200 research outputs found

    Revisiting Great Soviet Symbols of World War II: The Young Guard Now and Then

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    The anti-fascist organization The Young Guard (Molodaya gvardia) in a Ukrainian town is the main focus of the present analysis, offering a glimpse into the Soviet myth-making and hero-making cycle. The article unveils the ideological and cultural patterns during the Soviet period, with a focus on A. Fadeyev’s novel and on the Soviet and post-Soviet film adaptations. The case of The Young Guard organization generated a frenzy of artistic representations throughout the Soviet Union, with various degrees of demystification during the post-Soviet period. The paper highlights the differences in describing and perceiving the heroic/heroicized death in various historical periods. Soviet propaganda traits and Socialist Realism patterns are revealed as part of the Soviet cult of World War II, as well as demystifying steps in approaching the myth of The Young Guard in post-Soviet filmic productions

    Estimating the Impact of Landfill Proximity on the Value of Real Estate Goods

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    A part of the net benefit from goods consumption is determined by their environmental characteristics. The size of the benefit depends on the properties of the goods, but also on how these are perceived by consumers. Therefore estimating environmental benefits allows, on the one hand, environment’s monetization, and on the other hand to formulate opinions about awareness regarding environmental issues and their impact on individual wellbeing. Departing from these facts, the paper aims to measure the environmental benefits of a real estate goods consumer, realizing an estimation of incompliant landfills (ICL) proximity’s impact on the value of these goods. For estimation, it was used the method of hedonic pricing and were processed regarding Bucharest periphery. Providing quantitative information regarding the importance of ecological criteria in the procurement of real estate goods, verification of the relevance of available estimations for Romania and the identification of the model that explains the impact of ICL on the value of real estate goods are the main contribution brought to knowledge development. In fact, the results obtained are aligned with the results of similar assessments made in Europe, indicating that 31,2% of the variation of real estate goods’ value is determined by the proximity of landfil. Studies regarding the relation between the size of variation and the development level could contribute to increase the relevance of these results for other regions of Romania.environmental benefits, hedonic prices, landfill, real estate goods, Bucharest periphery

    The Technological Expansion of Sociability: Virtual Communities as Imagined Communities

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    The reception of Benedict Anderson’s ideas was very fruitful in many disciplines, and his work provided key concepts that can now throw a clarifying light in some blurry matters. The expression “imagined community” has known a remarkable proliferation, a situation that led to both the formation of a research direction and to the perpetuation of a clichĂ©. In this respect, my article pointed out some suggestive characteristics of virtual communities, explaining why the imagined community is a valuable subject for the theorists of new media. The impossibility to know in person all the members of a big community is just one factor that determines its imagined face. Moreover, the set of values and inner presuppositions that guide the members are important bricks in the construction of community. In my opinion, the virtual community is imagined as a multi-layered experience (technological, conversational, relational etc.). The dynamic of a virtual community contains the tension amongst these layers and the degree of its imagined side depends on multiple factors. In order to illustrate these aspects, I gave a brief example by analysing a Romanian virtual community, using the triad common language – temporality – high centers. In spite of its limitations, the perspectives offered by this concept are still useful for understanding the nature of online communities. Thus, the imagined community is a valuable set of beliefs and practices that underlie and bolster the effective meaning and functioning of the virtual communities


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    SWOT analysis is a tool of the strategic management and it is used by the companies in the following situations: when they want to make ultimate decisions based on a complete analysis, in the strategic forecasting on three – five years, in the annual planning, when the company want a renewal or a radical change in its activity, or, each time when the company faces major difficulties which has to be solved as fast as possible. The SWOT model is also known as the Great strategy or the main strategy, being a part of the corporative strategies


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    Initially triggered in the USA and generated by the chaos in the financial system of the country, the economic crisis has spread in Europe and, thanks to globalization, as a domino effect has spread around the world. Although the first part of 2008 South East Europe has lived with the belief that the countries in this region will be immune to the crisis, since September 2008, the situation has changed notably in these states. The purpose of this study is to describe the issues related to the economic crisis and its impacts on South-Eastern European countries. The first part of the study highlights economic and financial crisis origins, while in the second part the effects of the global crisis are presented and the last part states about implications of the crisis in South-Eastern Europe states


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    This paper contains a theoretical analysis of the term „distribution”, indicating the area to which it belongs, the usability domain and the strategies of distribution used by the consumer goods manufacturers. It also provides specific information about the way in which is made the distribution of the products of the Delaco Company on the retail market of Brasov District. The practice part of the paper consists of a marketing research which studies the opinion and the behaviour of the Brasov population regarding the places where cheese products are commercialized and also the accessibility of the Delaco products

    Lower respiratory tract infections caused by resistant bacteria

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    Clinic manifestation of secondary and adverse effects in the sthomatognat area

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    Rezumat Medicaƣia utilizată ün terapia hipertensiunii arteriale, ün afara efectelor dorite, poate determina unele efecte secundare Ɵi adverse cu manifestări la nivelul ariei stomatognate: hiperplazie gingivală, tulburări de gust, reducerea sau absenƣa discriminării gustului, hiposialie, tumefierea, uneori dureroasă, a glandelor parotide. Efectele secundare induse de unele medicamente antihipertensive trebuie cunoscute de medici pentru stabilirea unui diagnostic corect Ɵi adoptarea unei conduite terapeutice adecvate.Summary The medication utilized into the therapy of of the arterial hypertension these disease can generate secondary and adverse effects with manifestations in the sthomatognat area as gingival hyperplasia, taste disorders, the absence or decreasing of taste, decreasing of salivary flow, the paintful turgidscence of the parotid glands. These aspects should be known by the dentist to establish an accurate diagnosis and an adequate therapy

    Le texte injonctif (texte pharmaceutique et cosmĂ©tique) – Un dĂ©fi pour la traduction

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de porter un regard Ă©pistĂ©mologique sur la traduction spĂ©cialisĂ©e (cosmĂ©tique et pharmaceutique) en partant du fait que la majoritĂ© des Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le domaine de la traduction spĂ©cialisĂ©e ont portĂ© principalement sur des questions relatives Ă  la terminologie spĂ©cialisĂ©e, les aspects de nature textuelle Ă©tant largement nĂ©gligĂ©s. Cet article a le but d’évoquer la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la traduction cosmĂ©tique et pharmaceutique sous l’angle de la textologie contrastive. Les textes cosmĂ©tiques et pharmaceutiques sont des textes injonctifs qui proposent une action ou donnent des instructions Ă  un destinataire, leurs fonctions Ă©tant de prescrire, ordonner ou conseiller. Ces textes ont une structure reconnaissable et un but performatif. Les textes qui concernent les produits cosmĂ©tiques et pharmaceutiques comportent un ensemble de spĂ©cificitĂ©s propres au secteur des cosmĂ©tiques et de la pharmacie: technicitĂ©, terminologie, marketing, etc. Pour aboutir Ă  une bonne traduction, il faut dĂ©buter avec l’analyse des particularitĂ©s lexicales, grammaticales, stylistiques du texte injonctif, ensuite recourir aux procĂ©dĂ©s de traduction utilisĂ©s dans la traduction des textes cosmĂ©tiques et pharmaceutiques.

    Les valeurs stylistiques des anglicismes dans la presse féminine

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    L’objectif principal de cette recherche est de relever les valeurs stylistiques des anglicismes dans la presse fĂ©minine. Nous nous sommes concentrĂ© sur l’étude des anglicismes en français parce qu’on a observĂ© une invasion de mots et de termes anglais dans la langue française et dans d’autres langues. Ce que nous intĂ©ressent, surtout, c’est la dynamique de ces emprunts de l’anglais vers la presse française moderne et, notamment, la presse des femmes, compte tenu de l’intensitĂ© du phĂ©nomĂšne et des dĂ©fis qui apparaissent devant un interlocuteur qui entre en collision avec les anglicismes et les difficultĂ©s stylistiques qu’il doit dĂ©coder correctement. Nous nous sommes Ă©galement proposĂ© d’analyser ce phĂ©nomĂšne Ă  partir d’un corpus constituĂ© d’exemples extraits de la presse fĂ©minine en ligne (Elle, Cosmopolitan, Avantages, Femme Actuelle, Vogue). Pour motiver notre choix, il est intĂ©ressant de noter que le sujet des anglicismes est particuliĂšrement important Ă  l’heure actuelle, compte tenu des contacts linguistiques et de la mondialisation, mais aussi de la lutte des organismes nationaux, tels que l’AcadĂ©mie Française, pour le purisme de la langue française. Or, les anglicismes persistent dans le contexte linguistique en dĂ©pit de tous ces efforts. MĂȘme si l’emploi des anglicismes est contestĂ© par certains, il y a plusieurs linguistes qui se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  leurs fonctions et particularitĂ©s. Par consĂ©quent, on estime que l’emploi des emprunts dans la presse fĂ©minine a plusieurs visĂ©es stylistiques. Les valeurs stylistiques des anglicismes employĂ©s dans la presse fĂ©minine peuvent modifier la forme du discours en lui imprimant un sens original Ă  forte portĂ©e persuasive
