91 research outputs found

    Radiative transfer in cylindrical threads with incident radiation. VI. A hydrogen plus helium system

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    Context: Spectral lines of helium are commonly observed on the Sun. These observations contain important information about physical conditions and He/H abundance variations within solar outer structures. Aims: The modeling of chromospheric and coronal loop-like structures visible in hydrogen and helium lines requires the use of appropriate diagnostic tools based on NLTE radiative tranfer in cylindrical geometry. Methods: We use iterative numerical methods to solve the equations of NLTE radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium of atomic level populations. These equations are solved alternatively for hydrogen and helium atoms, using cylindrical coordinates and prescribed solar incident radiation. Electron density is determined by the ionization equilibria of both atoms. Two-dimensional effects are included. Results: The mechanisms of formation of the principal helium lines are analyzed and the sources of emission inside the cylinder are located. The variations of spectral line intensities with temperature, pressure, and helium abundance, are studied. Conclusions: The simultaneous computation of hydrogen and helium lines, performed by the new numerical code, allows the construction of loop models including an extended range of temperatures

    Plasma diagnostic of a solar prominence from hydrogen and helium resonance lines

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    We present the first comparison of profiles of H et He resonance lines observed by SUMER with theoretical profiles computed with our non-LTE radiative transfer code. We use the H I Lyman-beta, H I Lyman-epsilon, and He I 584 A lines. Our code allows us to obtain the plasma parameters in prominences in conjunction with a multi-line, multi-element set of observations. The plasma temperature in the prominence core is ~ 8600 K and the pressure is 0.03 dyn/cm^2. The Ly-beta line is formed in a higher temperature region (more than 11000 K).Comment: 2 pages, 2 color figures. Proceedings of SF2A, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Journees de la SF2A 2006, Pari

    Partial redistribution effects in the formation of hydrogen lines in quiescent prominences

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    Departures from complete frequency redistribution (CRD) in hydrogen lines are investigated for solar prominences. Partial redistribution effects (PRD) are found both in the wings (their already known lowering) and in the central part of the L alpha line; a new feature is evidenced here: the partially coherent scattering in the near wings of the line leads to a double-peaked profile mirroring the incident solar radiation. With a low density model, we obtain a good agreement with OSO 8 observed profiles. On the contrary, the PRD computed L beta profile (lower density, no reversal) departs from the observed one, a result which calls for more progress in terms of non-LTE transfer and modelling

    Effect of motions in prominences on the helium resonance lines in the extreme ultraviolet

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    <b>Context</b>: Extreme ultraviolet resonance lines of neutral and ionised helium observed in prominences are difficult to interpret as the prominence plasma is optically thick at these wavelengths. If mass motions are taking place, as is the case in active and eruptive prominences, the diagnostic is even more complex. <b>Aims</b>: We aim at studying the effect of radial motions on the spectrum emitted by moving prominences in the helium resonance lines and at facilitating the interpretation of observations, in order to improve our understanding of these dynamic structures. <b>Methods</b>: We develop our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer code formerly used for the study of quiescent prominences. The new numerical code is now able to solve the statistical equilibrium and radiative transfer equations in the non-static case by using velocity-dependent boundary conditions for the solution of the radiative transfer problem. This first study investigates the effects of different physical conditions (temperature, pressure, geometrical thickness) on the emergent helium radiation. <b>Results</b>: The motion of the prominence plasma induces a Doppler dimming effect on the resonance lines of HE i and HE ii. The velocity effects are particularly important for the HE ii λ 304 Å line as it is mostly formed by resonant diffusion of incident radiation under prominence conditions. The HE i resonance lines at 584 and 537 Å also show some sensitivity to the motion of the plasma, all the more when thermal emission is not too important in these lines. We also show that it is necessary to consider partial redistribution in frequency for the scattering of the incident radiation. Conclusions.This set of helium lines offers strong diagnostic possibilities that can be exploited with the SOHO spectrometers and with the EIS spectrometer on board the Hinode satellite. The addition of other helium lines and of lines from other elements (in particular hydrogen) in the diagnostics will further enhance the strength of the method

    Diagnostics of active and eruptive prominences through hydrogen and helium lines modelling

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    In this study we show how hydrogen and helium lines modelling can be used to make a diagnostic of active and eruptive prominences. One motivation for this work is to identify the physical conditions during prominence activation and eruption. Hydrogen and helium lines are key in probing different parts of the prominence structure and inferring the plasma parameters. However, the interpretation of observations, being either spectroscopic or obtained with imaging, is not straightforward. Their resonance lines are optically thick, and the prominence plasma is out of local thermodynamic equilibrium due to the strong incident radiation coming from the solar disk. In view of the shift of the incident radiation occurring when the prominence plasma flows radially, it is essential to take into account velocity fields in the prominence diagnostic. Therefore we need to investigate the effects of the radial motion of the prominence plasma on hydrogen and helium lines. The method that we use is the resolution of the radiative transfer problem in the hydrogen and helium lines out of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We study the variation of the computed integrated intensities in H and He lines with the radial velocity of the prominence plasma. We can confirm that there exist suitable lines which can be used to make a diagnostic of the plasma in active and eruptive prominences in the presence of velocity fields.Comment: 5 pages, 4 colour figure

    Modelling of helium spectrum in solar prominences

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    Formation of helium spectrum in solar quiescent prominences

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    We present new non-LTE modelling of the helium spectrum emitted by quiescent solar prominences. The calculations are made in the frame of a one-dimensional plane-parallel slab. The physical parameters of our models are the electron temperature, the gas pressure, the slab width, the microturbulent velocity and the height above the solar surface. In this paper, we present isothermal isobaric models for a large range of temperature and pressure values. This work brings considerable improvements over the calculations of Heasley and co-workers (Heasley et al. 1974, Heasley and Milkey 1976, 1978, 1983) with the inclusion in our calculations of partial redistribution effects in the formation of the HI Lyα, Lyβ, HeI λ 584 Å and HeII λ 304 Å lines. In addition we consider detailed incident profiles for the principal transitions. The statistical equilibrium equations are solved for a 33 bound levels (HeI and HeII) plus continuum atom, and the radiative transfer equations are solved by the Feautrier method with variable Eddington factors. In this way we obtain the helium level populations and the emergent line profiles. We discuss the influence of the physical parameters on the helium level populations and on the main helium spectral lines. The effect of helium abundance in the prominence plasma is also studied. Some relations between singlet and triplet lines are given, as well as between optically thin or thick lines, HeI and HeII lines, and between the HeI λ 5876 Å and HI λ 4863 Å lines. In a future work this numerical code will be used for the diagnostic of the prominence plasma by comparing the results with SUMER observations

    Modelling of helium spectrum in solar prominences

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    Line profiles and intensity ratios in prominence models with a prominence to corona interface

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    In this work we study the hydrogen, helium and calcium spectra emitted by a one-dimensional prominence model in magneto-hydrostatic equilibrium. The prominence slab consists of two parts: a cool core where the plasma is optically thick for some lines, and a prominence-to-corona transition region (PCTR) with a strong temperature gradient. The models are defined by 5 parameters: temperature, pressure, slab thickness, microturbulent velocity and altitude. We solve the NLTE radiative transfer equations for all optically thick transitions. We present line ratios between infrared, optical and EUV lines, as well as line profiles. We show that the presence of a PCTR, where both collisional and radiative excitations are important, affects H, He, and Ca populations and emergent lines in different manners