26 research outputs found

    Deletion of p38α MAPK in Microglia Blunts Trauma-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Mice

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the USA and other developed countries worldwide. Following the initial mechanical insult, the brain’s primary innate immune effector, microglia, initiate inflammatory signaling cascades and pathophysiological responses that can lead to chronic neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative sequelae. The p38α MAPK signaling pathway in microglia is a key contributor to inflammatory responses to diverse disease-relevant stressors and injury conditions. Therefore, we tested here whether microglia p38α contributes to acute and persistent inflammatory responses induced by a focal TBI. We generated conditional cell-specific knockout of p38α in microglia using a CX3CR1 Cre-lox system, subjected the p38α knockout and wild-type mice to a controlled cortical impact TBI, and measured inflammatory responses at acute (1-day) and subacute (7-day) post-injury time points. We found that deletion of p38α in microglia only was sufficient to attenuate multiple pro-inflammatory responses following TBI, notably reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production and recruitment of inflammatory monocytes into the brain and preventing the persistent microglial morphological activation. These data provide strong evidence supporting a role for microglial p38α in propagation of a chronic and potentially neurotoxic pro-inflammatory environment in the brain following TBI

    Attenuation of Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Cognitive Impairment in Mice by Targeting Increased Cytokine Levels with a Small Molecule Experimental Therapeutic

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence from clinical studies and preclinical animal models suggests that proinflammatory cytokine overproduction is a potential driving force for pathology progression in traumatic brain injury (TBI). This raises the possibility that selective targeting of the overactive cytokine response, a component of the neuroinflammation that contributes to neuronal dysfunction, may be a useful therapeutic approach. MW151 is a CNS-penetrant, small molecule experimental therapeutic that selectively restores injury- or disease-induced overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines towards homeostasis. We previously reported that MW151 administered post-injury (p.i.) is efficacious in a closed head injury (CHI) model of diffuse TBI in mice. Here we test dose dependence of MW151 to suppress the target mechanism (proinflammatory cytokine up-regulation), and explore the therapeutic window for MW151 efficacy. METHODS: We examined suppression of the acute cytokine surge when MW151 was administered at different times post-injury and the dose-dependence of cytokine suppression. We also tested a more prolonged treatment with MW151 over the first 7 days post-injury and measured the effects on cognitive impairment and glial activation. RESULTS: MW151 administered up to 6 h post-injury suppressed the acute cytokine surge, in a dose-dependent manner. Administration of MW151 over the first 7 days post-injury rescues the CHI-induced cognitive impairment and reduces glial activation in the focus area of the CHI. CONCLUSIONS: Our results identify a clinically relevant time window post-CHI during which MW151 effectively restores cytokine production back towards normal, with a resultant attenuation of downstream cognitive impairment

    Generation and Behavior Characterization of CaMKIIβ Knockout Mice

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    The calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is abundant in the brain, where it makes important contributions to synaptic organization and homeostasis, including playing an essential role in synaptic plasticity and memory. Four genes encode isoforms of CaMKII (α, β, δ, γ), with CaMKIIα and CaMKIIβ highly expressed in the brain. Decades of molecular and cellular research, as well as the use of a large number of CaMKIIα mutant mouse lines, have provided insight into the pivotal roles of CaMKIIα in brain plasticity and cognition. However, less is known about the CaMKIIβ isoform. We report the development and extensive behavioral and phenotypic characterization of a CaMKIIβ knockout (KO) mouse. The CaMKIIβ KO mouse was found to be smaller at weaning, with an altered body mass composition. The CaMKIIβ KO mouse showed ataxia, impaired forelimb grip strength, and deficits in the rotorod, balance beam and running wheel tasks. Interestingly, the CaMKIIβ KO mouse exhibited reduced anxiety in the elevated plus maze and open field tests. The CaMKIIβ KO mouse also showed cognitive impairment in the novel object recognition task. Our results provide a comprehensive behavioral characterization of mice deficient in the β isoform of CaMKII. The neurologic phenotypes and the construction of the genotype suggest the utility of this KO mouse strain for future studies of CaMKIIβ in brain structure, function and development

    MW151 Inhibited IL-1β Levels After Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses

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    A prevailing neuroinflammation hypothesis is that increased production of proinflammatory cytokines contributes to progressive neuropathology, secondary to the primary damage caused by a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In support of the hypothesis, post-injury interventions that inhibit the proinflammatory cytokine surge can attenuate the progressive pathology. However, other post-injury neuroinflammatory responses are key to endogenous recovery responses. Therefore, it is critical that pharmacological attenuation of detrimental or dysregulated neuroinflammatory processes avoid pan-suppression of inflammation. MW151 is a CNS-penetrant, small molecule experimental therapeutic that restores injury- or disease-induced overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines towards homeostasis without immunosuppression. Post-injury administration of MW151 in a closed head injury model of mild TBI suppressed acute cytokine up-regulation and downstream cognitive impairment. Here, we report results from a diffuse brain injury model in mice using midline fluid percussion. Low dose (0.5–5.0 mg/kg) administration of MW151 suppresses interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) levels in the cortex while sparing reactive microglia and astrocyte responses. To probe molecular mechanisms, we used live cell imaging of the BV-2 microglia cell line to demonstrate that MW151 does not affect proliferation, migration, or phagocytosis of the cells. Our results provide insight into the roles of glial responses to brain injury and indicate the feasibility of using appropriate dosing for selective therapeutic modulation of injurious IL-1β increases while sparing other glial responses to injury

    CCL3L1 copy number, CCR5 genotype and susceptibility to tuberculosis

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    Background: Tuberculosis is a major infectious disease and functional studies have provided evidence that both the chemokine MIP-1α and its receptor CCR5 play a role in susceptibility to TB. Thus by measuring copy number variation of CCL3L1, one of the genes that encode MIP-1α, and genotyping a functional promoter polymorphism -2459A > G in CCR5 (rs1799987) we investigate the influence of MIP-1α and CCR5, independently and combined, in susceptibility to clinically active TB in three populations, a Peruvian population (n = 1132), a !Xhosa population (n = 605) and a South African Coloured population (n = 221). The three populations include patients with clinically diagnosed pulmonary TB, as well as other, less prevalent forms of extrapulmonary TB. Methods and results: Copy number of CCL3L1 was measured using the paralogue ratio test and exhibited ranges between 0–6 copies per diploid genome (pdg) in Peru, between 0–12 pdg in !Xhosa samples and between 0–10 pdg in South African Coloured samples. The CCR5 promoter polymorphism was observed to differ significantly in allele frequency between populations (*A; Peru f = 0.67, !Xhosa f = 0.38, Coloured f = 0.48). Conclusions: The case–control association studies performed however find, surprisingly, no evidence for an influence of variation in genes coding for MIP-1α or CCR5 individually or together in susceptibility to clinically active TB in these populations

    CaMKIIβ KO show reduced anxiety-related behaviors.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) In the elevated plus maze task, the CaMKIIβ<sup>+/−</sup> and CaMKIIβ<sup>−/−</sup> mice spent more time in the open arms and less time in the closed arms compared to the CaMKIIβ<sup>+/+</sup> mice. (<b>B</b>) The KO mice also spent more time in the center of the open field. (<b>C</b>) Using the visual cliff test, the CaMKIIβ KO mice showed no deficit in vision (depth perception). Data are presented as means ±SEM. <sup>‡</sup>p<0.0001 Number of mice per group is indicated on each graph.</p

    Development and characterization of CaMKIIβ KO mice.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Diagram of the targeting vector plasmid used to construct the CaMKIIβ KO. (<b>B</b>) Representations of the CaMKIIβ wildtype genomic locus, the targeted selection allele, the conditional allele, and the KO allele are shown. Location of PCR primer sets used to detect the different alleles is indicated by the horizontal arrows. (<b>C</b>) Representative western blots show the lack of CaMKIIβ protein in the KO mice with no compensatory changes in CaMKIIα levels. Data are presented as means ±SEM. n = 3–4 mice per genotype, for each brain region.</p

    CaMKIIβ KO have impaired motor function.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) CaMKIIβ KO mice show impaired forelimb grip strength but not hindlimb grip strength. The CaMKIIβ were impaired on the rotorod (<b>B</b>) and on the balance beam (<b>C</b>). No difference in spontaneous movement was seen in the open field task (<b>D</b>), but spontanous activity in the running wheel was decreased (<b>E</b>). *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Data are presented as means ±SEM. Number of mice per group is indicated on each graph.</p

    CaMKIIβ KO mice have impaired cognitive function and nesting behavior.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) None of the mice show a preference for two identical objects presented in the NOR training session. In the subsequent test session done after a 4 hour delay, the WT mice showed a preference for the novel object as indicated by increased D2 index, but the KO mice showed no preference for either object. (<b>B</b>) CaMKIIβ KO mice made a significantly lower quality nest compared to their littermates. (<b>C</b>) Representative photographs of the nests. Photographs on the bottom row are higher-power views of the nests at 24 h. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Data are presented as means ±SEM. Number of mice per group is indicated on each graph.</p