407 research outputs found

    Kinetics of Turn-offs of Frog Rod Phototransduction Cascade

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    The time course of the light-induced activity of phototrandsuction effector enzyme cGMP-phosphodiesterase (PDE) is shaped by kinetics of rhodopsin and transducin shut-offs. The two processes are among the key factors that set the speed and sensitivity of the photoresponse and whose regulation contributes to light adaptation. The aim of this study was to determine time courses of flash-induced PDE activity in frog rods that were dark adapted or subjected to nonsaturating steady background illumination. PDE activity was computed from the responses recorded from solitary rods with the suction pipette technique in Ca2+-clamping solution

    Response univariance in bull-frog rods with two visual pigments

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    Rods in the bull-frog retina contain varying proportions of rhodopsin (λmax = 502 nm) and porphyropsin (λmax = 527 nm) in a dorso-ventral gradient from the porphyropsin-rich dorsal rim to the virtually pure rhodopsin fields of the central and ventral retina. We investigated if quantal excitations in the same rod are different depending on whether they are initiated by isomerization of a rhodopsin or a porphyropsin molecule. Current photoresponses were recorded from dark-adapted rods by sucking the outer segment into a recording pipette. The relation between pigment composition and spectral sensitivity was established by comparison with microspectrophotometrically measured absorbance spectra of rods from the same neighbourhood. Rods with suitable porphyropsin: rhodopsin mixtures (ideally between 1:4 and 1:2) were stimulated with flashes of red (608 nm) and blue (465 nm) light, whereby the red light will isomerize porphyropsin much more often than rhodopsin, and the reverse will be true of the blue light. The amplitude and shape of the single-photon response were found to be identical for the “red” and “blue” flash series to within measurement error (ca 10%). This indicates that the quantal responses initiated by the two pigments are identical

    The frequency of isomerization-like “dark” events in rhodopsin and porphyropsin rods of the bullfrog retina

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    1. The dark current and responses to dim flashes were recorded with the suction pipette technique from single rods in pieces of bull-frog retina taken from either the dorsal porphyropsin or the ventral rhodopsin field. 2. The composition of visual pigment in the rods was determined by microspectrophotometry. Rods from the dorsal pieces contained 70-88% porphyropsin523 mixed with rhodopsin502. The ventral rods contained almost pure rhodopsin, any possible admixture of porphyropsin being below the level of detectability (less than 5%). 3. In most cells, the responses to dim flashes were well fitted by a four- stage linear filter model, with no systematic differences in the response kinetics of porphyropsin and rhodopsin rods. The amplitude of saturated responses varied between 8 and 55 pA and that of responses to single isomerizations between 0.4 and 3.5 pA. 4. In porphyropsin rods, discrete events similar to the response to one photoisomerization were clearly seen in complete darkness. The dark current amplitude histogram was fitted by a convolution of the probability densities for the Gaussian continuous noise component and the averaged dim-flash response waveform. This allows estimation of the frequency and amplitude of discrete events and the standard deviation of the continuous component. The mean frequency of discrete dark events thus obtained from six porphyropsin cells was 0.057 rod-1 s-1 at 18 degrees C. 5. In rhodopsin rods, the dark current amplitude histogram appeared completely symmetrical, indicating that the frequency of discrete events must be lower than 0.005 rod-1 s-1 (except in one rod where it was 0.006 events rod-1 s-1). Per molecule of rhodopsin, the events are then at least 5 times rarer than reported for toad rhodopsin rods at the same temperature. 6. The low rate of isomerization-like 'dark' events in bull-frog rhodopsin rods shows, firstly, that results cannot be generalized across species even for rhodopsins which appear spectrally identical. Secondly, it suggests that these events need not (in an evolutionary sense) constitute an irreducible noise factor which must set the ultimate limit to the sensitivity of dark-adapted vision. 7. The difference between porphyropsin and rhodopsin rods shows that, given (presumably) the same opsin, the pigment utilizing retinal2 and absorbing maximally at longer wavelengths produces more noise. The signal/noise ratio attained in the photoreceptor may be an important factor in the natural selection of visual pigments

    Method of targeted delivery of laser beam to isolated retinal rods by fiber optics

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    A method of controllable light delivery to retinal rod cells using an optical fiber is described. Photo-induced current of the living rod cells was measured with the suction electrode technique. The approach was tested with measurements relating the spatial distribution of the light intensity to photo-induced current. In addition, the ion current responses of rod cells to polarized light at two different orientation geometries of the cells were studied

    G-protein betagamma-complex is crucial for efficient signal amplification in vision

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    A fundamental question of cell signaling biology is how faint external signals produce robust physiological responses. One universal mechanism relies on signal amplification via intracellular cascades mediated by heterotrimeric G-proteins. This high amplification system allows retinal rod photoreceptors to detect single photons of light. While much is now known about the role of the α-subunit of the rod-specific G-protein transducin in phototransduction, the physiological function of the auxiliary βγ-complex in this process remains a mystery. Here we show that elimination of the transducin γ-subunit drastically reduces signal amplification in intact mouse rods. The consequence is a striking decline in rod visual sensitivity and severe impairment of nocturnal vision. Our findings demonstrate that transducin βγ-complex controls signal amplification of the rod phototransduction cascade and is critical for the ability of rod photoreceptors to function in low light conditions

    In search of the visual pigment template

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    Absorbance spectra were recorded by microspectrophotometry from 39 different rod and cone types representing amphibians, reptiles, and fishes, with A1- or A2-based visual pigments and [lambda]max ranging from 357 to 620 nm. The purpose was to investigate accuracy limits of putative universal templates for visual pigment absorbance spectra, and if possible to amend the templates to overcome the limitations. It was found that (1) the absorbance spectrum of frog rhodopsin extract very precisely parallels that of rod outer segments from the same individual, with only a slight hypsochromic shift in [lambda]max, hence templates based on extracts are valid for absorbance in situ; (2) a template based on the bovine rhodopsin extract data of Partridge and De Grip (1991) describes the absorbance of amphibian rod outer segments excellently, contrary to recent electrophysiological results; (3) the [lambda]max/[lambda] invariance of spectral shape fails for A1 pigments with small [lambda]max and for A2 pigments with large [lambda]max, but the deviations are systematic and can be readily incorporated into, for example, the Lamb (1995) template. We thus propose modified templates for the main “[alpha]-band” of A1 and A2 pigments and show that these describe both absorbance and spectral sensitivities of photoreceptors over the whole range of [lambda]max. Subtraction of the [alpha]-band from the full absorbance spectrum leaves a “[beta]-band” described by a [lambda]max-dependent Gaussian. We conclude that the idea of universal templates (one for A1- and one for A2-based visual pigments) remains valid and useful at the present level of accuracy of data on photoreceptor absorbance and sensitivity. The sum of our expressions for the [alpha]- and [beta]-band gives a good description for visual pigment spectra with [lambda]max > 350 nm

    pH and rate of ‘dark’ events in toad retinal rods : test of a hypothesis on the molecular origin of photoreceptor noise

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    Thermal activation of the visual pigment constitutes a fundamental constraint on visual sensitivity. Its electrical correlate in the membrane current of dark-adapted rods are randomly occurring discrete ‘dark events’ indistinguishable from responses to single photons. It has been proposed that thermal activation occurs in a small subpopulation of rhodopsin molecules where the Schiff base linking the chromophore to the protein part is unprotonated. On this hypothesis, rates of thermal activation should increase strongly with rising pH. The hypothesis has been tested by measuring the effect of pH changes on the frequency of discrete dark events in red rods of the common toad Bufo bufo. Dark noise was recorded from isolated rods using the suction pipette technique. Changes in cytoplasmic pH upon manipulations of extracellular pH were quantified by measuring, using fast single-cell microspectrophotometry, the pH-dependent metarhodopsin I–metarhodopsin II equilibrium and subsequent metarhodopsin III formation. These measurements show that, in the conditions of the electrophysiological experiments, changing perfusion pH from 6.5 to 9.3 resulted in a cytoplasmic pH shift from 7.6 to 8.5 that was readily sensed by the rhodopsin. This shift, which implies an 8-fold decrease in cytoplasmic [H+], did not increase the rate of dark events. The results contradict the hypothesis that thermal pigment activation depends on prior deprotonation of the Schiff base