Covid – 19 Pandemic And Primitive Kurumba Tribes In Nilgiris District Of Tamil Nadu – A Theorietical Perspectives


The tribal community is the most economically backward and vulnerable population in the country. Their backwardness is in addition difficult by their deprived health indicators and status. Health is an significant factor in social development. It seems that the fruits and benefits of progress have not reached to this section of the society properly. The health situation of tribal community is in a state of a immense crucial and wretched state of affairs in spite of the government’s vast efforts and apprehension for this immature section of the society. The present paper mainly concentrate on the COVID – 19 Pandemic and its impact on Kurumba tribal community in Nilgiris district. A systematic review is done to understand the impact of COVID – 19 on health of Kurumba tribal communities in Nilgiris at large. It is exposed from the review of literature that tribe and their health status is very depressed and require a systematic policy intervention to revitalize and cure the health condition of the respondent in the study are

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