7 research outputs found

    PI3-kinase, the key for bugs to get in?

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    Analyse des enjeux éthiques soulevés au cours d’un programme de recherche épidémiologique de dix années en Guyane française : limites de l’encadrement actuel et solutions adoptées

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: This paper discusses the ethical aspects of a large research program in virology, conducted since 1994 and which has evolved in parallel with the elaboration of bioethics laws in France. This research, which involved the collection of a considerable amount of epidemiological data in the field, focused on epidemiological determinants (mother to child transmission, genetic susceptibility/resistance) of the human oncogenic retrovirus human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1). Data were collected from a specific population (Noirs Marrons) living in remote areas in French Guiana (South America). This ethnic group of African descent is highly endemic for HTLV-1 and associated adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma. The population has lived for two centuries on either side of the Maroni river, which constitutes the frontier between French Guiana and Surinam. The low socioeconomic and education levels of a large part of this population are mainly explained by a recent housing/residence fixation on the French side of the Maroni river. It is also linked to significant immigration from Surinam due to the civil war, which lasted for five years in the late 1990s, in this country. Conducting epidemiological surveys in this peculiar context illustrates the limitations of the available current legal framework in France for such studies. Indeed, several important ethical issues arose concerning not only individual and population benefits, but also specificities of the given information and of the informed consent. Another question concerns individual information feed-back in such a context of persistent viral infection, with a very low disease incidence, in a population with a relatively low education level. The goal of this work was mainly to report several of the ethical issues encountered and to discuss possible ways of achieving better information deliver and consent procedures in such a context. Indeed, these procedures should include new ideas and regulations promoting a real partnership, in order to conduct long-term epidemiological studies in populations with a low education level

    Peyer’s patch myeloid cells infection by Listeria signals through gp38 + stromal cells and locks intestinal villus invasion

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    International audienceThe foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) crosses the intestinal villus epithelium via goblet cells (GCs) upon the interaction of Lm surface protein InlA with its receptor E-cadherin. Here, we show that Lm infection accelerates intestinal villus epithelium renewal while decreasing the number of GCs expressing luminally accessible E-cadherin, thereby locking Lm portal of entry. This novel innate immune response to an enteropathogen is triggered by the infection of Peyer's patch CX3CR1 + cells and the ensuing production of IL-23. It requires STAT3 phosphorylation in epithelial cells in response to IL-22 and IL-11 expressed by lamina propria gp38 + stromal cells. Lm-induced IFN-γ signaling and STAT1 phosphorylation in epithelial cells is also critical for Lm-associated intestinal epithelium response. GC depletion also leads to a decrease in colon mucus barrier thickness, thereby increasing host susceptibility to colitis. This study unveils a novel innate immune response to an enteropathogen, which implicates gp38 + stromal cells and locks intestinal villus invasion, but favors colitis

    PI3-kinase activation is critical for host barrier permissiveness to Listeria monocytogenes

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    International audienceInvasion of nonphagocytic cells, a critical property of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) that enables it to cross host barriers, is mediated by the interaction of two bacterial surface proteins, InlA and InlB, with their respective receptors E-cadherin and c-Met. Although InlA–E-cadherin interaction is necessary and sufficient for Lm crossing of the intestinal barrier, both InlA and InlB are required for Lm crossing of the placental barrier. The mecha- nisms underlying these differences are unknown. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K) is involved in both InlA- and InlB-dependent pathways. Indeed, InlA-dependent entry requires PI3-K activity but does not activate it, whereas InlB–c-Met interaction activates PI3-K. We show that Lm intestinal target cells exhibit a constitutive PI3-K activity, rendering InlB dispensable for InlA-dependent Lm intestinal barrier crossing. In contrast, the placental barrier does not exhibit constitutive PI3-K activity, making InlB necessary for InlA-dependentLm placental invasion. Here, we provide the molecular explanation for the respective contributions of InlA and InlB to Lm host barrier invasion, and reveal the critical role of InlB in rendering cells permissive to InlA-mediated invasion. This study shows that PI3-K activity is critical to host barrier permissiveness to microbes, and that pathogens exploit both similarities and differences of host barriers to disseminate