480 research outputs found

    Analysis of a VTOL hover task with predictor displays using an optimal control model of the human operator

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    The influence of different types of predictor displays in a longitudinal VTOL hover task is analyzed in a theoretical study. It was assumed that pitch angle and position are presented to the pilot in separate displays namely the artificial horizon and position display. The predictive information is calculated by means of a Taylor series. From earlier experimental studies it is well known that predictor displays improve human and system performance and result in reducing human workload. In this study, an optimal control model is used to prove this effect theoretically. Several cases with differing amounts of predictive and rate information are compared

    Labour Demand and Labour-saving Options: A Case of Groundnut Crop in India

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    Groundnut is a labour-intensive crop, especially for operations like sowing, weeding, harvesting, and drying. But, of-late, due to timely unavailability of labour, many farmers are not able to exercise timely operations resulting in low yield realization. The present study conducted in two major groundnut-growing states, viz. Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, has revealed that farmers employ more human labour in weeding and harvesting operations in groundnut than in other operations. The practise of manual decortication and stripping is followed by a larger number of farmers in Andhra Pradesh than in Gujarat, indicating less mechanization in the former. For weeding, though, the human labour-use in weedicide + bullock intercultivation + hand weeding technique is almost half of that of the bullock inter-cultivation + hand weeding, only 13 per cent of the farmers practise this labour-saving technique and hence this method should be disseminated in both the regions to reduce human-labour demand. In Andhra Pradesh, for all the operations in groundnut cultivation except harvesting, the cost as well as labour-use has been reduced substantially due to use of partial/complete mechanization methods. Hence, the necessary infrastructure (labour-saving machineries) should be created at the village or block level to reduce the human-labour demand.Labour demand, Groundnut cultivation, Labour-saving techniques, Agricultural and Food Policy, J23, J21,

    Impact of Grain Legume (Groundnut) on Energy and Nutritional Levels of Tribal Farm Households in Koraput (Orissa)

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    The introduction of groundnut through the support of IFAD & ICRISAT in the tribal areas of Koraput in Orissa has been able to supplement the nutritional levels of farm households in the area. The protein intake due to groundnut consumption has been found to be around 20 per cent in the IFAD participants and 11 per cent in the non-participants. The study has observed a perceptible contribution of groundnut (grain legume) in meeting the protein and energy needs of the tribal farm households in the study area. Further, groundnut has been found as the cheapest source of protein and energy among different food items like fish, meat, egg, etc., consumed by the tribal households. This low-cost energy-rich grain legume (groundnut) may be popularised to increase the frequency and quantity of intake to achieve nutritionally secured human resource (tribal people). This strategy will also enhance the sustainable crop production due to inherent advantage of legumes in the cropping system like soil health improvement, low external input addition, atmospheric nitrogen fixation by beneficial microorganisms and reduced soil and environmental pollution.Crop Production/Industries, Food Security and Poverty,

    Control concepts for the alleviation of windshears and gusts

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    Automatic control system design methods for gust and shear alleviation were studied. It is shown that automatic gust/shear alleviation systems can be quite effective if both throttle and elevator are used in harmony to produce the forces and moments required to counter the effects of the windshear. Regulation with respect to ground speed or airspeed results in very similar system designs. The application of the NASA total energy probe in the detection of windshear and criteria for alleviation is considered. The theory and application of robust output observers is extended. Design examples show how implementation of the control laws can be accomplished using observers, and thereby resulting in less complex control system configurations

    Benefits of Improved Groundnut Technologies to Resource-poor Farmers: A Participatory Approach

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    Considering that non-adoption of improved groundnut technologies by the small and resource-poor farmers is due to non-availability of quality seeds, poor knowledge, inappropriateness of technologies, etc., in the current study, improved groundnut technologies have been implemented through participatory mode so as to generate awareness about improved technologies among them. The participatory approach could make the farmers to learn, adopt and spread new technologies. The economic indicators have shown that a net return of Rs 7104 per ha was realized by adopting improved varieties and integrated crop management (ICM) package during kharif season, and it is higher than the returns realized by growing local variety (AK-12-24) with local practice (Rs 2010/ha). The cost of production has been found to be Rs 11.04/kg and 13.98/kg among the improved practice and farmers’ practice, respectively. A similar trend of higher net returns (Rs 13820/ha) and lower cost of production (Rs 8.86 per/kg) has been observed with improved practice during the rabi season, compared to the lower net returns (Rs 6309/ha) and higher cost of production (Rs 11.34 per/kg) with farmers’ practice. The informal seed supply system implemented through seed bank operation in a participatory mode has increased the improved groundnut seed availability at the village level. The seed multiplication programme could increase the spread of improved varieties from 32 ha to 69 ha in the adopted villages and from 15.9 ha to 85 ha in the neighbouring villages within a period of three years. It will help increase productivity levels of crops and income of farmers. The informal seed supply system implemented through seed bank operation has been found very successful in the faster technology spread. Hence, this model may be replicated in other areas to provide improved seeds to small and marginal farmers. It will also help in achieving self-sufficiency in improved varietal needs at the village level.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    NASICON Materials: Structure and Electrical Properties

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    Covid – 19 Pandemic And Primitive Kurumba Tribes In Nilgiris District Of Tamil Nadu – A Theorietical Perspectives

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    The tribal community is the most economically backward and vulnerable population in the country. Their backwardness is in addition difficult by their deprived health indicators and status. Health is an significant factor in social development. It seems that the fruits and benefits of progress have not reached to this section of the society properly. The health situation of tribal community is in a state of a immense crucial and wretched state of affairs in spite of the government’s vast efforts and apprehension for this immature section of the society. The present paper mainly concentrate on the COVID – 19 Pandemic and its impact on Kurumba tribal community in Nilgiris district. A systematic review is done to understand the impact of COVID – 19 on health of Kurumba tribal communities in Nilgiris at large. It is exposed from the review of literature that tribe and their health status is very depressed and require a systematic policy intervention to revitalize and cure the health condition of the respondent in the study are

    Role of Exenterative Surgery in Locally Advanced Pelvic Tumours.

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    INTRODUCTION : Total pelvic exenteration is a radical procedure defined as the complete resection of the pelvic viscera and its draining lymphatic system. Ever since Brunschwig published his initial experience in 1948 about sixty years ago, the procedure has undergone a major evolution from being a desperate experimental procedure to a well established surgical procedure with curative intent for selected patients. In an era of multimodal treatment and organ preservation, exenteration still maintains an important place in the armamentarium against advanced pelvic malignancy. The rationale for such an ultra-radical procedure is based on the observation by Eugene M Bricker, a pioneer in pelvic exenteration, along with pathologist Lauren Ackerman, radiotherapist Theodore Eberhart and Dr.Juan del Regato that certain cancers of the pelvic viscera possessed a propensity for remaining confined to the pelvic organs for a long time before they metastasize. The classic examples are the cancers arising from the uterine cervix, vagina, vulva and rectosigmoid. Ovarian, prostate and to a lesser extent bladder and endometrial cancers most often spread beyond pelvis by the time adjacent viscera are involved. AIM : The study aims to analyze the various indications, preoperative evaluation, technique, morbidity, mortality and outcome of pelvic exenterations done at the surgical oncology department of Government Royapettah hospital and to compare the results with similar international series to evaluate the role of exenterative pelvic surgery in today’s practice. CONCLUSION : The indolent behavior of certain pelvic cancers is what makes pelvic exenteration a feasible procedure for the cure of locally advanced neoplasms. Pelvic exenteration today must be viewed in the context of a salvage operation aimed at a potential cure, not primarily as a palliative effort. This daunting procedure must be performed by surgeons experienced in multivisceral resections, in an environment in which pelvic reconstruction, patient rehabilitation, and interdisciplinary cancer care are provided with the leadership of surgeons who understand and embrace multimodal treatment of patients with cancer. Several recent publications attest to the increasing use of this procedure internationally. Our analysis shows that the procedure can be done with acceptable complications and is the only curative hope in selected patients. Though organ preservation and minimal approach surgery is the recent trend in surgical management, there exists a small but definite place for this procedure in the surgical management of locally advanced pelvic tumors who have exhausted all other modalities of treatment
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