34 research outputs found

    Navigating between an End-goal and a 'Readiness to be Affected': A Virtual Reality Briefing to the United Nations Security Council

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    This article describes the design process behind a Virtual Reality movie intended to brief the Security Council of the United Nations about the situation in Iraq, in April 2019. The last couple of years have seen an increase of Virtual Reality movies made by the UN to support advocacy campaigns and provide general public information. But in this case, the goal was to test if the immersive experiences that Virtual Reality movies enable could be used as a political tool. Through a personal reflection upon the peculiar circumstances of this process, this account shows how aiming solely at instrumenting the briefing, which is a typical political situation in the organization, hid the political and transformative potentials of all the other situations of the design process. I will discuss what inhibited these potentials and how they could be enabled, from the perspective of the social interactions and instrumental mediations at play

    Panel: Broadening the Discussion of Ethics in the Interaction Design and Children Community

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    Interaction Design and Children (IDC) as an academic field, and as a community, has a responsibility to engage with the many and diverse ethical challenges that arise from work that concerns the creation of digital technology for and with children – both in terms of research and industry contexts. This panel builds on a short history of similar events at previous conferences and aims to foster and strengthen the debate about ethical conduct and moral responsibilities in IDC. In this year’s panel, we seek to broaden the discussion by collecting ethical concerns, issues or dilemmas from within the community to be discussed at the conference. To this end, we will issue an open call for input that will be publicised via the usual channels. The organisers then will synthesise the responses and facilitate the discussion and debate at the panel

    MONTRER LE FAIRE, CONSTRUIRE L’AGIR. Une approche développementale de la conception mise en oeuvre à l’école primaire

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    - Why do you like making videos?- Mmmh, because… I can be seen, and it feels good to see people.- Me, it is because I would like to be a movie star.In a first graders classroom, a teacher and his pupils experiment the use of a smartphone to efficiently enhance the way pupils learn to write. I meet with him in November 2015 and I introduce a digital system in the classroom, aiming at mediating pupils’ production of digital content.This dissertation focuses on the design and evaluation of digital tools and addresses the following issue: how to design in order to develop educational activities in a sustainable way? And what roles do the artifacts play in this development? I propose a developmental approach to design, that envisions a change of object: instead of focusing on artifacts, I suggest that designing in a developmental perspective is concerns by the configurations of new forms of collective action. In this study, I apply this perspective in an elementary classroom in a public school in Paris. Aligned with this approach to design, I draw a methodology that helps me transform as much as study situated ways of acting. This methodology, closely related to action research, borrows from Participatory Design practices and values combined with a Cultural-Historical Activity Theory framework (CHAT). This study investigates the developmental processes of both artifacts and people in this first graders classroom, by tracking how artifacts are used and redesigned through the classroom’s practices, as much as they transform them. I conclude by discussing the benefit of adopting such a design approach, considering design as a situated, continuous and distributed process.- Pourquoi vous aimez faire des vidéos ?- Bah parce que... on me voit et ça fait du bien de voir les gens !- Moi, c’est parce que… moi j’ai envie d’être une star de cinéma.Depuis quelques semaines dans cette classe de CP, l’enseignant cherche avec ses élèves comment son téléphone portable peut médiatiser efficacement l’apprentissage de l’écriture. Nous le rencontrons en novembre 2015 et introduisons dans la classe un prototype qui vise à instrumenter les activités de production de contenus numériques des élèves.Cette thèse interroge la conception et l’évaluation d’artefacts numériques, et contribue à répondre à la question suivante : comment concevoir pour contribuer au développement des activités scolaires de manière durable ? Et comment les artefacts numériques participent-ils de ce développement ? Nous dessinons une approche développementale de la conception, qui propose de déplacer l’objet de la conception des artefacts aux formes de l’agir collectif ; approche que nous mettons en oeuvre à travers une recherche action longitudinale ancrée en ergonomie dans la classe de CP d’une école publique. Nous proposons son pendant méthodologique, qui entend transformer autant que comprendre : une démarche de «recherche par version », construite à partir des démarches participatives en design d’interaction et de la théorie socio-culturelle de l’activité, qui met en avant la dimension développementale et sociale de l’agir. Notre étude a pour objet l’interrelation du développement des artefacts numériques et des personnes au sein de la classe de CP. Nous nous appuyons sur les concepts issus de l’approche instrumentale, qui permettent d’étudier les transformations des activités des personnes dans la classe, en considérant l’histoire socialement distribuée de la création de leurs instruments. Nous concluons sur l’intérêt de considérer la conception d’artefacts techniques comme un processus continu, situé et distribué

    Navigating between an End-goal and a 'Readiness to be Affected': A Virtual Reality Briefing to the United Nations Security Council

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    This article describes the design process behind a Virtual Reality movie intended to brief the Security Council of the United Nations about the situation in Iraq, in April 2019. The last couple of years have seen an increase of Virtual Reality movies made by the UN to support advocacy campaigns and provide general public information. But in this case, the goal was to test if the immersive experiences that Virtual Reality movies enable could be used as a political tool. Through a personal reflection upon the peculiar circumstances of this process, this account shows how aiming solely at instrumenting the briefing, which is a typical political situation in the organization, hid the political and transformative potentials of all the other situations of the design process. I will discuss what inhibited these potentials and how they could be enabled, from the perspective of the social interactions and instrumental mediations at play

    Ways of showing : a developmental approach to design and application in elementary schools

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    - Pourquoi vous aimez faire des vidéos ? - Bah parce que... on me voit et ça fait du bien de voir les gens ! - Moi, c’est parce que… moi j’ai envie d’être une star de cinéma. Depuis quelques semaines dans cette classe de CP, l’enseignant cherche avec ses élèves comment son téléphone portable peut médiatiser efficacement l’apprentissage de l’écriture. Nous le rencontrons en novembre 2015 et introduisons dans la classe un artefact numérique qui vise à instrumenter les activités de production de contenus numériques des élèves.Cette thèse interroge la conception et l’évaluation d’artefacts numériques, et contribue à répondre à la question suivante : comment concevoir pour contribuer au développement des activités scolaires de manière durable ? Et comment les artefacts numériques participent-ils de ce développement ? Nous dessinons une approche développementale de la conception, qui propose de déplacer l’objet de la conception des artefacts aux formes de l’agir collectif ; approche que nous mettons en œuvre à travers une recherche action longitudinale ancrée en ergonomie dans la classe de CP d’une école publique. Nous proposons son pendant méthodologique, qui entend transformer autant que comprendre : une démarche de « recherche par version », construite à partir des démarches participatives en design d’interaction et de la théorie socio-culturelle de l’activité, qui met en avant la dimension développementale et sociale de l’agir. Notre étude a pour objet l’interrelation du développement des artefacts numériques et des personnes au sein de la classe de CP. Nous nous appuyons sur les concepts issus de l’approche instrumentale, qui permettent d’étudier les transformations des activités des personnes dans la classe, en considérant l’histoire socialement distribuée de la création de leurs instruments. Nous concluons sur l’intérêt de considérer la conception d’artefacts techniques comme un processus continu, situé et distribué.- Why do you like making videos?- Mmmh, because… I can be seen, and it feels good to see people.- Me, it is because I would like to be a movie star. In a first graders classroom, a teacher and his pupils experiment the use of a smartphone to efficiently enhance the way pupils learn to write. I meet with him in November 2015 and I introduce a digital system in the classroom, aiming at mediating pupils’ production of digital content. This dissertation focuses on the design and evaluation of digital tools and addresses the following issue: how to design in order to develop educational activities in a sustainable way? And what roles do the artifacts play in this development?I propose a developmental approach to design, that envisions a change of object: instead of focusing on artifacts, I suggest that designing in a developmental perspective is concerns by the configurations of new forms of collective action. In this study, I apply this perspective in an elementary classroom in a public school in Paris. Aligned with this approach to design, I draw a methodology that helps me transform as much as study situated ways of acting. This methodology, closely related to action research, borrows from Participatory Design practices and values combined with a Cultural-Historical Activity Theory framework (CHAT). This study investigates the developmental processes of both artifacts and people in this first graders classroom, by tracking how artifacts are used and redesigned through the classroom’s practices, as much as they transform them. I conclude by discussing the benefit of adopting such a design approach, considering design as a situated, continuous and distributed process

    Navigating between an End-goal and a 'Readiness to be Affected': A Virtual Reality Briefing to the United Nations Security Council

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    This article describes the design process behind a Virtual Reality movie intended to brief the Security Council of the United Nations about the situation in Iraq, in April 2019. The last couple of years have seen an increase of Virtual Reality movies made by the UN to support advocacy campaigns and provide general public information. But in this case, the goal was to test if the immersive experiences that Virtual Reality movies enable could be used as a political tool. Through a personal reflection upon the peculiar circumstances of this process, this account shows how aiming solely at instrumenting the briefing, which is a typical political situation in the organization, hid the political and transformative potentials of all the other situations of the design process. I will discuss what inhibited these potentials and how they could be enabled, from the perspective of the social interactions and instrumental mediations at play