to UAVC as rehabilitation rate (60% vs. 36%), stroke meeting (194% vs. 11%), NIHSS scale recording (75% vs. 57%) and 30-day readmissions (3% vs. 22%). Conclusions: Considering the observed results, it was shown that stroke treatment in the stroke unit has a positive impact on some of the clinical indicators studied. Studies such as this investigation contribute to identify scenarios of improvement and optimize the quality of stroke management and treatment

    Understanding the genome architecture and evolution of Shiga toxin encoding bacteriophages of Escherichia coli

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is an important foodborne pathogen, and its major virulence factor is their ability to produce Shiga toxins. This toxin is coded by the stx gene, acquired through the insertion of a prophage into their genome. In our study, 179 STEC genomes were analysed for their serotype, distribution, and stx gene variants. Stx phages were also analysed and grouped based on shared gene content. We show that most STEC were isolated from different sources and geographical regions and belong to the non-O157 serotypes (73%). While the majority of STEC encode a single stx gene (61%), strains coding for two (35%), three (3%) and four (1%) stx genes were also found, being stx2a the most prevalent gene variant. PHASTER analysis found stx genes in intact prophage regions, indicating they are phage-borne. Stx phages from our dataset were grouped into four clusters (A, B, C and D), three subclusters (A1, A2 and A3) and one singleton, in agreement with the predicted virion morphologies. Stx phage genomes are highly diverse with a vast number of 1,838 gene phamilies (phams) of related sequences (of which 677 are orphams i.e. unique genes) and although having high mosaicism, they are generally organized into three major transcripts (structural, metabolism, lysis and virulence). There is a strong selective pressure to maintain the stx genes location in close proximity to the lytic cassette composed of predicted SAR-endolysin and pin-holin lytic proteins. Taken together, we demonstrate that Stx phages genomes are highly diverse, with several lysislysogeny regulatory systems identified but with a conserved lytic system always adjacent to stx genes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Insights into the genome architecture and evolution of Shiga toxin encoding bacteriophages of Escherichia coli

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    Background: A total of 179 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) complete genomes were analyzed in terms of serotypes, prophage coding regions, and stx gene variants and their distribution. We further examined the genetic diversity of Stx-converting phage genomes (Stx phages), focusing on the lysis-lysogeny decision and lytic cassettes. Results: We show that most STEC isolates belong to non-O157 serotypes (73 %), regardless the sources and geographical regions. While the majority of STEC genomes contain a single stx gene (61 %), strains containing two (35 %), three (3 %) and four (1 %) stx genes were also found, being stx2 the most prevalent gene variant. Their location is exclusively found in intact prophage regions, indicating that they are phage-borne. We further demonstrate that Stx phages can be grouped into four clusters (A, B, C and D), three subclusters (A1, A2 and A3) and one singleton, based on their shared gene content. This cluster distribution is in good agreement with their predicted virion morphologies. Stx phage genomes are highly diverse with a vast number of 1,838 gene phamilies (phams) of related sequences (of which 677 are orphams i.e. unique genes) and, although having high mosaicism, they are generally organized into three major transcripts. While the mechanisms that guide lysis–lysogeny decision are complex, there is a strong selective pressure to maintain the stx genes location close to the lytic cassette composed of predicted SAR-endolysin and pin-holin lytic proteins. The evolution of STEC Stx phages seems to be strongly related to acquiring genetic material, probably from horizontal gene transfer events. Conclusions: This work provides novel insights on the genetic structure of Stx phages, showing a high genetic diversity throughout the genomes, where the various lysis-lysogeny regulatory systems are in contrast with an uncommon, but conserved, lytic system always adjacent to stx genes.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and the project PhageSTEC PTDC/CVT-CVT/29628/2017 [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029628] funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização) and by National Funds thought FCT. GP is recipient of a FCT PhD grant with the reference SFRH/BD/117365/2016. The funding body had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscriptinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Noscapine acts as a protease inhibitor of in vitro elastase-induced collagen deposition in equine endometrium

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    Research Areas: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ; ChemistryABSTRACT - Endometrosis is a reproductive pathology that is responsible for mare infertility. Our recent studies have focused on the involvement of neutrophil extracellular traps enzymes, such as elastase (ELA), in the development of equine endometrosis. Noscapine (NOSC) is an alkaloid derived from poppy opium with anticough, antistroke, anticancer, and antifibrotic properties. The present work investigates the putative inhibitory in vitro effect of NOSC on collagen type I alpha 2 chain (COL1A2) mRNA and COL1 protein relative abundance induced by ELA in endometrial explants of mares in the follicular or mid-luteal phases at 24 or 48 h of treatment. The COL1A2 mRNA was evaluated by qPCR and COL1 protein relative abundance by Western blot. In equine endometrial explants, ELA increased COL 1 expression, while NOSC inhibited it at both estrous cycle phases and treatment times. These findings contribute to the future development of new endometrosis treatment approaches. Noscapine could be a drug capable of preventing collagen synthesis in mare’s endometrium and facilitate the therapeutic approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advances in Environmentally Friendly Techniques and Circular Economy Approaches for Insect Infestation Management in Stored Rice Grains

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    Funding Information: The study was funded by project TRACE-RICE—Tracing rice and valorising side streams along Mediterranean blockchain, grant No. 1934, of the PRIMA Programme, supported under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food for about half of the world’s population. Therefore, it is important to search for solutions that minimise losses and production costs for producers and ensure food quality and safety for consumers. Improved methods for the detection and monitoring of hidden infestations are useful for adopting infestation control measures. Chemical methods are used to prevent rice losses due to infestations; changing this situation, however, is of the utmost importance, as it harms the environment and human health. The management of infestation by controlled storage conditions, namely temperature and atmosphere composition and the use of current fossil-based packaging with modified atmospheres, is well recognised. The use of environmentally friendly solutions is promising, but it is necessary to perform a life-cycle assessment and cost analysis to evaluate their effectiveness. According to the principles of circular economy, the integration of the best-selected treatments/solutions for insect management, along with the use of biopackaging from rice by-products are recommended. This review describes the methods of detection and control of infestation as well as several promising alternatives to chemical treatments; however, more research is needed in order to obtain effective technological solutions that can be applied at an industrial scale.publishersversionpublishe

    The inhibitory effect of noscapine on the in vitro cathepsin G-induced collagen expression in equine endometrium

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    Research Areas: Life Sciences & Biomedicine ; MicrobiologyABSTRACT - Cathepsin G (CAT) is a protease released by neutrophils when forming neutrophil extracellular traps that was already associated with inducing type I collagen (COL1) in equine endometrium in vitro. Endometrosis is a fibrotic condition mainly characterized by COL1 deposition in the equine endometrium. The objective was to evaluate if noscapine (an alkaloid for cough treatment with anti-neoplastic and anti-fibrotic properties) would reduce COL1A2 transcription (evaluated by qPCR) and COL1 protein relative abundance (evaluated by western blot) induced by CAT in equine endometrial explants from follicular and mid-luteal phases treated for 24 or 48 h. The explants treated with CAT increased COL1 expression. Noscapine decreased COL1A2 transcription at both estrous cycle phases, but COL1 relative protein only at the follicular phase, both induced by CAT. Additionally, the noscapine anti-fibrotic action was found to be more effective in the follicular phase. The CAT treatment caused more fibrosis at the longest period of treatment, while noscapine acted better at the shortest time of treatment. Our results showed that noscapine could act as an anti-fibrotic drug in equine endometrosis by inhibiting CAT in vitro. Noscapine offers a new promising therapeutic tool for treating fibrosis as a single non-selective agent to be considered in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Collagen and microvascularization in placentas from young and older mares

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesIn older mares, increasing collagen fibers (fibrosis) in the endometrium and oviduct predisposes to sub-fertility and infertility. In this study, (i) gene transcription of collagen (qPCR: COL1A1, COL1A2, COL3A1, COL5A1); (ii) total collagen protein (hydroxyproline); (iii) collagen distribution (Picrosirius red staining; polarized light microscopy); and (iv) microvascular density (Periodic acid-Schiff staining), were evaluated in mares’ placenta, and related to mares age, and placenta and neonate weights. Samples were collected from the gravid horn, non-gravid horn, and body of the placenta from younger (n = 7), and older mares (n = 9) of different breeds. Transcripts of COL1A1, COL3A1 and COL5A1, total collagen protein, chorionic plate connective tissue thickness, and microvascularization increased in the gravid horn of older mares’ placentas, compared to the youngest (P < 0.05). Although in other species placenta fibrosis may indicate placental insufficiency and reduced neonate weight, this was not observed here. It appears that older fertile mares, with more parities, may develop a heavier, more vascularized functional placenta with more collagen, throughout a longer gestation, which enables the delivery of heavier foals. Thus, these features might represent morphological and physiological adaptations of older fertile mares’ placentas to provide the appropriate nutrition to the equine fetus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unveiling the impact of STEC infecting phages on the colon microbiota using an in vitro fermentation model

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    (Bacterio)phages are considered safe for humans consumption, being regard as excellent biocontrol tools to prevent foodborne pathogens spread. Phages major advantage is their inherent specificity towards a bacterial species, yet some reports have shown phages ability to evolve to infect different hosts when transiting the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). And so, it is of extreme importance to understand the safety outcome of using phages as biocontrol agents in food, with particular interest in the ones that target species from Enterobacteriaceae family, commonly found in the human GIT microbiota. In this study, the impact of a phage infecting Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), named E. coli phage vB_EcoS_Ace (Ace), towards the colon microbiota was investigated. An in vitro batch fermentation model was used, and the inoculum was the fecal material of three healthy donors. Fermentations metabolome was analyzed through GC and HPLC, and the concentration of both phage Ace and STEC strain were monitored along time (up to 24h). The interference with the gut microbiota composition and functional potential was assessed by shot gun metagenomics. We observed an increase in phage titre only when the host was present, suggesting that there was no other suitable host within the different microbiotas used. Also, the microbiotas composition did not alter when phage Ace was added. Nevertheless, the attenuated version of STEC strain did indeed create some perturbation in the microbiota, which led to different functional potential. This was corroborated by the differences observed for both gas and short chain fatty acid acids dynamics. The microbiotas individuality was an important factor for the observed perturbations. Moreover, phage Ace revealed to be a safe phage when intended to be used as a biocontrol agent for food products. Also, we concluded that the in vitro fermentation model is a reliable, easy, and nonexpensive safety screening methodology for phages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio