513 research outputs found

    Study on Pramana Shareera in relation to Prakriti

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    Ayurveda in its principle has given importance to individualistic approach rather than generalize. Application of this examination can be clearly seem like even though two patients suffering from same disease, the treatment modality may change depending upon the results of Dashvidha Pariksha. Prakruti and Pramana both used in Dashvidha Pariksha. Both determine the health of the individual and Bala (strength) of Rogi (Patient). Ayurveda followed Swa-angula Pramana as the unit of measurement for measuring the different parts of the body which is prime step assessing patient before treatment. Sushruta and Charaka had stated different Angula Pramana of each Pratyanga (body parts). Specificity is the characteristic property of Swa-angula Pramana. This can be applicable in present era for example artificial limbs. A scientific research includes collection, compilation, analysis and lastly scrutiny of entire findings to arrive at a conclusion. Study of Pramana and its relation with Prakruti was conducted in 1000 volunteers using Prakruti Parkishan proforma with an objective of evaluation of Anguli Pramana in various Prakriti. It was observed co-relating Pramana in each Prakruti and Granthokta Pramana that there is no vast difference in measurement of head, upper limb and lower limb. The observational study shows closer relation of features with classical texts

    Importance of Pramana Pareeksha in Clinical Practice

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    In Ayurveda the term Pareeksha is used in place of Pramana. The synonyms of Pareeksha are Pramana, Saadana, Jnana, Upalabdhi. Pariksha means through which investigation cognition of valid apprehension of the state of the object arise is called Pariksha. Which is investigated in depth, establishment of reality of an object is Pareeksha. “Rogamadou Pareekshet Tathonantaram Aoushadam” it is very essential that before planning any treatment one should have complete knowledge of Roga and Rogibala. The purpose of examination is to obtain knowledge regarding span of life, strength and intensity of morbidity. Hence patient to be examined in respect of Prakruti (constitution of body), Vikruti (pathological examination), Sara (examination of elemental tissue and mind), Samhana (examination of compactness of body), Pramana (measurement), Satmya (suitability), Satva (examination of mental constitution), Aaharashakti (examination of digestive power), Vyayamashakti (examination of strength by exercise), Vaya (examination of age). Among these Dashavidha Pareeksha except Vikruti Pareeksha is to be done to understand the overview condition of the person. Vikrutipariksha is to be done to elicit the factors which are responsible for the pathogenesis of the diseases

    Different factors influencing Deha Prakriti (constitution) and influenced by Prakriti (constitution)

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    Complete psychosomatic architect of an individual is represented by his Prakriti (constitution) which starts to take shape at the very first step of conception in mother’s womb. Deeds of previous incarnation, physical and psychological state of mother and father during conception, nutrition and regimen of mother, social melue, practice of wholesomeness by mother (during pregnancy) and child in postnatal period and many more factors are attributed in the Prakriti formation. Thus generated Prakriti helps in understanding the health and disease state of an individual and facilitate in promotive and curative aspects. Not only this, inherited psycho constution (Manasik Prakriti) is also very helpful in prediction and deciding the profession, effectiveness and efficiency evaluation too. Management education sector, Life and Health insurance sectors are now showing a keen interest in incorporating concept of Prakriti (constitution) in their business. Genomic relations of Prakriti concept of Ayurveda in the recent researches in India and abroad has established the facts that the difference in genomic make up is responsible for all variations in health and disease state of life which we have analyzed and summarized in this review. In the present literary research paper all the factors which influence the Prakriti are enumerated in classified manner and different types of psychosomatic contributions are detailed along with their effect on health and disease condition of life as well as preventive and promotive aspects

    Fuzzy Knowledge Based System for Suitability of Soils in Airfield Applications

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    Proper design of roads and airfield pavements requires an in-depth soil properties evaluation to determine suitability of soil. Soft computing is used to model soil classification system's dynamic behaviour and its properties. Soft computing is based on methods of machine learning, fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks, expert systems, genetic algorithms. Fuzzy system is a strong method for mimicking human thought and solves question of confusion. This paper proposes a new decision-making approach for soil suitability in airfield applications without a need to perform any manual works like use of tables or chart. A fuzzy knowledge - based approach is built to rate soil suitability in qualitative terms for airfield application. The proposed model describes a new technique by defining fuzzy descriptors using triangular functions considering the index properties of soils as input parameters and fuzzy rules are generated using fuzzy operators to classify soil and rate its suitability for airfield applications. The data obtained from the results of the laboratory test are validated with the results of the fuzzy knowledge-based system indicating the applicability of the Fuzzy model created. The approach developed in this work is more skilled to other prevailing optimization models. Due to its system’s flexibility, it can be suitably customized and applied to laboratory test data available, thus delivering a wide range for any geotechnical engineer. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091643 Full Text: PD

    Insights into Protein Sequence and Structure-Derived Features Mediating 3D Domain Swapping Mechanism using Support Vector Machine Based Approach

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    3-dimensional domain swapping is a mechanism where two or more protein molecules form higher order oligomers by exchanging identical or similar subunits. Recently, this phenomenon has received much attention in the context of prions and neurodegenerative diseases, due to its role in the functional regulation, formation of higher oligomers, protein misfolding, aggregation etc. While 3-dimensional domain swap mechanism can be detected from three-dimensional structures, it remains a formidable challenge to derive common sequence or structural patterns from proteins involved in swapping. We have developed a SVM-based classifier to predict domain swapping events using a set of features derived from sequence and structural data. The SVM classifier was trained on features derived from 150 proteins reported to be involved in 3D domain swapping and 150 proteins not known to be involved in swapped conformation or related to proteins involved in swapping phenomenon. The testing was performed using 63 proteins from the positive dataset and 63 proteins from the negative dataset. We obtained 76.33% accuracy from training and 73.81% accuracy from testing. Due to high diversity in the sequence, structure and functions of proteins involved in domain swapping, availability of such an algorithm to predict swapping events from sequence and structure-derived features will be an initial step towards identification of more putative proteins that may be involved in swapping or proteins involved in deposition disease. Further, the top features emerging in our feature selection method may be analysed further to understand their roles in the mechanism of domain swapping

    The influence of geometrical shapes of stenosis on the blood flow in stenosed artery

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    The present work was carried out to investigate the blood flow behavior and the severity of blockage caused in the arterial passage due to the different geometries such as elliptical, trapezium and triangular shapes of stenosis. The study was conducted with respect to various sizes of stenosis in terms of 70%, 80% and 90% area blockage of the arterial blood flow. The study was carried out numerically with the help of advance computational fluid dynamic software. It was found that the shape of the stenosis plays an important role in overall pressure drop across the blockage region of artery. The highest level of pressure drop was observed for trapezoidal shape of stenosis followed by elliptical and then by triangular shaped stenosis. The wall shear stress across the stenosis is great for trapezoidal shape followed by triangular and elliptical stenosis for same blockage area in the artery

    Processing of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) beans - Influence of storing fresh beans, killing temperature and duration of killing on quality parameters

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    Experiments were conducted at Myladumpara (Kerala) to study the effect of storing freshvanilla (Vanilla planifolia) beans before killing, killing temperature and duration of killingand further curing on quality parameters. The study indicated that storing of fresh beans fora maximum of 3 days after harvest and before killing is advisable and the vanillin content ofsuch beans was the highest (2.51%) when compared to longer duration of storage. Killing ofbeans in hot water maintained at 65°C for 3 min or at 63°C for 5 min was on par. Immediatewrapping of killed beans with woollen cloth and storing in sweating box was the idealmethod for obtaining optimum weight and vanillin content of beans. A higher percentage ofbeans (71 to 84) became ready for conditioning within 15 days of slow drying by this method.Interactions of killing temperature and exposing beans either directly or the next day as wellas killing temperature and duration of killing were significant. &nbsp

    Bilateral hypertrophic olivary nucleus degeneration on magnetic resonance imaging in children with Leigh and Leigh-like syndrome

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    Objective: Bilateral hypertrophic olivary degeneration on brain MRI has been reported in a few metabolic, genetic and neurodegenerative disorders, including mitochondrial disorders. In this report, we sought to analyse whether bilateral symmetrical inferior olivary nucleus hypertrophy is specifically associated with mitochondrial disorders in children. Methods: This retrospective study included 125 children (mean age, 7.6  ±  5 years; male:female, 2.6:1) diagnosed with various metabolic and genetic disorders during 2005–2012. The routine MRI sequences (T1 weighted, T2 weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion–recovery sequences) were analysed for the presence of bilateral symmetrical olivary hypertrophy and central tegmental tract or dentate nuclei signal changes. The other imaging findings and the final diagnoses were noted. Results: The cohort included patients with Leigh and Leigh-like syndrome (n = 25), other mitochondrial diseases (n = 25), Wilson disease (n = 40), Type 1 glutaric aciduria (n = 14), maple syrup urine disease (n = 13), giant axonal neuropathy (n = 5) and L-2 hydroxy glutaric aciduria (n = 3). Bilateral inferior olivary nucleus hypertrophy was noted in 10 patients, all of whom belonged to the Leigh and Leigh-like syndrome group. Conclusion: Bilateral hypertrophic olivary degeneration on MRI is relatively often, but not routinely, seen in children with Leigh and Leigh-like syndrome. Early detection of this finding by radiologists and physicians may facilitate targeted metabolic testing in these children

    Recent Developments in Copper-Based Catalysts for Enhanced Electrochemical CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction

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    The drastic climate change imposing adverse environmental effects receives serious research attention for finding a suitable solution. The replacement of conventional fossil energy sources with renewable and sustainable energy sources is the potential route; and thus, manifests as a viable solution. Accordingly, the electrocatalytic carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction process coupled with the renewable energy source is an emerging strategy for adopting a sustainable approach. However, the existing challenges in designing suitable catalyst, support material, electrolyte, inadequate selectivity, and intermediate reactions of CO2 reduction demand substantial research advancement. Numerous studies reported for the CO2 reduction process highlight the importance of catalyst design and product selectivity. Importantly, the copper-based catalysts, capable in the output of multi-carbon products, are reported as a “star” material. This review; therefore, focuses on catalyst design strategies, unique structural/morphological features, and product selectivity of diverse copper-based catalysts. The outstanding findings of copper-based catalysts and the corresponding products are critically discussed with adequate figures of merits. The impact of structural/morphological features on product selectivity is discussed in detail. The future scope and author perspectives on copper-based catalysts for the feasible electrocatalytic CO2 reduction application are summarized.</p