8 research outputs found

    Mechanical and biological evaluation of 3D printed 10CeTZP-Al2O3 structures

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    Three-dimensional structures were robocasted from a 10 mol% ceria-stabilized zirconia and alumina composite (10CeTZP-AlO). A hydrogel-based printable ink was developed using a unique non-ionic copolymer surfactant. Self-supporting and free-standing structures, including round lattices with interconnected pores (200–600 μm pores; 30–50% porosity), rectangular bars (95% density on average) and cones were successfully printed. The round lattices of 200 μm pores and 30% porosity showed compression strengths similar to those of cortical bone, reaching almost 200 MPa. The maximum flexural strength value attained for the rectangular bars was 575 MPa. In vitro biological studies demonstrated that the samples allow for practically 100% cell viability, confirming their non-cytotoxic nature. Cell differentiation tests were performed using osteoblasts incubated for 7 days in supplemented cell culture medium. Quantification of specific osseous differentiation genes showed that the robocasted structures induced a higher degree of osseous differentiation than tissue culture polystyrene.This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and the Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) under the Project MAT2012-38645. Likewise, the work was partially carried out within the framework of the Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 9 April 2010 No. 220 (Agreement No. 14.B25.31.0012 dated 26 June 2013). Lidia Goyos-Ball acknowledges financial support from the JAE-PREDOC program (CSIC). Esther García-Tuñón and Eduardo Saiz would like to acknowledge the EPSRC Grant graphene 3D networks (EP/K01658X/1).Peer Reviewe

    Performance of a New Al2O3/Ce-TZP Ceramic Nanocomposite Dental Implant: A Pilot Study in Dogs

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    Although titanium remains as the prevalent material in dental implant manufacturing new zirconia-based materials that overcome the major drawbacks of the standard 3Y–yttria partially-stabilized zirconia (Y-TZP) are now emerging. In this study, a new ceramic nanocomposite made of alumina and ceria-stabilized TZP (ZCe-A) has been used to produce dental implants with the mechanic and topographic characteristics of a pilot implant design to evaluate bone and soft tissue integration in a dog model (n = 5). Histological cross-section analysis of the implanted ceramic fixations (n = 15) showed not only perfect biocompatibility, but also a high rate of osseous integration (defined as the percentage of bone to implant contact) and soft tissue attachment. This clinical success, in combination with the superior mechanical properties achieved by this Al2O3/Ce-TZP nanocomposite, may place this material as an improved alternative of traditional 3Y-TZP dental implants

    New Ceramic Multi-Unit Dental Abutments with an Antimicrobial Glassy Coating

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    The choice of suitable materials and new designs in oral implantology and the subsequent enhancement of the characteristics of the dental implant developed is an important research topic with wide scope. The present work aims to develop a new multifunctional zirconia–ceria/alumina (Ce–TZP/Al2O3) composite with an antimicrobial glass-based coating to be used in multi-unit abutments compatible with commercially available Ti implants for peri-implantitis prevention. An airbrush spraying technique was effectively applied to coat the sintered ceramic composite starting from a glass powder suspension. This deposition technique was appropriate for obtaining continuous antimicrobial glass-based coatings with homogenous thickness (~35 µm) on ceramic dental implant components. The dental implant systems with the antimicrobial glassy coating were subjected to a mechanical integrity test following ISO 14801 to determine their long-term stability. The tested implant-coating structure seems to be stable under in vitro conditions with ultimate applied forces exceeding the maximum physiological occlusal loading force. This paper also presents a pilot clinical case report that shows peri-implant tissue around the mechanically stable glass coating with no signs of inflammation 1 year after implant insertion. This result is a preliminary probe of the durability and biological tolerance of the glassy material by the gingiva, as well as the antimicrobial effect on the peri-implant microbiota displayed by the coating