39 research outputs found

    GFR and Blood Lead Levels in Gas Station Workers Based on 未-Alad Gene Polymorphisms

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    Introduction: Lead is a well-known toxic agent that makes an organ's failure. Lead serum itself is infl uenced by 未-ALAD gene polymorphisms (Amino Levulinic Acid Dehydratase). 未-ALAD gene encodes an ALAD enzyme used for heme synthesis. The Characteristic of gene polymorphism may result in Glomerulo Filtration Rate (GFR) value as mark of renal failure. The goal of this study was to fi nd correlations between blood lead levels with GFR in terms of 未 ALAD gene polymorphisms. Method: A cross-sectional design was used to perform this research. Thirty-eight gas stations workers in Banyumas were recruited in this study. 未-ALAD gene polymorphisms were characterized using PCR-RFLP method, while lead serum levels were quantifi ed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). In addition, Creatinin serum was done with a spectrophotometer and GFR value was formulated by means of the Schwartz method. Result: The studyshowed that the proportion of ALAD genotype for ALAD 1-1, 1-2 and 2-2 were 94.7%, 5.3%, and 0% respectively. The mean of serum levels in homozygous 1-1 was 15.94 ppb and heterozygote 1-2 was 1.15 ppb. GFR of participants ranged from 71.11 mL/min to 185.20 mL/min with a mean of 117.34mL/min. There was no correlation between serum Pb and GFR (p = 0.19). Study also could not determine the correlation between GFR and ALAD gene Polymorphism. Discussion: Study then concluded that there was no correlation between blood lead levels in the GFR on each 未-ALAD genotypes

    Critical success and moderating factors effect in Indonesian Public Universities' business incubators

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    This study aims to examine the effect of critical success and moderating factors in Indonesian public universities' business incubators. The study of business incubators benefits university professors in their roles as managers and advisors, university faculty entrepreneurs and start-ups/tenants in the knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship learning processes, and government officials in effective policy making. For the universities, the incubators serve as a platform for the commercialization of their research efforts. The incubators assist the universities' stakeholders in fulfilling their newly identified responsibilities towards building the nation's economy and giving the faculty members and graduate students the chance to conduct research. Regarding the economic environment, the incubators help create job opportunities, increase the country's economic value, and reduce poverty. This research employed the quantitative method approach, and the data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. The samples of this research were comprised of 31 business incubator managers from Indonesian public universities. Although there have been previous models about critical success and moderating factors for business incubators in other countries, this study is the first that was conducted in Indonesia and found direct and indirect relationships between critical success factors and moderating success factors for Indonesian Public University Business Incubators. The results of the research demonstrated that good system and infrastructure showed a strong direct relationship with success factors and that information technology showed a strong relationship with the moderating factors, namely age and quality of facilities. Furthermore, mentoring and networking showed a strong relationship with the moderating factors good system and infrastructure and that university regulation had a strong relationship with moderating factor credit and rewards. Entry criteria, exit criteria, and funding support showed strong direct relationships to success factors. These findings could improve the management of business incubators in Indonesian Public Universities and allow them to more successful

    Tinjauan Umum Tentang Ekonomi

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    Ekonomi adalah pengetahuan tentang kegiatan yang mengatur urusan kekayaan dalam bidang produksi, distribusi dan konsumsi. Masalah ekonomi ini telah dijelaskan dalam suatu hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Anas Ibn Malik RA. bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW telah memerintahkan kepada salah seorang sahabat Anshar untuk bekerja, berusaha mencari kayu bakar ke bukit, dan ia mengerjakan (produksi), menjual (distribusi), dan membeli makanan (konsumsi), serta bersedekah (melaksanakan peduli sosial).Pada saat ini terdapat dua sistem ekonomi, yang menguasai dunia, yaitu sistem ekonomi kapitalis dan sosialis. Kedua sistem ini masing-masing memiliki konsep yang bertolak belakang. Sosalisme memiliki konsep ekonomi kolektif, sedangkan kapitalisme memiliki kebebasan indvidu (liberal). Di samping perbedaan, yang berlolak belakang itu, keduanya mempunyai persamaan, yaitu aktivitas perekonomiannya memiliki watak materialisme murni.Berbeda dengan kedua sistem ekonomi di atas, sistem ekonomi Islam adalah sistem ekonomi yang berketuhanan. Di samping bersifat material, namun di dalamnya tidak mengabaikan aspek spiritual (ibadah). Sendi dari aspek spiritual adalah kesadaran individu muslim akan ketaatan kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dengan menempatkan Allah SWT pada puncak atas, maka segala aktivitas ekonomi dalam Islam. tidak akan terlepas dari pengawasan dan petunjuk yang diberikan di dalam al-Qur'an dan al-Hadits, baik, menyangkut dengan masalah produksi, distribusi, maupun konsumsi. Allah SWT melarang terhadap cara memperoleh barang produksi dalam mendistribuaikannya atau mengkomsumsikannya dengan jalan yang Balil, kecuali dengan aktiuitas yang sah berdasarkan kebebasan dengan kesukarelaan masing-masing pihak, tidak curang dan tidak ada unsur paksaan atau tekanan. Dengan demikian tampaklah bahwa Islam telah menyelesaikan masalah bagaimana agar manusia dapat memanfaatkan (mengelola) kekayaan yang ada, dan inilah sebenarnya yang dianggap sebagai masalah ekonomi bagi suatu masyarakat. Sebagai kesimpulan dalam meninjau masalah ekonami, Islam hanya membahas masalah bagaimana cara memperoleh kekayaan, mengelola dan mendistribusikannya, sesuai dengan aturan al-Qur'an dan al颅Hadits, dan mendapat hasil pemikiran para ulama. Dengan demikian hukum-hukum yang menyangkut masalah ekonomi dibangun atas tiga kaidah, kepemilikan (property), pengelolaan kepemilikan dan mendistribusikan kekayaan di tengah-tengah maayarakat

    Distributed Geo-rectification of Satellite Images using Grid Computing

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    Grid computing seeks to aggregate computing resources within an enterprise and leverage on resources you don't own for compute-intensive applications

    Aula abierta

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaci贸nRelaci贸n Centro Escolar-Familias-Entidades Comunitarias: apoyo a los estudiantes en riesgo de exclusi贸n social en Estados Unidos. La importancia de la colaboraci贸n escuela-familia-comunidad (SFC) ha sido establecida desde hace mucho tiempo; sin embargo, se necesita m谩s investigaci贸n, pr谩cticas y pol铆ticas para comprender y apoyar mejor los diversos contextos socioculturales de ni帽os de comunidades marginadas en los Estados Unidos. Utilizando el Modelo de Epstein sobre la colaboraci贸n SFC como marco conceptual, el prop贸sito de este art铆culo es discutir influencias clave, barreras y oportunidades en el desarrollo de mejores pr谩cticas para colaboraciones exitosas en comunidades cultural y ling眉铆sticamente diversas. El art铆culo analiza y proporciona ejemplos pr谩cticos de c贸mo las barreras como las disparidades culturales entre el hogar y la escuela, los roles de los padres y los maestros en la educaci贸n, las dificultades del idioma y otras restricciones que enfrentan las familias pueden abordarse para fomentar la colaboraci贸n SFC. Las partes interesadas en la educaci贸n (maestros, l铆deres escolares, padres y miembros de la comunidad) necesitan establecer aprecio, confianza y respeto entre s铆 y aprender a valorar el conocimiento 煤nico que cada uno aporta a la educaci贸n. Cuando las partes interesadas de la educaci贸n participan en colaboraciones s贸lidas, se mejoran los resultados acad茅micos y no acad茅micos de los estudiantes.ES

    Geo-rectification of Satellite Images using Grid Computing

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    Grid computing seeks to aggregate computing resources within an enterprise and leverage on resources you don鈥檛 own for compute-intensive applications. Georectification is a process for correcting spatial location and orientation of a satellite image. This paper focuses on the parallelization of the compute-intensive satellite image geo-rectification problem on a cluster grid. We discuss our approach to data and task partitioning, visualization technique and the archival of data. The computational tasks include wrapping satellite positional data to compensate the earth curvature, and consist of several steps such as image re-sampling, resolution conversion and image matching. Experimental results obtained using commodity PCs are discussed. 1