2 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Manjisthadi Yoga in Paracetamol induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rat

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    The liver is one of the most essential organs in the body, as it regulates a variety of physiological functions. It plays a role in metabolism, secretion, storage and among other things. It has a high ability for detoxication and the creation of beneficial principles. A nutritious meal is essential for developing tissue and cells, however nowadays people avoid eating healthy meals in favor of fast food to save time and money. This junk food is jam-packed with pollutants like phthalates that are bad for the body, as well as excessive amounts of sugar, salt and trans-fat. Numerous metabolic illnesses and systemic issues like obesity, diabetes and liver disease are caused by them. This type of meal or cuisine is referred to as Viruddha Aahara in Ayurveda. Viruddh Aahara, when consumed in excess, agitates the Doshas at their locations and remains in the body, blocking channels (Strotoavrodha). This block prevents nutrients from reaching the Dhatus (tissue) and many Dhatujanya Vikara develop as a result. As a result, hepatotoxic chemicals' injury to the liver has serious consequences. Toxic substances, excessive alcohol intake, virus infections, medicines such as paracetamol, antibiotics and autoimmune disorders are the main causes of liver damage. Taking the all the above facts in consideration the selection of the study has been done

    A Comparative Clinical Study of Haritkyadi Churna Virechan and Jivantyadi Lepam in the Management of Kitibha Kustha (Psoriasis)

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    Patients with skin conditions frequently endure physical, emotional, and socioeconomic forms of social embarrassment. Up to 3.5% of the global total and 0.44%-2.8% of Indians suffer with the unpleasant dermatological disorder psoriasis. It is a widespread, chronic, non-infectious skin condition that can affect either sexes and affect any age, with incidence rates ranging from childhood to age one. It is characterized by well-defined, slightly elevated, dry, erythematous macules with silvery scales and a characteristic extensor distribution. In contrast to other dermatological disorders, psoriasis manifests as systemic symptoms like arthritis. The prevalence is highest in the third and fourth decades of life, when patients become unable of doing daily tasks. For some patients, social humiliation is a significant factor which leads to an increase in suicidal ideation. To raise public awareness, the 29th October has been designated as World Psoriasis Day. The Ayurvedic term for skin is "Charma" or "Twacha." Twacha is derived from the word Dhatu-twacha samvarne, which means body covering. The broad categories of Kushtha have been used to discuss all skin conditions in Ayurveda. There are two types of Kustha in Ayurveda. Mahakustha and Kshudra Kustha. Kitibha kustha belongs to Kshudra kustha. &nbsp