106 research outputs found

    The individual versus the state: status and role of the whistleblower

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    L’institut des dĂ©nonciateurs a pour but de mettre publiquement en garde contre les actes illĂ©gaux commis par certaines personnes dans le secteur public. Le terme «dĂ©nonciateur» dĂ©signe une personne ou un individu assez courageux, par conviction morale et malgrĂ© les risques auxquels elle s\u27expose, pour son intĂ©gritĂ© personnelle qui dĂ©cide de parler ouvertement et publiquement d\u27un comportement illĂ©gal ou contraire Ă  l\u27Ă©thique de la part de leurs supĂ©rieurs. Historiquement, les pays anglo-saxons ont davantage tendance Ă  protĂ©ger et Ă  reconnaĂźtre les lanceurs d\u27alerte que les pays continentaux. Par exemple, aux États-Unis, en 1863, la False Claim Act a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©e dans le but de protĂ©ger contre la corruption de fournisseurs publics. Les droits des lanceurs d’alerte aux États-Unis d’AmĂ©rique sont spĂ©cifiques. Ils soulignent l\u27importance de rĂ©compenser, notamment en matiĂšre de fraude fiscale et financiĂšre. L\u27auteur dĂ©crit des exemples du Royaume-Uni, du Canada, d\u27Italie, d\u27Allemagne, de Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine. En RĂ©publique française, le lanceur d’alerte a un statut, une cohĂ©rence et une efficacitĂ© particuliers, acquis grĂące aux rĂ©formes lĂ©gislatives de 2016. Depuis des annĂ©es, les organisations internationales mettent en avant l’importance des cadres institutionnels et normatifs rĂ©gissant la rĂ©glementation des lanceurs d’alerte. L\u27affirmation de l\u27institut des lanceurs d\u27alerte a Ă©tĂ© particuliĂšrement soulignĂ©e dans la recommandation du Conseil de l\u27Europe de 2014 sur la protection des lanceurs d\u27alerte. Cela suggĂšre que les États membres mettent en place un cadre global pour la protection de ceux qui signalent des irrĂ©gularitĂ©s dans le cadre de relations de travail. Des principes tels que des directives pour aider Ă  la formulation sont Ă©galement Ă©noncĂ©s. Le 14 fĂ©vrier 2017, dans le cadre de l\u27Union europĂ©enne, le Parlement europĂ©en a adoptĂ© la rĂ©solution sur le rĂŽle des lanceurs d\u27alerte dans la protection des intĂ©rĂȘts financiers de l\u27Union europĂ©enne, faisant rĂ©fĂ©rence au programme europĂ©en global pour la protection des lanceurs d\u27alerte.Institut zviĆŸdača javno upozorava na nezakonite radnje pojedinih osoba u javnom sektoru. Riječ «zviĆŸdač» označava osobu ili pojedinca dovoljno hrabra, koji se iz moralnih uvjerenja i unatoč rizicima za osobni integriteta javno progovara nezakonitom ili neetičnom ponaĆĄanju svojih nadređenih. Anglosaksonske zemlje povijesno imaju veću tendenciju da ĆĄtite i priznaju zviĆŸdače nego kontinentalne zemlje. Američki Public Interest Disclosure Act (1863) donese je s ciljem zaĆĄtite od korupcije vladinih dobavljača. Prava zviĆŸdača u SADi su specifična. NaglaĆĄavaju vaĆŸnost nagrađivanja koje se posebno odnosi na slučajeve oporezivanja i financijskih prijevara. Autor navodi primjer Ujedinjene Kraljevine, Kanade, Italije, Njemačke, Bosne i Hercegovine. U Republici Francuskoj zviĆŸdač ima poseban status, koherentnost i učinkovitost, koje je stekao zahvaljujući zakonodavnim reformama iz 2016. godine. Međunarodne organizacije već godinama promiču vaĆŸnost institucionalnih i normativnih okvira za reguliranje zviĆŸdača. Potvrđivanje instituta zviĆŸdača posebno je naglaĆĄeno u Preporuci Vijeća Europe iz 2014. o zaĆĄtiti zviĆŸdača. To sugerirapotrebu da drĆŸave članice uspostave sveobuhvatni okvir za zaĆĄtitu onih koji prijavljuju nepravilnosti u kontekstu radnih odnosa. Navedeni su i principi poput smjernica koje pomaĆŸu u formuliranju. U okviru Europske unije, Europski parlament je 14. veljače 2017. usvojio Rezoluciju o ulozi zviĆŸdača u zaĆĄtiti financijskih interesa Europske unije, pozivajući se na sveobuhvatni europski program zaĆĄtite zviĆŸdača.The institute of whistle-blower’s aim is to publicly warn of the illegal actions of certain individuals in public sector activity. The word « whistle-blower » denotes a person or individual brave enough, out of moral beliefs and despite the risks they are putting themselves under, for personal integrity who decides to openly and publicly speak out about some illegal or unethical behavior by their superiors. Anglo-Saxon countries historically have a greater tendency to protect and acknowledge whistle-blowers than continental countries. For example, in the United States in 1863 the False Claim Act was brought in with the aim of protecting against the corruption of government suppliers. Whistle-blowers’ rights in the United State of America are specific. They stress the importance of rewarding which particularly relates to taxation and financial fraud cases. Author describes examples of United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Germany, Bosnia and Hercegovina. In the Republic of France, the whistleblower has special status, coherence and efficiency, which s/he has acquired thanks to legislative reforms of 2016. For years, international organizations have been promoting the importance of institutional and normative frameworks for regulating whistleblowers. Affirming the institute of whistle-blowers was particularly stressed by the Council of Europe Recommendation of 2014 on the protection of whistle-blowers. This suggests member states establish an all-inclusive framework for the protection of those who report irregularities in the context of work relations. Also stated are principles such as directives to assist in formulation. Within the framework of the European Union, the European Parliament on 14 February 2017 adopted the Resolution on the role of whistle-blowers in the protection of the financial interests of the European Union, referring to the all-inclusive European Program for the protection of whistleblowers

    Security Systems in Francophone Africa

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    This research report is a broad-based study that seeks to understand the structural and developmental processes that characterise the security sector in Francophone Africa. Although each country has a distinct political history and tradition, similarities in the security apparatus, rooted in its inheritance from the colonial and post-colonial periods, can be found between Francophone countries in Africa. In the former French colonies, there are similarities to the French security system which are very strong on the normative side, such as the legal and institutional framework or the defence and security actors. However, even if these Francophone African countries borrow a lot from an originally French security system in terms of the institutional design of their security apparatus, they deviate considerably from it in terms of daily practice. The issue at stake in this paper is to highlight the kind of institutional framework prevailing in this set of countries and the specific considerations that international assistance will have to take into account. The paper also analyses briefly the difference between Anglophone and Francophone security systems. Finally, it makes some recommendations that might assist the security sector reform policy agenda and donor and recipient responses to the security challenges faced in Francophone AfricaAfrican Security Sector Networ

    Towards an enhanced understanding of aid policy reform: learning from the French case

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    Major overhauls of aid policies and institutions are comparatively rare. When they happen, they are usually ascribed to pressures arising from outside donor agencies. Where internal forces for change are identified, the focus is on field operatives rather than political entrepreneurs based in donor head offices. This article homes in on the role of the political entrepreneur and shows how this actor can help effect top‐down reforms to overseas development assistance. It does so by combining a political entrepreneurship perspective with a broader theorisation of policy change, historical institutionalism, and applying this innovative framework to French aid reforms over the years (2001–2010) when Jean‐Michel Severino was Managing Director of the Agence Française de DĂ©veloppement. It finds that, although historical institutionalism can explain the broad direction of French changes in terms of “structural factors” such as exogenous shocks and new institutional configurations, it struggles to account for incremental shifts and the emergence of “new” ideas. Political entrepreneurship addresses these issues through its emphasis on individual human agents and their operational and ideational strategies. It concludes that this relatively parsimonious framework could provide an enhanced understanding of other reforms in the international development field and beyond

    Shai Feldman (dir.). After the War in Iraq: Defining the New Strategic balance

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    Gounin. Shai Feldman (dir.). After the War in Iraq: Defining the New Strategic balance. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°4 - 2004 - 69ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 879-880

    Philippe Moreau Defarges. La communauté internationale

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    Gounin. Philippe Moreau Defarges. La communautĂ© internationale. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°2 - 2000 - 65ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 538-539

    Niagalé Bagayoko-Penone. Afrique : les stratégies française et américaine

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    Gounin. NiagalĂ© Bagayoko-Penone. Afrique : les stratĂ©gies française et amĂ©ricaine. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°4 - 2004 - 69ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 876-877

    Jean-Yves Haine. Les Etats-Unis ont-ils besoin d'alliés ?

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    Gounin. Jean-Yves Haine. Les Etats-Unis ont-ils besoin d'alliĂ©s ?. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°2 - 2004 - 69ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 459-461

    Bernard-Henri Lévy. Réflexßons sur la Guerre, le Mal et la fin de l'Histoire, précédé de Les Damnés de la Guerre

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    Gounin. Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy. RĂ©flexĂźons sur la Guerre, le Mal et la fin de l'Histoire, prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© de Les DamnĂ©s de la Guerre. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°2 - 2002 - 67ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 522-523

    Bernard Adam (dir.). La guerre du Kosovo. Eclairages et commentaires

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    Gounin. Bernard Adam (dir.). La guerre du Kosovo. Eclairages et commentaires. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°1 - 2000 - 65ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 261-262

    Annie Daubenton. Russie, l'Etat carnivore

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    Gounin. Annie Daubenton. Russie, l'Etat carnivore. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°3 - 1999 - 64ᔉannĂ©e. p. 761
