15 research outputs found

    Streaming Binary Sketching based on Subspace Tracking and Diagonal Uniformization

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    In this paper, we address the problem of learning compact similarity-preserving embeddings for massive high-dimensional streams of data in order to perform efficient similarity search. We present a new online method for computing binary compressed representations -sketches- of high-dimensional real feature vectors. Given an expected code length cc and high-dimensional input data points, our algorithm provides a cc-bits binary code for preserving the distance between the points from the original high-dimensional space. Our algorithm does not require neither the storage of the whole dataset nor a chunk, thus it is fully adaptable to the streaming setting. It also provides low time complexity and convergence guarantees. We demonstrate the quality of our binary sketches through experiments on real data for the nearest neighbors search task in the online setting

    A probabilistic design for practical homomorphic majority voting with intrinsic differential privacy

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    As machine learning (ML) has become pervasive throughout various fields (industry, healthcare, social networks), privacy concerns regarding the data used for its training have gained a critical importance. In settings where several parties wish to collaboratively train a common model without jeopardizing their sensitive data, the need for a private training protocol is particularly stringent and implies to protect the data against both the model's end-users and the other actors of the training phase. In this context of secure collaborative learning, Differential Privacy (DP) and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) are two complementary countermeasures of growing interest to thwart privacy attacks in ML systems. Central to many collaborative training protocols, in the line of PATE, is majority voting aggregation. Thus, in this paper, we design SHIELD, a probabilistic approximate majority voting operator which is faster when homomorphically executed than existing approaches based on exact argmax computation over an histogram of votes. As an additional benefit, the inaccuracy of SHIELD is used as a feature to provably enable DP guarantees. Although SHIELD may have other applications, we focus here on one setting and seamlessly integrate it in the SPEED collaborative training framework from \cite{grivet2021speed} to improve its computational efficiency. After thoroughly describing the FHE implementation of our algorithm and its DP analysis, we present experimental results. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first work in which relaxing the accuracy of an algorithm is constructively usable as a degree of freedom to achieve better FHE performances

    Putting up the swiss army knife of homomorphic calculations by means of TFHE functional bootstrapping

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    In this work, we first propose a new functional bootstrapping with TFHE for evaluating any function of domain and codomain the real torus T by using a small number of bootstrappings. This result improves some aspects of previous approaches: like them, we allow for evaluating any functions, but with better precision. In addition, we develop more efficient multiplication and addition over ciphertexts building on the digit-decomposition approach. As a practical application, our results lead to an efficient implementation of ReLU, one of the most used activation functions in deep learning. The paper is concluded by extensive experimental results comparing each building block as well as their practical relevance and trade-offs

    Search for connectivity in complex networks. Application to fMRI

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    Dans ce papier, nous nous intéressons à l'estimation de la structure de dépendance entre les coordonnées d'un processus aléatoire multidimensionnel, les coordonnées présentant des propriétés de mémoire longue. Nous étendons une technique récente fondée sur les corrélations entre coefficients en ondelettes. Cette méthode s'affranchit des difficultés liées à la dépendance longue et permet d'estimer un graphe de dépendance entre les coordonnées du signal. Toutefois, les corrélations peuvent être provoquées par des liens indirects, et nous utilisons alors les corrélations partielles pour juger de la pertinence des liens obtenus. Le bien fondé de cette extension est montré sur des réseaux simulés et sur des données réelles issues d'expérience de résonance magnétique fonctionnelle

    Multi-dimensional signal approximation with sparse structured priors using split Bregman iterations

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the structurally constrained sparse decomposition of multi-dimensional signals onto overcomplete families of vectors, called dictionaries. The contribution of the paper is threefold. Firstly, a generic spatio-temporal regularization term is designed and used together with the standard ℓ1ℓ1 regularization term to enforce a sparse decomposition preserving the spatio-temporal structure of the signal. Secondly, an optimization algorithm based on the split Bregman approach is proposed to handle the associated optimization problem, and its convergence is analyzed. Our well-founded approach yields same accuracy as the other algorithms at the state of the art, with significant gains in terms of convergence speed. Thirdly, the empirical validation of the approach on artificial and real-world problems demonstrates the generality and effectiveness of the method. On artificial problems, the proposed regularization subsumes the Total Variation minimization and recovers the expected decomposition. On the real-world problem of electro-encephalography brainwave decomposition, the approach outperforms similar approaches in terms of P300 evoked potentials detection, using structured spatial priors to guide the decomposition