546 research outputs found

    Industrial Associations as a Channel of Business-Government Interactions in an Imperfect Institutional Environment: The Russian Case

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    International lessons from emerging economies suggest that business associations may provide an effective channel of communication between the government and the private sector. This function of business associations may become still more important in transition economies, where old mechanisms for coordinating enterprise activities have been destroyed, while the new ones have not been established yet. In this context, Russian experience is a matter of interest, because for a long time, Russia was regarded as a striking example of state failures and market failures. Consequently, the key point of our study was a description of the role and place of business associations in the presentday Russian economy and their interaction with member companies and bodies of state administration. Relying on the survey data of 957 manufacturing firms conducted in 2009, we found that business associations are more frequently joined by larger companies, firms located in regional capital cities, and firms active in investment and innovation. By contrast, business associations tend to be less frequently joined by business groups’ subsidiaries and firms that were non-responsive about their respective ownership structures. Our regression analysis has also confirmed that business associations are a component of what Frye (2002) calls an “elite exchange”– although only on regional and local levels. These “exchanges” imply that members of business associations, on the one hand, more actively assist regional and local authorities in social development of their regions, and on the other hand more often receive support from authorities. However, this effect is insignificant in terms of support from the federal government. In general, our results allow us to believe that at present, business associations (especially the industry-wide and “leading” ones) consolidate the most active, advanced companies and act as collective representatives of their interests. For this reason, business associations can be regarded as interface units between the authorities and businesses and as a possible instrument for promotion of economic development.business associations, economic growth, state-business relations, collective actions

    Industrial Associations as a Channel of Business-Government Interactions in an Imperfect Institutional Environment: The Russian Case

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    International lessons from emerging economies suggest that business associations may provide an effective channel of communication between the government and the private sector. This function of business associations may become still more important in transition economies, where old mechanisms for coordination of enterprise activities have been destroyed, but the new ones have not been established yet. In this context, Russian experience is a matter of interest, because Russia was regarded for a long time as a striking example of state failures and market failures. Consequently, the key point of our study was a description of the role and place of business associations in the present-day Russian economy and their interaction with member companies and bodies of state administration. Relying on the survey data of 957 manufacturing firms, conducted in 2009 we found that business associations are more frequently joined by larger companies, firms located in regional capital cities, and firms active in investment and innovation. By contrast, business associations tend to be less frequently joined by business groups' subsidiaries and firms that were non-responsive about their respective ownership structures. Our regression analysis has also confirmed that business associations are a component of what Frye (2002) calls an "elite exchange" - although only on regional and local levels. These "exchanges" imply that members of business associations, on the one hand, more actively assist regional and local authorities in social development of their regions, and on the other hand, they more often receive support from authorities. However, this effect is insignificant in terms of support from the federal government. In general, our results allow us to believe that at present, business associations (especially the industry-wide and "leading" ones) consolidate the most active, advanced companies and act as collective representatives of their interests. For this reason, business associations can be regarded as interface units between the authorities and businesses and as a possible instrument for promotion of economic development

    Business Associations as a Business-Government Liaison: An Empirical Analysis

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    Relying on the survey data of 957 manufacturing firms, conducted in 2009 by the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies we found that business associations are more frequently joined by larger companies; firms located in regional capital cities; and firms active in investment and innovations. By contrast, business associations tend to be less frequently joined by business groups’ subsidiaries and firms non-responding about their ownership structure. Business associations are a link in the framework of government-business exchanges, primarily at the regional and local level. Indeed, business association members are more active in assisting regional and local authorities in the social development of their regions and simultaneously they get government support more frequently. However, this effect proved insignificant for federal support. In general, our results allow us to believe that at present, business associations consolidate the most active, advanced companies and act as collective representatives of their interests. For this reason, business associations can be regarded as interface units between the authorities and business and as a possible instrument for promotion of modernization.business associations, economic development, collective actions, public-private partnership

    Some Questions of Realization of Auditing Powers by Courts of Appellate Jurisdiction according to the Criminal Procedural Legislation of Ukraine and France

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    The author highlights some differences in the normative regulation of audit authority of the court of appeal in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and France. The various opinions on necessity to preserve the audit authority of the court in adversarial criminal proceedings were considered. The necessity of preserving audit authority of an appellate court in connection with its functions as a law-providing public authority has been proved in the article

    Some Questions of Realization of Auditing Powers by Courts of Appellate Jurisdiction according to the Criminal Procedural Legislation of Ukraine and France

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    The author highlights some differences in the normative regulation of audit authority of the court of appeal in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and France. The various opinions on necessity to preserve the audit authority of the court in adversarial criminal proceedings were considered. The necessity of preserving audit authority of an appellate court in connection with its functions as a law-providing public authority has been proved in the article

    Субъекты и объекты государственного управления в сфере пожарной безопасности в Украине

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    У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан нормативно-правового забезпечення діяльності органів державного управління у сфері пожежної безпеки України. Розглянуто їх місце, роль та функції у забезпеченні пожежної безпеки, необхідність подальшого впорядкування і вдосконалення нормативно-правового регулювання у даній галузі з метою оптимізації роботи державних органів у сфері пожежної безпеки України, усунення дублювання їх функцій. Проаналізовано суб’єкти та об’єкти державного управління у сфері пожежної безпеки в Україні, закріплені у нормативно-правових актах. Запропоновано внести зміни до системи діючого Законодавства в Україні у сфері пожежної безпеки, зокрема до Кодексу цивільного захисту України (2012), та побудовано прескриптивну модель суб’єктно-об’єктних правовідносин державного управління пожежної безпеки.The article analyzes the current state of the normative and legal support of the activity of public administration bodies in the field of fire safety of Ukraine. Their place, role and functions in providing fire safety, the need for further regulation and improvement of regulatory and legal regulation in this field are considered in order to optimize the work of state bodies in the field of fire safety of Ukraine, eliminating duplication of their functions. The subjects and objects of public administration in the field of fire safety in Ukraine, which are enshrined in normative-legal acts, are analyzed. It’s proposed to make changes to the system of the current legislation in Ukraine in the field of fire safety, in particular the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine (2012) and constructed a prescriptive model of the subject-object legal relations of the state fire safety management.В статье проанализировано современное состояние нормативно-правового обеспечения деятельности органов государственного управления в сфере пожарной безопасности Украины. Рассмотрены их место, роль и функции в обеспечении пожарной безопасности, необходимость дальнейшего упорядочения и совершенствования нормативно-правового регулирования в данной области с целью оптимизации работы государственных органов в сфере пожарной безопасности Украины, устранения дублирования их функций. Проанализированы субъекты и объекты государственного управления в сфере пожарной безопасности в Украине, которые закреплены в нормативно-правовых актах. Предложено внести изменения в систему действующего Законодательства Украины в сфере пожарной безопасности, в том числе в Кодекс гражданской защиты Украины (2012). Построена прескриптивная модель субъектно-объектных правоотношений государственного управления пожарной безопасности

    Государственное управление системой технического обслуживания пожарно-спасательной техники при передаче части функций в аутсорсинг

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    У статті проаналізовано ефективність державного управління системою технічного обслуговування і ремонту пожежно-рятувальної техніки в Україні. Зокрема з`ясовано, що на теперішній час вона потребує негайних докорінних змін, котрі зламають механізм блокування ефективної роботи по підтриманню в належному технічному працездатному стані пожежно-рятувальної техніки. Охарактеризовано закономірності, що існують у  цій системі. Оцінено вплив діяльності органів державного управління у цій сфері. Запропоновано принципово нову трирівневу багатоканальну систему технічного обслуговування і ремонту  пожежно-рятувальної техніки із передачею частини функцій на третьому рівні до аутсорсингу. Доведено із позиції теорії ймовірності, що запропонована система має переваги у надійності функціонування над іншими. Запропоновано прийняти  трирівневу багатоканальну систему як основну для реформування системи технічного обслуговування і ремонту пожежно-рятувальної техніки.The article deals with the interaction models of subjects of formation and realization of youth policy: civil society institutions and public authorities. The author argues, that the interaction of subjects, based on the principles of equality, information openness of subjects activities for each other, acceptance by the sides of equal responsibility for the results of joint activity can effectively solve social contradictions, determine optimal solutions to actual problems, integrate potential, resources of subjects of social relations during formation and realization of youth policy.Considered the typical models of social partnership and the principles of social partnership in the sphere of youth policy: subject-subject and subject-developing models (in its social-positive variants), and object-oriented or object-subject.Emphasized that partnership necessarily involves the equitable interaction of at least two of each other, or much more of subjects, i.e. different legal entities or individuals, for whom the activity in this area is or profiled, mandatory (public sector), or voluntarily (II and III sectors). Also clarify that the subject of youth policy can not act as a partner.Substantiated differences in realization of these models in the spheres of state youth policy (SYP) and nongovernmental youth policy (NGYP).В статье проанализирована эффективность государственного управления системой технического обслуживания и ремонта пожарно-спасательной техники в Украине. В частности выяснено, что в настоящее время она нуждается в немедленных коренных изменений, которые сломают механизм блокировки эффективной работы по поддержанию в надлежащем техническом работоспособном состоянии пожарно-спасательной техники. Охарактеризованы закономерности, которые существуют в этой системе. Оценено влияние деятельности органов государственного управления в этой сфере. Предложено принципиально новую трехуровневую многоканальную систему технического обслуживания и ремонта пожарно-спасательной техники с передачей части функций на третьем уровне к аутсорсингу. Доказано с позиции теории вероятности, что предложенная система имеет преимущества в надежности функционирования над другими. Предложено принять трехуровневую многоканальную систему, как основную для реформирования системы технического обслуживания и ремонта пожарно-спасательной техники