15 research outputs found

    Becoming a new neuron in the cerebral cortex

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    Neocortical neurons are born from progenitors situated in the ventricular zone (VZ) and migrate to the cortex to form circuits that underlie mammalian high skilled behavior. Genetic programs that broadly specify distinct subtypes of neurons within the neocortex are increasingly understood. But despite the mounting evidence on how different genes regulate different aspects of cortical neurogenesis and neuron differentiation, the genetic program that drives acquisition and maintenance of neuronal identity upon progenitor division is unknown. It is thus important to dissect the proper sequence of molecular events that occurs during acquisition of neuronal identity. A major limitation in studying this has been the inability to specifically identify, access and track specific cohort of neurons from their time of birth in vivo with the requisite temporal resolution. To overcome this obstacle, I have developed and standardized a novel technique “FlashTag” that enables precise in vivo tagging of isochronic cohorts of VZ-born neurons and progenitors from the time of mitosis. By combining this high temporal resolution “FlashTag” technology with single-cell RNA sequencing, we have identified and functionally characterized neuron-specific primordial transcriptional programs as they dynamically unfold in vivo during the first forty-eight hours following mitosis. Our results provide a detailed functional account of early neuronal life, including the discovery of successive “transcriptional waves” that organize the temporal sequence of cellular differentiation events. This high-resolution dynamic blueprint of neuronal specification can identify the transient molecular events that guide a neuron towards its final fate, and contribute to a roadmap for the reverse engineering of specific classes of cortical neurons from undifferentiated cells

    Coupling progenitor and neuronal diversity in the developing neocortex

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    The adult neocortex is composed of several types of glutamatergic neurons, which are sequentially born from progenitors during development. The extent and nature of progenitor diversity, and how it relates to neuronal diversity, is still poorly understood. In this review, we discuss key features of neocortical progenitors across several species, including their morphological properties, cell cycling behaviour and molecular signatures, and how these features relate to the competence of these cells to generate distinct types of progenies

    In vivo pulse labeling of isochronic cohorts of cells in the central nervous system using FlashTag

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    The tracing of neuronal cell lineages is critical to our understanding of cellular diversity in the CNS. This protocol describes a fluorescence birth-dating technique to label, track and isolate isochronic cohorts of newborn cells in the CNS in vivo in mouse embryos. Injection of carboxyfluorescein esters (CFSEs) into the cerebral ventricle allows pulse labeling of mitotic (M phase) ventricular zone (VZ) progenitors and their progeny across the CNS, a procedure we termed FlashTag. Specificity for M-phase apical progenitors is a result of the somata of these cells transiently contacting the ventricular wall during this cell-cycle phase, exposing them to CFSE injected into the cerebrospinal fluid. Using this approach, the developmental trajectory of progenitors and their daughter neurons can be tracked. Labeled cells can be imaged ex vivo or in fixed tissue, targeted for electrophysiological experiments or isolated using FACS for cell culture or (single-cell) RNA sequencing. Multiple embryos can be labeled within 30 min. The dye is retained for several weeks, allowing labeled cells to be identified postnatally. This protocol describes the labeling procedure using in utero injection, the isolation of live cells using FACS and the processing of labeled tissue for immunohistochemistry

    Asymmetric cell division of granule neuron progenitors in the external granule layer of the mouse cerebellum

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    The plane of division of granule neuron progenitors (GNPs) was analysed with respect to the pial surface in P0 to P14 cerebellum and the results showed that there was a significant bias towards the plane of cell division being parallel to pial surface across this developmental window. In addition, the distribution of beta-Catenin in anaphase cells was analysed, which showed that there was a significant asymmetry in the distribution of beta-Catenin in dividing GNPs. Further, inhibition of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling had an effect on plane of cell division. Asymmetric distribution of beta-Catenin was shown to occur towards the source of a localized extracellular cue

    Mass generation, neuron labelling and 3D imaging of minibrains

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    Minibrain is a spherical in vitro 3D brain organoid model, composed of a mixed population of neurons and glial cells, generated from human iPSC derived neural stem cells. Despite the advances in human brain organoid models, there is a lack of labelling and imaging methodologies to characterize these models. In this study, we present a step-by-step methodology to generate human minibrain nurseries and novel strategies to subsequently label projection neurons, perform immunohistochemistry and 3D imaging of the minibrains at large multiplexable scales. To visualize projection neurons, we adapt viral transduction and to visualize the organization of cell types we implement immunohistochemistry. To facilitate 3D imaging of minibrains, we present here pipelines and accessories for one step mounting and clearing suitable for confocal microscopy. The pipelines are specifically designed in such a way that the assays can be multiplexed with ease for large-scale screenings using minibrains. Using the pipeline, we present i. dendrite morphometric properties obtained from 3D neuron morphology reconstructions and ii. distribution and quantification of cell types in 3D across whole mount organoids

    Endogenous fluctuations of OCT 4 and SOX 2 bias pluripotent cell fate decisions

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    SOX2 and OCT4 are pioneer transcription factors playing a key role in embryonic stem (ES) cell self‐renewal and differentiation. How temporal fluctuations in their expression levels bias lineage commitment is unknown. Here, we generated knock‐in reporter fusion ES cell lines allowing to monitor endogenous SOX2 and OCT4 protein fluctuations in living cells and to determine their impact on mesendodermal and neuroectodermal commitment. We found that small differences in SOX2 and OCT4 levels impact cell fate commitment in G1 but not in S phase. Elevated SOX2 levels modestly increased neuroectodermal commitment and decreased mesendodermal commitment upon directed differentiation. In contrast, elevated OCT4 levels strongly biased ES cells towards both neuroectodermal and mesendodermal fates in undirected differentiation. Using ATAC‐seq on ES cells gated for different endogenous SOX2 and OCT4 levels, we found that high OCT4 levels increased chromatin accessibility at differentiation‐associated enhancers. This suggests that small endogenous fluctuations of pioneer transcription factors can bias cell fate decisions by concentration‐dependent priming of differentiation‐associated enhancers

    Expression of Sonic hedgehog during cell proliferation in the human cerebellum

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    The regulation of cell proliferation in the external granular layer (EGL) of the developing cerebellum is important for its normal patterning. An important signal that regulates EGL cell proliferation is Sonic hedgehog (Shh). Shh is secreted by the Purkinje cells (PC) and has a mitogenic effect on the granule cell precursors of the EGL. Deregulation of Shh signaling has been associated with abnormal development, and been implicated in medulloblastomas, which are tumors that arise from the cerebellum. Given the importance of the Shh pathway in cerebellum development and disease, there has been no systematic study of its expression pattern during human cerebellum development. In this study, we describe the expression pattern of Shh, its receptor patched, smoothened, and its effectors that belong to the Gli family of transcription factors, during normal human cerebellum development from 10 weeks of gestational age, and in medulloblastomas that represents a case of abnormal cell proliferation in the cerebellum. This expression pattern is compared to equivalent stages in the normal development of cerebellum in mouse, as well as in tumors. Important differences between human and mouse that reflect differences in the normal developmental program between the 2 species are observed. First, in humans there appears to be a stage of Shh signaling within the EGL, when the PC are not yet the source of Shh. Second, unlike in the postnatal mouse cerebellum, expression of Shh in the PC in the postnatal human cerebellum is downregulated. Finally, medulloblastomas in the human but not in patched heterozygote mouse express Shh. These results highlight cross-species differences in the regulation of the Shh signaling pathway

    Sequential transcriptional waves direct the differentiation of newborn neurons in the mouse neocortex

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    During corticogenesis, excitatory neurons are born from progenitors located in the ventricular zone (VZ), from where they migrate to assemble into circuits. How neuronal identity is dynamically specified upon progenitor division is unknown. Here, we study this process using a high-temporal-resolution technology allowing fluorescent tagging of isochronic cohorts of newborn VZ cells. By combining this in vivo approach with single-cell transcriptomics in mice, we identify and functionally characterize neuron-specific primordial transcriptional programs as they dynamically unfold. Our results reveal early transcriptional waves that instruct the sequence and pace of neuronal differentiation events, guiding newborn neurons toward their final fate, and contribute to a road map for the reverse engineering of specific classes of cortical neurons from undifferentiated cells

    Dynamic regulation of chromatin accessibility by pluripotency transcription factors across the cell cycle

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    The pioneer activity of transcription factors allows for opening of inaccessible regulatory elements and has been extensively studied in the context of cellular differentiation and reprogramming. In contrast, the function of pioneer activity in self-renewing cell divisions and across the cell cycle is poorly understood. Here we assessed the interplay between OCT4 and SOX2 in controlling chromatin accessibility of mouse embryonic stem cells. We found that OCT4 and SOX2 operate in a largely independent manner even at co-occupied sites, and that their cooperative binding is mostly mediated indirectly through regulation of chromatin accessibility. Controlled protein degradation strategies revealed that the uninterrupted presence of OCT4 is required for post-mitotic re-establishment and interphase maintenance of chromatin accessibility, and that highly OCT4-bound enhancers are particularly vulnerable to transient loss of OCT4 expression. Our study sheds light on the constant pioneer activity required to maintain the dynamic pluripotency regulatory landscape in an accessible state