215 research outputs found

    Разработка информационного обеспечения процесса анализа формирования ИТ-компетенций потенциальных абитуриентов

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    A system that is based on the information filled in by employees, should analyze and assess the process of formation of IT competencies among students through the portal of "Electronic University of information technology"

    Explaining and Applying Graph Neural Networks on Text

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    Text classification is an essential task in natural language processing. While graph neural networks (GNNs) have successfully been applied to this problem both through graph classification and node classification approaches, their typical applications suffer from several issues. In the graph classification case, common graph construction techniques tend to leave out syntactic information. In the node classification case, most widespread datasets and applications tend to suffer from encoding relatively little information in the chosen node features. Finally, there are great benefits to be gained from combining the two GNN approaches. To tackle these concerns, we propose DepNet, a two-stage framework for text classification using GNN models. In the first stage we replace current graph construction methods by utilizing syntactic dependency parsing in order to include as much syntactic information in the GNN input as possible. In the second stage we combine both graph classification and node classification methods by utilizing the former to produce node embeddings for the latter, maximizing the potential of GNNs for text classification. We find that this technique significantly improves the performance of both graph classification and node classification approaches to text classification

    Studentische Mitarbeit im Verlag

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    In diesem Beitrag beschreibe ich die Berufserfahrungen, die ich in meiner Zeit als studentische Mitarbeiterin in einem Hamburger Verlag gemacht habe. Bei den Tätigkeiten handelte es sich vor allem um Arbeiten an einer Datenbank für touristische Zwecke, deren Inhalte die Grundlage für Apps und Navigationssysteme darstellen. Ich gehe unter anderem auf wichtige Punkte ein, in denen sich die Arbeit und mein Studium inhaltlich und strukturell überschnitten und gegenseitig ergänzten, denn Tourismus als modernes Massenphänomen ist sowohl aus ethnologischer wie auch aus wirtschaftlicher Perspektive ein interessantes Thema

    Motivation, Mindset, and Grading Systems

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    This action research study examines whether students in a standards-based grading environment are more intrinsically motivated than students in traditional grading environment. Additionally, it examines whether students in a standards-based grading environment exhibit more of a fixed or growth mindset compared to students in a traditional grading environment. The participants were 72 sixth grade students in a standards-based grading classroom environment, and 32 students in a traditional grading-based classroom environment. A survey with statements reflecting students’ intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, fixed mindset, and growth mindset was administered to both groups of students. The survey results suggest that the grading environment, standards-based or traditional, does not account for students’ levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, nor does it predict whether a student has a fixed or growth mindset

    Разработка комплексной технологии для процедурной генерации виртуальных пространств с использованием методов машинного обучения и теории автоматизации в Unreal Engine 4

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    Разработка посвящена созданию приложения, которая производит процедурную генерацию виртуального пространства при помощи методов машинного обучения. Помещение генерируется с учётом пожеланий пользователя, сформулированных в словесной форме, с возможностью последующего редактирования сгенерированного помещения. Генерация будет производиться при помощи различных методов машинного обучения.The development is devoted to creating an application that produces a procedural generation of a virtual space using machine learning techniques. The room is generated based on the user's wishes, formulated in verbal form, with the possibility of later editing the generated room. The generation will be done with the help of various machine learning methods

    Synthesis and Antiplasmodial Activity of Bisindolylcyclobutenediones

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    Malaria is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases. Because the causative Plasmodium parasites have developed resistances against virtually all established antimalarial drugs, novel antiplasmodial agents are required. In order to target plasmodial kinases, novel N-unsubstituted bisindolylcyclobutenediones were designed as analogs to the kinase inhibitory bisindolylmaleimides. Molecular docking experiments produced favorable poses of the unsubstituted bisindolylcyclobutenedione in the ATP binding pocket of various plasmodial protein kinases. The synthesis of the title compounds was accomplished by sequential Friedel-Crafts acylation procedures. In vitro screening of the new compounds against transgenic NF54-luc P. falciparum parasites revealed a set of derivatives with submicromolar activity, of which some displayed a reasonable selectivity profile against a human cell line. Although the molecular docking studies suggested the plasmodial protein kinase PfGSK-3 as the putative biological target, the title compounds failed to inhibit the isolated enzyme in vitro. As selective submicromolar antiplasmodial agents, the N-unsubstituted bisindolylcyclobutenediones are promising starting structures in the search for antimalarial drugs, albeit for a rational development, the biological target addressed by these compounds has yet to be identified


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    1-(Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-1-ium-1-yl)-2,3,4-trioxocyclobutan-1-ide was obtained by reaction of squaric acid with imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine in acetic anhydride