973 research outputs found

    Signatures of polaronic charge ordering in optical and dc conductivity using dynamical mean field theory

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    We apply dynamical mean field theory to study a prototypical model that describes charge ordering in the presence of both electron-lattice interactions and intersite electrostatic repulsion between electrons. We calculate the optical and d.c. conductivity, and derive approximate formulas valid in the limiting electron-lattice coupling regimes. In the weak coupling regime, we recover the usual behavior of charge density waves, characterized by a transfer of spectral weight due to the opening of a gap in the excitation spectrum. In the opposite limit of very strong electron-lattice coupling, instead, the charge ordering transition is signaled by a global enhancement of the optical absorption, with no appreciable spectral weight transfer. Such behavior is related to the progressive suppression of thermally activated charge defects taking place below the critical temperature. At intermediate values of the coupling within the polaronic regime, a complex behavior is obtained where both mechanisms of transfer and enhancement of spectral weight coexist.Comment: 1 figure added, illustrating the optical sum rul

    Theory and Application of Nonlinear Wave Propagation Phenomena in Combined Reaction/Separation Processes

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    Reaction separation processes, reactive distillation, chromatographic reactor, equilibrium theory, nonlinear waves, process control, observer design, asymptoticaly exact input/output-linearizationMagdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2007von Stefan Grüne

    Impurity Effects on Quantum Depinning of Commensurate Charge Density Waves

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    We investigate quantum depinning of the one-dimensional (1D) commensurate charge-density wave (CDW) in the presence of one impurity theoretically. Quantum tunneling rate below but close to the threshold field is calculated at absolute zero temperature by use of the phase Hamiltonian within the WKB approximation. We show that the impurity can induce localized fluctuation and enhance the quantum depinning. The electric field dependence of the tunneling rate in the presence of the impurity is different from that in its absence.Comment: 14 pages with 13 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Competing charge density waves and temperature-dependent nesting in 2H-TaSe2

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    Multiple charge density wave (CDW) phases in 2H-TaSe2 are investigated by high-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction. In a narrow temperature range immediately above the commensurate CDW transition, we observe a multi-q superstructure with coexisting commensurate and incommensurate order parameters, clearly distinct from the fully incommensurate state at higher temperatures. This multi-q ordered phase, characterized by a temperature hysteresis, is found both during warming and cooling, in contrast to previous reports. In the normal state, the incommensurate superstructure reflection gives way to a broad diffuse peak that persists nearly up to room temperature. Its position provides a direct and accurate estimate of the Fermi surface nesting vector, which evolves non-monotonically and approaches the commensurate position as the temperature is increased. This behavior agrees with our recent observations of the temperature-dependent Fermi surface in the same compound [Phys. Rev. B 79, 125112 (2009)]

    Giant Kohn anomaly and the phase transition in charge density wave ZrTe_3

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    A strong Kohn anomaly in ZrTe_3 is identified in the mostly transverse acoustic phonon branch along the modulation vector q_P with polarization along the a* direction. This soft mode freezes to zero frequency at the transition temperature T_P and the temperature dependence of the frequency is strongly affected by fluctuation effects. Diffuse x-ray scattering of the incommensurate superstructure shows a power law scaling of the intensity and the correlation length that is compatible with an order parameter of dimension n = 2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. accepted at Phys. Rev. Let

    Self Organization and a Dynamical Transition in Traffic Flow Models

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    A simple model that describes traffic flow in two dimensions is studied. A sharp {\it jamming transition } is found that separates between the low density dynamical phase in which all cars move at maximal speed and the high density jammed phase in which they are all stuck. Self organization effects in both phases are studied and discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    On Retardation Effects in Space Charge Calculations Of High Current Electron Beams

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    Laser-plasma accelerators are expected to deliver electron bunches with high space charge fields. Several recent publications have addressed the impact of space charge effects on such bunches after the extraction into vacuum. Artifacts due to the approximation of retardation effects are addressed, which are typically either neglected or approximated. We discuss a much more appropriate calculation for the case of laser wakefield acceleration with negligible retardation artifacts due to the calculation performed in the mean rest frame. This presented calculation approach also aims at a validation of other simulation approaches

    Density Waves in a Transverse Electric Field

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    In a quasi-one-dimensional conductor with an open Fermi surface, a Charge or a Spin Density Wave phase can be destroyed by an electric field perpendicular to the direction of high conductivity. This mechanism, due to the breakdown of electron-hole symmetry, is very similar to the orbital destruction of superconductivity by a magnetic field, due to time-reversal symmetry.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Com

    Spin-Peierls Quantum Phase Transitions in Coulomb Crystals

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    The spin-Peierls instability describes a structural transition of a crystal due to strong magnetic interactions. Here we demonstrate that cold Coulomb crystals of trapped ions provide an experimental testbed in which to study this complex many-body problem and to access extreme regimes where the instability is triggered by quantum fluctuations alone. We present a consistent analysis based on different analytical and numerical methods, and provide a detailed discussion of its feasibility on the basis of ion-trap experiments. Moreover, we identify regimes where this quantum simulation may exceed the power of classical computers.Comment: slightly longer than the published versio

    Strictly One-Dimensional Electron System in Au Chains on Ge(001) Revealed By Photoelectron K-Space Mapping

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    Atomic nanowires formed by Au on Ge(001) are scrutinized for the band topology of the conduction electron system by k-resolved photoemission. Two metallic electron pockets are observed. Their Fermi surface sheets form straight lines without undulations perpendicular to the chains within experimental uncertainty. The electrons hence emerge as strictly confined to one dimension. Moreover, the system is stable against a Peierls distortion down to 10 K, lending itself for studies of the spectral function. Indications for unusually low spectral weight at the chemical potential are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - revised version with added Fig. 2e) and additional reference