237 research outputs found

    The effects of news authorship, exclusiveness and media type in readers’ paying intent for online news: An experimental study

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    This study explores how news authorship, exclusiveness, and media type affect readers’ paying intent for digital contents. A web-based experiment involving 602 Spanish adults reveals that authorship (prestigious journalist), exclusiveness, and media type (legacy media and new media over unknown media) increase readers’ economic value assessments of online news. In addition, our results show that the interaction between authorship and media type is affected by the level of news exclusiveness: when an online article is written by a prestigious journalist and is exclusive, readers’ heuristic assessments of its economic value are biased toward new media over legacy ones, and thus privilege the former and penalize the latter in their pecuniary evaluations. These results might point to a change in readers’ consumption patterns, favoring the brand values, and news production processes of new media over legacy ones

    Gastrointestinal Tracking and Gastric Emptying of Coated Capsules in Rats with or without Sedation Using CT imaging

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    Following oral administration, gastric emptying is often a rate-limiting step in the absorption of drugs and is dependent on both physiological and pharmaceutical factors. To guide translation into humans, small animal imaging during pre-clinical studies has been increasingly used to localise the gastrointestinal transit of solid dosage forms. In contrast to humans, however, anaesthesia is usually required for effective imaging in animals which may have unintended effects on intestinal physiology. This study evaluated the effect of anaesthesia and capsule size on the gastric emptying rate of coated capsules in rats. Computed tomography (CT) imaging was used to track and locate the capsules through the gastrointestinal tract. Two commercial gelatine mini-capsules (size 9 and 9h) were filled with barium sulphate (contrast agent) and coated using Eudragit L. Under the effect of anaesthesia, none of the capsules emptied from the stomach. In non-anaesthetised rats, most of the size 9 capsules did not empty from the stomach, whereas the majority of the smaller size 9h capsules successfully emptied from the stomach and moved into the intestine. This study demonstrates that even with capsules designed to empty from the stomach in rats, the gastric emptying of such solid oral dosage forms is not guaranteed. In addition, the use of anaesthesia was found to abolish gastric emptying of both capsule sizes. The work herein further highlights the utility of CT imaging for the effective visualisation and location of solid dosage forms in the intestinal tract of rats without the use of anaesthesia.This research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK, grant number EP/L01646XS

    3D printed infliximab suppositories for rectal biologic delivery

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    Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody that plays an important role in the management and treatment of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Due to its macromolecular structure, its delivery through the oral route is challenging, limiting its administration to only via the parenteral route. The rectal route offers an alternative way for administering infliximab, allowing it to be localised at the disease site and circumventing its passage across the alimentary canal and thus, maintaining its integrity and bioactivity. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an advanced production technology that permits the creation of dose-flexible drug products from digital designs. The current study assessed the feasibility of utilising semi-solid extrusion 3D printing for the fabrication of infliximab-loaded suppositories for the local treatment of IBD. Various printing inks composed of GelucireÂź (48/16 or 44/14) mixed with coconut oil and/or purified water were investigated. It was shown that following reconstitution in water, the infliximab solution can be directly incorporated into the printing ink of GelucireÂź 48/16 and can withstand the extrusion process, resulting in well-defined suppositories. Since water content and temperature are critical for safeguarding infliximab's potency, the effect of changing the composition of the printing inks and printing parameters on infliximab's biologic efficiency was evaluated by measuring its binding capacity (i.e., the amount of infliximab that actively binds to its antigen to exert an effect). Despite drug loading assays showing that infliximab remains intact following printing, it was found that the incorporation of water in isolation results in only ∌65% binding capacity. However, when oil is added to the mixture, infliximab's binding capacity increases up to ∌85%. These promising results demonstrate that 3D printing has the potential to be exploited as a novel platform for fabricating dosage forms containing biopharmaceuticals, avoiding patients' compliance issues observed with injectables and addressing their unmet needs

    Optical biosensors - Illuminating the path to personalized drug dosing

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    Optical biosensors are low-cost, sensitive and portable devices that are poised to revolutionize the medical industry. Healthcare monitoring has already been transformed by such devices, with notable recent applications including heart rate monitoring in smartwatches and COVID-19 lateral flow diagnostic test kits. The commercial success and impact of existing optical sensors has galvanized research in expanding its application in numerous disciplines. Drug detection and monitoring seeks to benefit from the fast-approaching wave of optical biosensors, with diverse applications ranging from illicit drug testing, clinical trials, monitoring in advanced drug delivery systems and personalized drug dosing. The latter has the potential to significantly improve patients' lives by minimizing toxicity and maximizing efficacy. To achieve this, the patient's serum drug levels must be frequently measured. Yet, the current method of obtaining such information, namely therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), is not routinely practiced as it is invasive, expensive, time-consuming and skilled labor-intensive. Certainly, optical sensors possess the capabilities to challenge this convention. This review explores the current state of optical biosensors in personalized dosing with special emphasis on TDM, and provides an appraisal on recent strategies. The strengths and challenges of optical biosensors are critically evaluated, before concluding with perspectives on the future direction of these sensors

    3D printed multi-drug-loaded suppositories for acute severe ulcerative colitis

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    Acute severe ulcerative colitis (ASUC) is a growing health burden that often requires treatment with multiple therapeutic agents. As inflammation is localised in the rectum and colon, local drug delivery using suppositories could improve therapeutic outcomes. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a novel manufacturing tool that permits the combination of multiple drugs in personalised dosage forms, created based on each patient's disease condition. This study, for the first time, demonstrates the feasibility of producing 3D printed suppositories with two anti-inflammatory agents, budesonide and tofacitinib citrate, for the treatment of ASUC. As both drugs are poorly water-soluble, the suppositories' ability to self-emulsify was exploited to improve their performance. The suppositories were fabricated via semi-solid extrusion (SSE) 3D printing and contained tofacitinib citrate and budesonide in varying doses (10 or 5 mg; 4 or 2 mg, respectively). The suppositories displayed similar dissolution and disintegration behaviours irrespective of their drug content, demonstrating the flexibility of the technology. Overall, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using SSE 3D printing to create multi-drug suppositories for the treatment of ASUC, with the possibility of titrating the drug doses based on the disease progression

    Electrochemical biosensors: a nexus for precision medicine

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    Precision medicine is a field with huge potential for improving a patient's quality of life, wherein therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) can provide actionable insights. More importantly, incorrect drug dose is a common contributor to medical errors. However, current TDM practice is time-consuming and expensive, and requires specialised technicians. One solution is to use electrochemical biosensors (ECBs), which are inexpensive, portable, and highly sensitive. In this review, we explore the potential for ECBs as a technology for on-demand drug monitoring, including microneedles, continuous monitoring, synthetic biorecognition elements, and multi-material electrodes. We also highlight emerging strategies to achieve continuous drug monitoring, and conclude by appraising recent developments and providing an outlook for the field

    Non-destructive dose verification of two drugs within 3D printed polyprintlets

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    Three-dimensional printing (3DP) is a revolutionary technology in pharmaceuticals, enabling the personalisation of flexible-dose drug products and 3D printed polypills (polyprintlets). A major barrier to entry of this technology is the lack of non-destructive quality control methods capable of verifying the dosage of multiple drugs in polyprintlets at the point of dispensing. In the present study, 3D printed films and cylindrical polyprintlets were loaded with flexible, therapeutic dosages of two distinct drugs (amlodipine and lisinopril) across concentration ranges of 1–5% w/w and 2–10% w/w, respectively. The polyprintlets were non-destructively analysed for dose content using a portable near infrared (NIR) spectrometer and validated calibration models were developed using partial least squares (PLS) regression, which showed excellent linearity (R2 Pred = 0.997, 0.991), accuracy (RMSEP = 0.24%, 0.24%) and specificity (LV1 = 82.77%, 79.55%) for amlodipine and lisinopril, respectively. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that sintering partially transformed the phase of both drugs from the crystalline to amorphous forms. For the first time, we report a non-destructive method for quality control of two separate active ingredients in a single 3D printed drug product using NIR spectroscopy, overcoming a major barrier to the integration of 3D printing into clinical practice

    Releasing fast and slow: Non-destructive prediction of density and drug release from SLS 3D printed tablets using NIR spectroscopy

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    Selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printing is a revolutionary 3D printing technology that has been found capable of creating drug products with varied release profiles by changing the laser scanning speed. Here, SLS 3D printed formulations (printlets) loaded with a narrow therapeutic index drug (theophylline) were produced using SLS 3D printing at varying laser scanning speeds (100–180 mm/s). The use of reflectance Fourier Transform – Near Infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy was evaluated as a non-destructive approach to predicting 3D printed tablet density and drug release at 2 h and 4 h. The printed drug products formulated with a higher laser speed exhibited an accelerated drug release and reduced density compared with the slower laser scanning speeds. Univariate calibration models were developed based on a baseline shift in the spectra in the third overtone region upon changing physical properties. For density prediction, the developed univariate model had high linearity (R2 value = 0.9335) and accuracy (error 50) for all of the test printlets. Overall, this article demonstrates the feasibility of SLS 3D printing to produce drug products containing a narrow therapeutic index drug across a range of drug release profiles, as well as the potential for FT-NIR spectroscopy to predict the physical characteristics of SLS 3D printed drug products (drug release and density) as a non-destructive quality control method at the point-of-care

    Disrupting 3D printing of medicines with machine learning.

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    3D printing (3DP) is a progressive technology capable of transforming pharmaceutical development. However, despite its promising advantages, its transition into clinical settings remains slow. To make the vital leap to mainstream clinical practice and improve patient care, 3DP must harness modern technologies. Machine learning (ML), an influential branch of artificial intelligence, may be a key partner for 3DP. Together, 3DP and ML can utilise intelligence based on human learning to accelerate drug product development, ensure stringent quality control (QC), and inspire innovative dosage-form design. With ML's capabilities, streamlined 3DP drug delivery could mark the next era of personalised medicine. This review details how ML can be applied to elevate the 3DP of pharmaceuticals and importantly, how it can expedite 3DP's integration into mainstream healthcare

    Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for the Next Generation of 3D Printed Medicines

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining how we exist in the world. In almost every sector of society, AI is performing tasks with super-human speed and intellect; from the prediction of stock market trends to driverless vehicles, diagnosis of disease, and robotic surgery. Despite this growing success, the pharmaceutical field is yet to truly harness AI. Development and manufacture of medicines remains largely in a ‘one size fits all’ paradigm, in which mass-produced, identical formulations are expected to meet individual patient needs. Recently, 3D printing (3DP) has illuminated a path for on-demand production of fully customisable medicines. Due to its flexibility, pharmaceutical 3DP presents innumerable options during formulation development that generally require expert navigation. Leveraging AI within pharmaceutical 3DP removes the need for human expertise, as optimal process parameters can be accurately predicted by machine learning. AI can also be incorporated into a pharmaceutical 3DP ‘Internet of Things’, moving the personalised production of medicines into an intelligent, streamlined, and autonomous pipeline. Supportive infrastructure, such as The Cloud and blockchain, will also play a vital role. Crucially, these technologies will expedite the use of pharmaceutical 3DP in clinical settings and drive the global movement towards personalised medicine and Industry 4.0
