4 research outputs found

    Geometric reduction in optimal control theory with symmetries

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    A general study of symmetries in optimal control theory is given, starting from the presymplectic description of this kind of system. Then, Noether's theorem, as well as the corresponding reduction procedure (based on the application of the Marsden-Weinstein theorem adapted to the presymplectic case) are stated both in the regular and singular cases, which are previously described.Comment: 24 pages. LaTeX file. The paper has been reorganized. Additional comments have been included in Section 3. The example in Section 5.2 has been revisited. Some references have been adde

    Joves treballadors i treballadores lluiteu pels vostres drets, pel canvi i el socialisme : Democràcia a la fàbrica : Joventuts Comunistes de Grècia

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    Representació de l'exterior d'una fàbrica. Al marge inferior obrers treballant a una fàbrica

    Giortí Armenikís Neoléas : gia tin proóthisi tu Armenikú zitímatos

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    Títol variant: Festa de les Joventuts Armènies : Per a l'impuls de la qüestió armèniaDiumenge 6 de març a les 6 p. m. : En el camp d'esports de Mílonas, Néa Smírni : Hi donen suport joventuts de partits polítics i organitzacions : Hi participen els artistes : Giánis Kútras, Manólis Mitsiás, Alkístis Protopsálti i Armeniká musikokhoreftiká singrotímat